Governor Newsom Announces New Efforts to Support Kids’ Mental Health (suicide is the leading cause of death nationally for kids aged between 10 & 14)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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kid's mental health wasn't an issue that got a lot of traction before...until the pandemic pushed it to the forefront. our children deserve the most from us to give them the tools they need and deserve to thrive and fulfill their potential

Lockdowns were worse than the virus. The scumbag POS LEFT has alot to answer for.
kid's mental health wasn't an issue that got a lot of traction before...until the pandemic pushed it to the forefront. our children deserve the most from us to give them the tools they need and deserve to thrive and fulfill their potential

All suicides can be blamed on the NEA and Alphabet Pedo Lobby of The DemNazi Left.
i wish my son was this handsome and talented


Governor Newsom Announces New Efforts to Support Kids’ Mental Health (suicide is the leading cause of death nationally for kids aged between 10 & 14)​

If I were a kid growing up in Socialist California these days overrun with people, illegal foreigners and crime having been put through these last few years, I'd probably want to off myself, too.

Maybe the problem isn't kid's mental health, maybe they are just being normal and reasonable responding to the shithole world that leftist progs have CREATED FOR THEM?!
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