Great news: Three Rhino Poachers Eaten By Lions in South Africa


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
A pride of lions ate a group of poachers after they broke into a game reserve earlier this week in South Africa to hunt rhinoceroses.

Three men were believed to have been eaten alive by the predators sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning after they entered the Sibuya Game Reserve in Kenton-on-Sea to hunt rhinos, Nick Fox, the park’s owner, told Newsweek.

After the incident, authorities recovered the remains of their parts, three pairs of shoes, wire cutters, high-powered hunting rifles fitted with silencers and a type of ax that is commonly used by poachers to remove rhino horns.

“The only body part we found was one skull and one bit of pelvis, everything else was completely gone,” Fox said. “There is so little left that they don’t know exactly how many people were killed, we suspect three because we found three sets of shoes and three sets of gloves.”

Three Rhino Poachers Eaten By Lions in South Africa

That, is some funny stuff. Part of a pelvis, three sets of shoes, and three sets of gloves

These guys definitely qualify for Darwin Award nomination consideration.

Okay now guys here’s my plan. We sneak into this game reserve in the middle of the night to score us a rhino and its horn which we promptly turn into cash so we can go have us a fun night of hooch and babes down at the Hut Bar. All we gotta do to pull this off is keep on our toes in there because it is a game reserve so there’s bound to be a lot of dangerous predators out and about on their nightly prowlings around in search of something to eat because they’re very hungry. So, heads on a swivel and it should be a piece of cake. You guys in?

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