Greta Thunberg Fights Over Microphone with Climate Activist to Support Hamas, Then Her Lefty Goons remove him

Somebody was saying it's fetal alcohol syndrome.

idk, she just looks so smooth and odd.

Like a little one of them crazy lizards I have out back that I've never seen anywhere else girl.

These lizards are weird, they're all pale, don't have the throat thing, only come out at night, and run upside down on the ceiling of the porch. Little buggy eyes. I've never seen them anywhere but here.

Oh! They're always around, except when I'm looking for one just now. Grawr!
That looks like a gold skink. Nah, we got skinks, not like that, though. Ours are bluish/blackish.

Halfway to a Black Racer.

That's kinda purty.

These things look like some kinda troglodyte toxic waste lizards.

I'm sure you've bagged quite a few skinks ;)
The Climate Warrior is so anti-Israel that she decided to interrupt a Climate Change pow wow to spout her political rhetoric regarding the Jewish state.

The Left is getting torn apart from within.

And I love to see it. ;)

Im not sure which one looks the most medicated, or needs it more!
Here's 1 of the weird lizards:


He's upside down.

Didn't get the buggy eyes good enough. :dunno:

Anyway, Greta reminds me of those, kinda mutated or something.

Man, them things get in the house and there ain't no bugs for 'em to eat, and the AC just mummifies 'em.

Anybody know what kind of lizard that is?
The Climate Warrior is so anti-Israel that she decided to interrupt a Climate Change pow wow to spout her political rhetoric regarding the Jewish state.

The Left is getting torn apart from within.

And I love to see it. ;)

What did I just watch?

Never mind. It's not important. Just a bunch of leftist pooping all over each other.
She's emulating how she wants Palestine to be.

Just a kid but she attracts an army of lunatics much like herself. Just like all Leftists around here, she tells her dissenting view to "calm down" without having the decency to even explain her opinioin.... just transition into a brainwashed chant. I also notice when I look in her eyes there is very little compassion. Looks like blood lust to me. She will be a dangerous adult.

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