Government Worker Furloughs Was Straight up Politics


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Why? Because the supposed savings were not returned to Washington. One would of thought some sort of accounting system would have been in place that would have returned that part of the organizations FY13 budget to Washington. However, after the fiasco related to the Obamacare rollout, it's not surprising the Feds couldn't muster a solution to do so.

It didn't happen and lawsuits are filed.

So I ask

What was the purpose of the shutdown if the savings from a 14 day furlough were not returned to Washington? All that happened was labor funds saved were used to buy stuff you didn't need.

Just more attacks on Federal workers from the Imperial WH

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Maybe they wouldn't of been furloughed if your party didn't play fuck around the rosy????

Again... What was the purpose of the furlough if there was no cost savings?

BTW- I'm not a republican


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