Government - waste, fraud, and abuse

In his State of the Union address, President Obama said he wanted to “make high-quality preschool available to every child in America” and “make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.”

Another government-controlled, top-down, one-size-fits-all program—what could go wrong?

Look at the government’s record. As Heritage’s Lindsey Burke, the Will Skillman Fellow in Education, and research associate Rachel Sheffield point out in their new paper, “Washington already has a poor track record for K–12 education, with federal spending nearly tripling over the past three decades while academic achievement and attainment languishes

Why We Don't Need Universal Preschool

It's a fact that the more government has spent on poverty, the worse the poverty situation as become in the U.S. And the more they've spent on education, the worse our entire education system has become in the U.S.

But hey, liberals were never ones to let facts stand in the way...
Washington does not provide K-12 education, local communities do chief. Local communities are supposed to. But as it stands now, the federal government has unconstitutionally thrown around federal tax payer dollars to city schools all over this country in exchange for control over them. You might want to check the facts before blindly commenting. Just say'n... :dunno:
No they haven't. The federal government pays around ten percent of a schools funding. The remaining 90% is paid at the state and local level
They are constitutionally required to pay 0% chief. And that 10% has given them complete and total control over the schools as, to get that 10%, the school must FULLY comply with any and ALL federal mandates.

So as I stated previously, you might want to check the facts before blindly commenting. Just say'n.... :dunno:

If we vote for it, the Federal Government can pay for ALL education chief
Bureaucrats Gone Wild “Punished” with Paid Vacations... ($19 million)

Charging booze and personal trips on the office credit card. Passing out on the job after a late night of partying. Wasting most of the work day surfing for smut on office computers. Making unwanted sexual advances. Using an office laptop to send explicit images.

Any one of these outrageous behaviors would be reason enough for most to be fired... unless, of course, you are on the federal government’s payroll, in which case you might instead get a paid vacation lasting months or even years.

Rather than disciplining employees who are underperforming or even engaging in criminal mischief, federal bureaucrats place troublesome employees on “administrative leave,” where they continue to get paid but are essentially relieved of their duties including having to report to work or do work. A federal employment attorney calls administrative leave “the government’s dirty little secret.”

3. VA execs covered up veterans’ deaths and patient delays to secure performance bonuses for themselves.

Public outrage over a scheme by executives at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics to get paid bonuses by manipulating wait times and patients’ deaths cost the job of one employee at the department-- the Secretary. A whistleblower revealed the Phoenix VA Health Care System was concealing long delays for care and maintaining a secret list of patient wait that claimed the lives of as many as 40 veterans. A series of audits and investigations found VA administrators from coast to coast were “gaming the system” by “producing phony appointment data” to cover-up the thousands of veterans waiting months to see a doctor. Those within the agency who attempted to speak out against the culture of corruption were punished, but those involved in the scheme have yet to be held accountable. Three executives at the Phoenix VA were put on administrative leave in May “until further notice,” including the director and associate director. Each continues to receive their full salary, for the director that amounts to nearly $170,000 annually, or $85,000 since being put on leave.

This one is especially disturbing as it continues the disgusting pattern of liberals - greed and complete contempt and neglect for our veterans.

They are on paid administrative leave until their case is investigated and ruled upon

After the process is over they will either be fired or returned to their position. It is part of "innocent until proven guilty"
Hey genius - they were CAUGHT in the act. Furthermore genius, "innocent until proven guilty" applies to criminal trials in the court - not to employment! There is no laws regarding "innocent until proven guilty" with your employment status. And when a liberal at the EPA admits to surfing porn for 6 hours per day while at work, then the "proven guilty" thing has been covered.

Man alive do you just make up some insane/absurd stuff as you go. Even in the face of indisputable facts, you keep playing the good little liberal soldier denying reality.

The overwhelming majority of Federal Employees who are investigated for wrongdoing remain on the job while their case is litigated. Those sent home on administrative leave are rare and it is done to protect both parties

Workers are entitled to certain rights and protections. This is one of them
[QPublic funding for pre-K programs comes primarily from three sources: states; special education funds for pre-K (funded by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B, Sec. 619); and Head Start, the federal pre-K program for children in poverty.

Some pre-K programs also receive funds from the federal Child Care and Development Fund and other federal social-services funds that provide block grants to states, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (the federal welfare program), or local governments

In his State of the Union address, President Obama said he wanted to “make high-quality preschool available to every child in America” and “make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.”

Another government-controlled, top-down, one-size-fits-all program—what could go wrong?

Look at the government’s record. As Heritage’s Lindsey Burke, the Will Skillman Fellow in Education, and research associate Rachel Sheffield point out in their new paper, “Washington already has a poor track record for K–12 education, with federal spending nearly tripling over the past three decades while academic achievement and attainment languishes

Why We Don't Need Universal Preschool

It's a fact that the more government has spent on poverty, the worse the poverty situation as become in the U.S. And the more they've spent on education, the worse our entire education system has become in the U.S.

But hey, liberals were never ones to let facts stand in the way...
Washington does not provide K-12 education, local communities do
In his State of the Union address, President Obama said he wanted to “make high-quality preschool available to every child in America” and “make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.”

Another government-controlled, top-down, one-size-fits-all program—what could go wrong?

Look at the government’s record. As Heritage’s Lindsey Burke, the Will Skillman Fellow in Education, and research associate Rachel Sheffield point out in their new paper, “Washington already has a poor track record for K–12 education, with federal spending nearly tripling over the past three decades while academic achievement and attainment languishes

Why We Don't Need Universal Preschool

It's a fact that the more government has spent on poverty, the worse the poverty situation as become in the U.S. And the more they've spent on education, the worse our entire education system has become in the U.S.

But hey, liberals were never ones to let facts stand in the way...
Washington does not provide K-12 education, local communities do chief. Local communities are supposed to. But as it stands now, the federal government has unconstitutionally thrown around federal tax payer dollars to city schools all over this country in exchange for control over them. You might want to check the facts before blindly commenting. Just say'n... :dunno:
No they haven't. The federal government pays around ten percent of a schools funding. The remaining 90% is paid at the state and local level
They are constitutionally required to pay 0% chief. And that 10% has given them complete and total control over the schools as, to get that 10%, the school must FULLY comply with any and ALL federal mandates.

So as I stated previously, you might want to check the facts before blindly commenting. Just say'n.... :dunno:

If we vote for it, the Federal Government can pay for ALL education chief

I would expect that from someone who doesn't know how their government works.

However, for the rest of us, we understand that the federal government is restricted to the 18 enumerated powers and education is not one of them.'s a quick civics lesson for you chief. If "we vote for it" (as you so eloquently put it), can we hang gay people? Of course not. Because the U.S. Constitution restricts the federal government in all kinds of ways and that includes Congress. Congress cannot simply "vote for" whatever they want. They can't vote to eliminate the 1st Amendment for example. Their vote means nothing and so does yours if your voting for something that is outside of the constitution (like bringing back slavery - which is something you liberals would love to do). Now listen, why don't you run along and play and let the adults discuss things now? You've said enough absurd/crazy stuff to illustrate to all of us that your not ready for the grown-up table yet.
Bureaucrats Gone Wild “Punished” with Paid Vacations... ($19 million)

Charging booze and personal trips on the office credit card. Passing out on the job after a late night of partying. Wasting most of the work day surfing for smut on office computers. Making unwanted sexual advances. Using an office laptop to send explicit images.

Any one of these outrageous behaviors would be reason enough for most to be fired... unless, of course, you are on the federal government’s payroll, in which case you might instead get a paid vacation lasting months or even years.

Rather than disciplining employees who are underperforming or even engaging in criminal mischief, federal bureaucrats place troublesome employees on “administrative leave,” where they continue to get paid but are essentially relieved of their duties including having to report to work or do work. A federal employment attorney calls administrative leave “the government’s dirty little secret.”

3. VA execs covered up veterans’ deaths and patient delays to secure performance bonuses for themselves.

Public outrage over a scheme by executives at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) clinics to get paid bonuses by manipulating wait times and patients’ deaths cost the job of one employee at the department-- the Secretary. A whistleblower revealed the Phoenix VA Health Care System was concealing long delays for care and maintaining a secret list of patient wait that claimed the lives of as many as 40 veterans. A series of audits and investigations found VA administrators from coast to coast were “gaming the system” by “producing phony appointment data” to cover-up the thousands of veterans waiting months to see a doctor. Those within the agency who attempted to speak out against the culture of corruption were punished, but those involved in the scheme have yet to be held accountable. Three executives at the Phoenix VA were put on administrative leave in May “until further notice,” including the director and associate director. Each continues to receive their full salary, for the director that amounts to nearly $170,000 annually, or $85,000 since being put on leave.

This one is especially disturbing as it continues the disgusting pattern of liberals - greed and complete contempt and neglect for our veterans.

They are on paid administrative leave until their case is investigated and ruled upon

After the process is over they will either be fired or returned to their position. It is part of "innocent until proven guilty"
Hey genius - they were CAUGHT in the act. Furthermore genius, "innocent until proven guilty" applies to criminal trials in the court - not to employment! There is no laws regarding "innocent until proven guilty" with your employment status. And when a liberal at the EPA admits to surfing porn for 6 hours per day while at work, then the "proven guilty" thing has been covered.

Man alive do you just make up some insane/absurd stuff as you go. Even in the face of indisputable facts, you keep playing the good little liberal soldier denying reality.

The overwhelming majority of Federal Employees who are investigated for wrongdoing remain on the job while their case is litigated. Those sent home on administrative leave are rare and it is done to protect both parties

Workers are entitled to certain rights and protections. This is one of them

My friend, you've already dropped the ball on this one. You've already illustrated to the world that you do not understand that "innocent until proven guilty" strictly applies to criminal charges. It doesn't apply to employment. Stop trying to back-peddle now in a desperate attempt to hang on to some perceived shred of credibility. Be a big boy, admit you're a wing-nut who makes stuff up in the face of indisputable facts, and then just admit you were wrong.

The facts are indisputable - the federal government is fleecing the American people out of billions of dollars because that's what liberals do. They find ways to get paid NOT to work. You have liberals surfing porn 6 hours a day and then after they admit that, they not only get to keep their job, they then get paid to stay home and not work (not that they were working before - since they were surfing porn 6 out of 8 hours a day).
Just curious RightWinger - why are you completely incapable of just saying "yeah - that's not right, we need to clean that up"? You say the most bizarre things attempting to defend the indefensible. Are you a paid troll for the Dumbocrats? Even when the facts are indisputable, you'll still defend libs with insane comments like "we can vote for anything we want" and "innocent until proven guilty".

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