Grand Jury Indicts 3 Officers in McClain Killing


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024

Elijah McClain case: Grand jury indicts police, paramedics in death​

Attorney General Phil Weiser in January said he would use state grand jury to investigate 2019 death​

Three Aurora police officers and two paramedics will face criminal charges, including manslaughter, in connection with the 2019 death of Elijah McClain.


McClain family
Elijah McClain
A state grand jury indicted Aurora police officers Nathan Woodyard and Randy Roedema, former officer Jason Rosenblatt and paramedics Jeremy Cooper and Lt. Peter Cichuniec on 32 counts, according to an indictment made public Wednesday by Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser.

The indictment comes just over two years after McClain, 23, died after being violently detained by the officers and injected with the sedative ketamine by paramedics.

All five face charges of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide.

This is the entire incident including the 911 call where a worried citizen called in to report this person.

What do we have? A person resisting from the beginning. A person refusing to follow police directives. A person who became physically combative.

The police on numerous occasions told this thug to relax, and to stop resisting. He would not listen to commands so they had to increase force until he was compelled physically to cooperate.

Why can't these people simply cooperate with simple instructions?
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Haven't heard of the case, but in opposition to the racial content as always, I ask, if the person resisted, then why is there a pattern of resistance like we are seeing in these people who resist ??? Is it fear of cop's, especially if living a thug life or is it just arrogance and pride within a certain character of those who have been raised in these way's ??

How is it reversed in the newer generation's, and how is the trend reversed in the older and/or the newer generation's ??? Does the parties responsible at the top finally need to be held accountable for their reckless action's of ignoring or promoting lifestyle's that are deadly to human beings, otherwise as the stats or results do bare out over time ??????

Look at Hollywood for example, and how it had used it's platforms to lift up the bad within the culture's, otherwise to not just write or make film's about it, but rather just look at how it actually had written scripts that began glorifying the bad within the many deadly cult's created over time.

By making them look cool or like hero's and such, these sect's or gullable groups or individual's follow it all like sheep following a bad lead..

We as a nation know what has happened, and we know why it keeps happening. We know who the culprit's are, who the victims are, and why nothing is done to fix it.

Now if the elite can just go on as if they think we are all just these dumb stupid creature's out here, then so be it, but sooner or later it'll all change like it eventually does over various time periods, and many elite's will die of old age only knowing the tragedies that they've caused here on earth while living lavishly off of those tragedies created. Then HELL will be awaiting them on the other side, even though they will claim there is no hell etc.

No happy ending will be written into their final script in which is soon to be written, and completed by the Creator himself.

Time to change people, time to change if only on a personal level. Quit being gullable and stupid. Quit following bad people and their bad ideas. If poor, then so be it, but it's no excuse to be evil or to do evil. Join forces against evil, and become triumphant over such things. As long as a person has a roof over their head, soap and water, food on the table, and clothes on their back, then they are already safe, then comes the character part, and what one does with his or her character if raised right or not raised right. Choices are made, and consequence result's, so the right choices are to be made regardless of status or stature in in life. God is the only hope for mankind to get through this mess, and educating oneself about that is the only way out for good.
He resisted and tried to grab one of the officers gun. So yeah, he did something.
the cops aaaaalways say that, til some vid pops up that shows otherwise.
I am split on this. half for the cops and half for the people.

Not to mention the cops kill and phak with many caucasians but no one gives shit about them: "those caucasians can rot in hell" type of assessment.
Also another really really interesting fact:
More blacks get murdered by their very own than any cops regardless of their ethnicity. FACT. Like somebody said:
"IF Black lives matter" why are blacks killing their own like there is no tomorrow?!" And I agree with them.

Elijah McClain case: Grand jury indicts police, paramedics in death​

Attorney General Phil Weiser in January said he would use state grand jury to investigate 2019 death​

I bet mcClain had a RECORD. Dope and Violence?

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