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Hello, I am Liberalism. I am one of the greatest influences on the political minds behind the American revolution. I happen to be absent of late due to the influences of corruption. Corruption's attempt to take over the republic from time to time can be quite unsettling, but rest assured dear people that what some view as the enemies of liberalism and the American republic: conservatism, and populism, will eventually be beaten back as they always have been. They serve a role that is not always obvious.
The perceived enemies of liberalism and her child America, will always rear their suffocating heads from time to time as they are the polar opposites of liberalism. They are the yin of Liberty's yang.
Fear not conservative principles as they are nothing but a part of the dual nature that is American independence, freedom and liberty. They are not our enemies. They are only our darker side: slow, soft, insubstantial, diffuse, cold, wet, and tranquil.
The perceived enemies of liberalism and her child America, will always rear their suffocating heads from time to time as they are the polar opposites of liberalism. They are the yin of Liberty's yang.
Fear not conservative principles as they are nothing but a part of the dual nature that is American independence, freedom and liberty. They are not our enemies. They are only our darker side: slow, soft, insubstantial, diffuse, cold, wet, and tranquil.