Groomer Alert: LGBTQ youtubers/TikTok creators claim all your children belong to us and that they will raise your children just right.

That is all you could come with? You lot could criticize cuties but stay mum on pageants?:rolleyes:
I said Conservatives went after Netflix for Cuties …which was deliberately sexualized for “art” as admitted by its creator and advertised as “the coming of age of an 11 year old in the era of TicTok.”. Lefties of course defended it. That was my point.

I don’t like any venue that sexualizes children. The left on the other hand has no problem sexualizing and exploiting young children when it fits their agenda.
You left out bible literacy, creationism and a version of history that makes everyone “comfortable” and omits anything that normalizes the fact that Heather has two mommies.
Both those links are kind of disingenuous.

I would have absolutely no problem if public schools waited to teach gender studies to junior high or high school students on an elective basis.

And? Both those links mentioned, that this Christian teaching? Was on an elective basis. Why can't we have things be equal then?


From your first link;
“Proposals from lawmakers in at least six states would require or encourage public schools to offer elective classes on the Bible’s literary and historical significance.. ."
From your second link;
"The bill, later passed in the House on April 7, does not require creationism to be taught by K-12, but nevertheless reinvigorates debate around an issue which the state of Arkansas has not touched since the early 80s. .. .. "

There is a difference between making something mandatory, and making it an elective.

There is nothing "normal," about having two mommies, nor should that be taught.

If someone wants it taught to their kids? They can teach it to their kids themselves, or they can have their kids take an elective class. . . .

As far as a "version," of history? If you are referring to that NYT project? That received a bunch of criticism, and was very controversial, I do not think that "makes everyone comfortable."
Personally i hate the children beauty pageants...why do you think conservative parents are promoting beauty pageants?? NO. I'd hardly call Jon Benet's parents conservatives. Just because it did not come up you blame the right for it????
Democrats like to assign things you are allowed to be offended by…while defending the things you are not allowed to be offended by when it comes to sexualizing children. They assume a lot.
Reading Writing and Arithmetic is what we want taught. And leave it to the left to pervert that.

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Thanks! I had been looking everywhere for examples of what they thought were CRT in . . . math books?! :auiqs.jpg:

This is really, completely unnecessary, and distracts from education. . . a complete political axe to grind.

coyote said:
You left out bible literacy, creationism and a version of history that makes everyone “comfortable” and omits anything that normalizes the fact that Heather has two mommies

you only want the THEORY of Evolution do you. Well hasn't that worked out so well!! LOLOL
There's nothing wrong with looking at all points of view instead of the left's penchant for shouting down anyone elses point of view they disagree with. What has happened to the alleged original beliefs of the left? hmmm.

and bible literacy, classic.....i haven't seen heather has two mommies on the Classical book must read list. LOLOL or how about this one....Everybody Poops. Like they don't know this already. LOLOL Liberal higher wonder we're in the mess we're in. LOLOL

GROOMER ALERT: LGBTQ YouTubers/TikTok creators claim “all your children belong to us” and that they will raise your children “just right”

These sickos have grown so bold all types of videos are coming out similar to this or worse.
Parents , or Grandparents please wake the hell up they are seuxalizing your children,
they are going to grow up as rapist or child molesters this is insane!!!!

To me it seems totally fake. He didn't say who these people are. They could just be right wingers. It seems like they're being sarcastic as well.
WTF they aren’t about sexualizing children? Have you LOOKED at those pictures? Talk about sick filth.

I did see the pictures that were posted earlier in this thread. No doubt, someone with pedophiliac tendencies might look at those pictures, and see something sexually-stimulating, but all I saw was beautiful young girls, a bit too made-up for my liking, but not anything sexual. We can argue whether it is a good thing or not to encourage young girls to put such emphasis on such concepts of feminine beauty; but you have to have a really fucked-up mind to see that as being in any way comparable to explicitly “teaching” young children about, and guiding them toward, depraved sexual perversions such as homosexuality, transsexuality, and such; and to think that you have, here, any basis for a tu quoque argument in defense of the latter.

But then, I think that it is already very well-established that you are, indeed, at least that fucked up, and most likely, much more so. No sane human being could ever defend the sick, depraved shit that you've lately been defending.
You left out bible literacy, creationism and a version of history that makes everyone “comfortable” and omits anything that normalizes the fact that Heather has two mommies.
and bible literacy, classic.....i haven't seen heather has two mommies on the Classical book must read list. LOLOL

It's as I have observed before.

LIbErals claim to be opposed to allowing “religion” in public schools, but really, that's a lie.

What they do not want to allow in public schools is God's religion. In its place, they want to teach Satan's religion, thinly-disguised as secularism.
To me it seems totally fake. He didn't say who these people are. They could just be right wingers. It seems like they're being sarcastic as well.

Keep telling yourself that, there’s a few thousand more if you want some more proof of nuts all around.
To me it seems totally fake. He didn't say who these people are. They could just be right wingers. It seems like they're being sarcastic as well.

Like this loon who wants to tell kids all about his detailed sex life all day like they are his adult friends to talk to.


this loon

Or how about some nice porn books for children

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Why is it you guys never complain about child beauty pageants?

Do they tea h the little ones how to use sex toys? Do they instruct them on masturbation techniques?

In other words grooming is very specific to a criminal act.

But you already know that.
Do they tea h the little ones how to use sex toys? Do they instruct them on masturbation techniques?

In other words grooming is very specific to a criminal act.

But you already know that.

Listen to this pos

Keep telling yourself that, there’s a few thousand more if you want some more proof of nuts all around.

So you reply has nothing in it?

You don't even bother to respond to the blatantly obvious points being made?

You just want to believe huh?
Like this loon who wants to tell kids all about his detailed sex life all day like they are his adult friends to talk to.


this loon

Or how about some nice porn books for children

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The problem being you don't know who these people are. It's not difficult for a conservative to pretend to be some crazed liberal, you know?

And yet you people lap this up.
Why is it you guys never complain about child beauty pageants?
Even the Beauty pageants aren't as twisted and loaded with Groomers as the schools and the rest of the gay community have become. And that is saying a lot.

Leave kids alone---especially those that belong to other people. NO sane normal person wants to talk about their sex lives to 4-12 years olds.
Like this loon who wants to tell kids all about his detailed sex life all day like they are his adult friends to talk to.


this loon

Or how about some nice porn books for children

View attachment 635902

But I'm going to discuss the people you've shown, if they have anything that shows who they are.

1) Allyn Walker.

"Walker insisted it it was important to use the term “minor-attracted persons” instead of “pedophile” because it’s less stigmatizing."

This is all about controlling narratives. For a bunch of people who complain about shutting others up, this is a clear case of this.

The guy merely said the term is stigmatizing. Which to an extent it is.

Pedophilia is when someone is attracted to pre-pubescent children. It doesn't mean they've acted on this desire. I wouldn't know how many pedophiles have never harmed children at all, I doubt there are statistics for it.

It's like saying because someone's attracted to women they will rape people.

The narrative of trying to keep the term pedophile is pretty clear. They like the word having stigma.

Now, the debate (in a free society with freedom of speech) would be whether the term should have stigma or not. I'd guess most people would would say yes, it should have stigma and I'm not going to say they're wrong. HOWEVER what this guy said isn't necessary worth losing a job over, nor is it anything for you to come on here and claim some kind of kiddy fiddling conspiracy.

The second one, about school teachers wanting to talk about gay parents.

I'm going to turn it around.

When a woman is pregnant, it means she's FUCKED. It means some guy put a dick up her vagina and fucked until the sperm came out. Should we ban all talk about pregnant women? Lock them up until they've given birth to not "hyper sexualize our children"?

Should we ban talk of mommy and daddy, because clearly mommy and daddy were FUCKING. Dick, vagina problem again.

The reality is that this is, again, a narrative trying to attack gay people. It's religious in nature. Children don't really have much problem dealing with mommy being pregnant again. They don't really need to know that daddy had her knickers down on the dining room table and was thrusting for five minutes straight. So why would kids have a problem with two men or two women? The reality is they wouldn't.

The third one about a kid dressing up in girls' clothing. This is just ridiculous. Kids don't really have any preconceived ideas about what is what. Long hair for kids is hair until the point where adults have put their preconceptions on the kids that "Long hair is for girls". Or that skirts are for girls (what about kilts?)

I've worked in schools and I've worked around gay kids. I've worked around small children and I know that identity is something that kids don't really give a damn about. Some kids are very masculine, some very feminine, others in the middle, regardless of gender.

What you're saying is that a kid who feels that he prefers going against conservative norms should be kept in the quiet, as if, if we don't talk about it, they'll stop thinking about it.

The very same reason why STDs are higher in conservative places that simply don't talk about things other than abstinence.

The drag queen thing seems to hinge on profanity and the appropriateness of the song.
How to reply to a wall—————Hmmmmm

Yah don’t.

How to reply to something that requires READING????? You make points and then you expect everyone to work on a grade one level reading ability or what?

I doubt you have any interest in conversing with me, mostly because you want to post to manipulate people into your way of thinking, and know if you actually have to talk about this stuff you'll get embarrassed.

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