GROSS. Beyonce’s Super Bowl Performance Was a Racist Political Statement In Support of Marxist Cop K

what's "happening" is people don't like unarmed black men being killed for no reason. if it were being done to white young men, you'd feel the same.

the interpretation and villainization of that sentiment is the problem. not the sentiment.
NO! That's NOT what's happening. Unarmed black men are being killed because they were STUPID, OVERCONFIDENT, and CRIMINAL. Examples abound >> Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Laquann McDonald, etc etc ad nauseum.

You are also on record as an ANTI-WHITE RACIST. We'll have to start doing a count now.
What does he have to do with my post ? Rhetorical question. Answer: NOTHING. (other than a deflection attempt)..
Sorry, you classified yourself as ANTI-WHITE RACIST. Nobody else did that.
epic fail all your posts address it either directly or indirectly
Btw it's not critical thinking .
The correct term is analytical thinking and it's part of logic.
It's you who's in dire need of an education.
lol, and if you think that your post demonstrates good critical thinking, then I rest my case, roflmao
Best you could do?
Proof of your clueless babbaling.
GROSS. Beyonce's Super Bowl Performance Was a Racist Political Statement In Support of Marxist Cop Killers - The Gateway Pundit

Does anyone care what the Racist First Lady has to say. No! But only if your a racist also! Neither do we care what the Socialist, Muslim, Traitor has to say. He is incapable of telling the truth. Hasn't seven years of lying convinced you yet? Muslims have always been a part of America, Lie! You can keep your doctor, Lie!
Americans will save $2500 a year, Lie!. On and on and on!

Stupid OP thinks all blacks look alike. That or he thinks Michelle Obama did the half time show.
That would be about as effective as pissing on a forest fire.
Like everything else you know jackshit about the music business.
Not a lot to know. We all know she doesn't own it. And if those who control where her money's coming from, were to decide to shut off the flow, it's off. Wouldn't take much.
That would be about as effective as pissing on a forest fire.
Like everything else you know jackshit about the music business.
Not a lot to know. We all know she doesn't own it. And if those who control where her money's coming from, were to decide to shut off the flow, it's off. Wouldn't take much.
Bullshit! she and her husband own the copyright to all her "intellectual property" plus their own label/production company.
I'd tell you to quit not and not make a bigger asshole out of yourself but that's impossible.

They look pretty militant there with their Super bowl lanyards, patent leather shoes, and garters.

If this is what scares the right wing...10-20 black wonder you guys are so angry all the time.

As for the political motivations of the speech...whatever they didn't work. I watched almost 15 minutes of the halftime show and didn't see much that caught my attention over my Buffalo Wild Wing order of garlic parmesan wings.

Nothing scary, but when I watch football I really use it as an escape from all this political and social shit. Now that's even been tainted.

Only if you let it taint the experience.

I remember back in the 1980's when the players were going to go on strike, the entire teams walked to the middle of the field and shook hands 1/2 way between the hash marks to show union solidarity; Aaron Rodgers was and is a vocal opponent to Scott Walker's purge of unions; 2 years ago St. Louis Rams players came out with their hands up.....

And "now" something is tainted when most people didn't even notice?


l remember that shit, I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.
Bullshit! she and her husband own the copyright to all her "intellectual property" plus their own label/production company.
I'd tell you to quit not and not make a bigger asshole out of yourself but that's impossible.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER" what they own. They can own anything. They still have to sell it, and if nobody's buying, they go broke. And they can also fall prey to the typical things that ring celebrities down >> drugs, bad investments, divorce, the IRS, etc Just like all these once very rich celebrities >>

20 Celebrities Who Went Broke

Somehow you though Betonce was immune from all this ? :biggrin:
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oh ye who has never seen a fact he didn't distort or a history he has not willfully misrepresented.
So you're saying that the largest racial discrimination in America, against by far, the largest number of people (Whites) is not AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ? Back to the drawing board for you. :biggrin:

They look pretty militant there with their Super bowl lanyards, patent leather shoes, and garters.

If this is what scares the right wing...10-20 black wonder you guys are so angry all the time.

As for the political motivations of the speech...whatever they didn't work. I watched almost 15 minutes of the halftime show and didn't see much that caught my attention over my Buffalo Wild Wing order of garlic parmesan wings.

Nothing scary, but when I watch football I really use it as an escape from all this political and social shit. Now that's even been tainted.

Only if you let it taint the experience.

I remember back in the 1980's when the players were going to go on strike, the entire teams walked to the middle of the field and shook hands 1/2 way between the hash marks to show union solidarity; Aaron Rodgers was and is a vocal opponent to Scott Walker's purge of unions; 2 years ago St. Louis Rams players came out with their hands up.....

And "now" something is tainted when most people didn't even notice?


l remember that shit, I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. if you didn't like that in 1980 then how the fuck did Beyonce 25 years later ruin your escape that was ruined 25 years earlier?

Thats the problem with the right. Probe a little and you'll find their outrage is bullshit on toast.
oh ye who has never seen a fact he didn't distort or a history he has not willfully misrepresented.
So you're saying that the largest racial discrimination in America, against by far, the largest number of people (Whites) is not AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ? Back to the drawing board for you. :biggrin:

Not when white girls use it more than any other group. Don't I remind you of that fact on a weekly basis?

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