Government too Big? – Where would you cost?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -

Start by cutting all earmarks. If you don't want to cut all then at least cut the most wasteful such as $$ to an airport in Penn. that serves less than 100 patrons (Remote Murtha airport lands big bucks from Washington -, Turtle bridges ($3.4 Million of Federal Stimulus Money to Pay for Turtle Tunnel - WCJB TV-20) and etc. Then cut all waste and fraud from all entitlement programs. Tort reform will cut billions each year for unnecessary tests doctors request so they are not sued. That's just a few off the top of my head.
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -
Cut budgets by 1/3 across the board, and junk the let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business "healthcare reform" bill that was just rammed up our butts.

The abolish outright the Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, HUD and DHS.

Next, privatize the FAA, TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, FDA and outright junk the ATF, DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs.

Corporate welfare...Gone.
Farm subsidies and price supports...Gone.
Cash foreign aid...History.

And those are just off the top of my head.
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -

Start by cutting all earmarks. If you don't want to cut all then at least cut the most wasteful such as $$ to an airport in Penn. that serves less than 100 patrons (Remote Murtha airport lands big bucks from Washington -, Turtle bridges ($3.4 Million of Federal Stimulus Money to Pay for Turtle Tunnel - WCJB TV-20) and etc. Then cut all waste and fraud from all entitlement programs. Tort reform will cut billions each year for unnecessary tests doctors request so they are not sued. That's just a few off the top of my head.
IMHO, eliminating earmarks don't reduce appropriations but greatly increase the chances that the funds will be spent wisely. Tort reform is way overdue.

I am very dubious about any new program to reduce fraud. It seams that government response to accusations of fraud is to add additional procedures, paper work, and investigators which cost more money than it saves. I remember accusation by congress of fraud and misuse of funds by FEMA. It resulted in the agency putting so many checks and balances in their application process that it took forever for people who needed help to get it.

I have always wondered why government does not implement waste reduction programs where employees can recommend actions to reduce waste and receive a share of the savings. It seems to work in many business.
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -
Cut budgets by 1/3 across the board, and junk the let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business "healthcare reform" bill that was just rammed up our butts.

The abolish outright the Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, HUD and DHS.

Next, privatize the FAA, TSA, CPB/PBS/NPR, FDA and outright junk the ATF, DEA and the idiotic "war" on (some) drugs.

Corporate welfare...Gone.
Farm subsidies and price supports...Gone.
Cash foreign aid...History.

And those are just off the top of my head.
First you have to abolish Congress
Let me be the first to say it: I'd like to cut every single department and program of the federal government that isn't listed in the Constitution. National debt? WHAT national debt? Confiscatory taxes? Not necessary. Government red tape pushing businesses to other countries? Pfft.

If you really believe any of the things the government is doing right now that AREN'T mentioned in the Constitution are so damned important and necessary, then get them legally, by convincing the rest of the country to agree with you and amending the Constitution.
Reagan had it right. You cannot reduce costs by starting with costs. You reduce costs by starting with revenue.
Cut income taxes. Eliminate the corporate tax. Eliminate the stupid estate tax. Institute a flat tax whose return can be put on a card and mailed in. Eliminate witholding on payrolls so people understand they are paying their money t the government.
The reduced revenue will cause spending to decline.
Reagan had it right. You cannot reduce costs by starting with costs. You reduce costs by starting with revenue.
Cut income taxes. Eliminate the corporate tax. Eliminate the stupid estate tax. Institute a flat tax whose return can be put on a card and mailed in. Eliminate witholding on payrolls so people understand they are paying their money t the government.
The reduced revenue will cause spending to decline.[/QUOTE
Lowering taxes brings in more revenue as that is the best way to stimulate the ecomony.
I agree with your other points.
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -

Let's just start in alphabetical order

Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Administration for Native Americans
Administration on Aging (AoA)
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Agricultural Marketing Service
Agricultural Research Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Samoa Home Page
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites
Arms Control and International Security
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee

Want me to actually go thru the entire alphabet, or do you get the picture that government is way too big and wayyyyyyyy to bloated with power and unnecessary spending??
Sure as hell worked with Bush Jr. didn't it?

You conservatives live in a never-never land. You constantly suck off the government tit, and then complain about spending.

So, let's balance the budget. First, since my paycheck reflects a 30% or more tax burden, every income in the nation that is larger than mine, should pay at least that much on all income. Why should Warren Buffet pay only 17%? Why should Exxon pay 0%?

Next, if a nation has lousy labor laws, safety, enviormental laws, any goods from that nation will see a hefty import tax on all products. Free trade only with nations of equal safety, labor, and enviornmental laws.

A tax of at least 25% on all imported energy, the proceeds of which go to establish a pollution free energy system here in the US.
Government too Big? – Where would you cut cost?

The 2010 budget is approximately $3600 billion dollars. In round numbers it breaks down as follows:
20% for Defense and Security
21% for Medicare and Medicaid
20% for Social Security
6% for Interest on the National Debt
14% for Safety Net Programs
20% Other Programs

See Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for the make up of Safety Net and Other Programs.

Note: Obama Healthcare is not included:
The CBO projects a budget increase of 950 billion over 10 yrs (95 billion/yr or 2.5% increase).
The GOP projects a budget increase of 1960 billion over 10 yrs (196 billion/yr or 5% increase).
Information On President Obama’s Health Care Budget -

Let's just start in alphabetical order

Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
Administration for Native Americans
Administration on Aging (AoA)
Administration on Developmental Disabilities
Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
African Development Foundation
Agency for International Development
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Agricultural Marketing Service
Agricultural Research Service
Alabama Home Page
Alabama State, County, and City Websites
Alaska Home Page
Alaska State, County, and City Websites
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
American Battle Monuments Commission
American Samoa Home Page
AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Appalachian Regional Commission
Architect of the Capitol
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board)
Arctic Research Commission
Arizona Home Page
Arizona State, County, and City Websites
Arkansas Home Page
Arkansas State, County, and City Websites
Arms Control and International Security
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee

Want me to actually go thru the entire alphabet, or do you get the picture that government is way too big and wayyyyyyyy to bloated with power and unnecessary spending??

dd hit the nail on the head...elimation of outdated programs would be a good place to start
Sure as hell worked with Bush Jr. didn't it?

You conservatives live in a never-never land. You constantly suck off the government tit, and then complain about spending.

So, let's balance the budget. First, since my paycheck reflects a 30% or more tax burden, every income in the nation that is larger than mine, should pay at least that much on all income. Why should Warren Buffet pay only 17%? Why should Exxon pay 0%?

Next, if a nation has lousy labor laws, safety, enviormental laws, any goods from that nation will see a hefty import tax on all products. Free trade only with nations of equal safety, labor, and enviornmental laws.

A tax of at least 25% on all imported energy, the proceeds of which go to establish a pollution free energy system here in the US.

So your solution is more government?
Bush wasn't a conservative. He didn't shrink gov't. He expanded it.
junk the let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business "healthcare reform" bill that was just rammed up our butts.

Whoa, what?

I'm vehemently against the "healthcare reform" bill and though I'll avoid the violent sexual imagery en vogue, I agree that with pluralities of Americans against it, it was rammed through against our will.

How in the sam hill is it "let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business" though? Do you have any idea what's in the bill and what its main provisions are?

The bill demands, legally requires, that every American citizen not currently covered buy private insurance from an insurance company. There is no public option, no single-payer, the only option it offers is insurance companies and it forces Americans to become their customers, buy their product, give them money.

It props up the insurance companies, ensuring they'll see greater profits and have far more customers, ensuring they'll be around for a very long time. That's why the insurance industry supported the bill, it's practically a roundabout bailout mandated for their benefit.

How on earth is a bill that forces millions of Americans to buy private insurance from private insurance companies in any way a "let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business" bill? It's exactly the opposite.

Reagan had it right. You cannot reduce costs by starting with costs. You reduce costs by starting with revenue.
Cut income taxes. Eliminate the corporate tax. Eliminate the stupid estate tax. Institute a flat tax whose return can be put on a card and mailed in. Eliminate witholding on payrolls so people understand they are paying their money t the government.
The reduced revenue will cause spending to decline.

If corporations function as legal entities like people, why should they be exempt from the taxes that people pay? If a person making a billion dollars a year pays 30% (or 20% or 10% with your proposed cuts) of that in taxes, why should a corporation making a billion dollars a year pay 0% if they enjoy all the benefits of being a "person" operating in the US? Why do they not have the same obligation to their government?

I agree that we should eliminate withholding on payrolls.
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How in the sam hill is it "let's-put-the-insurance-companies-out-of-business" though? Do you have any idea what's in the bill and what its main provisions are?
Haven't heard that insurance companies in Marxataxachusetts have ceased writing up new medical policies, have you?

Let's ask you this...If insurance companies are forced to take on extremely high risks, while the low risks opt to pay the fine rather than the exorbitant insurance rates, what do you think is going to happen to the balance sheet of the insurers?

How can you expect any business to keep operating under that model?
Reagan had it right. You cannot reduce costs by starting with costs. You reduce costs by starting with revenue.
Cut income taxes. Eliminate the corporate tax. Eliminate the stupid estate tax. Institute a flat tax whose return can be put on a card and mailed in. Eliminate witholding on payrolls so people understand they are paying their money t the government.
The reduced revenue will cause spending to decline.

If corporations function as legal entities like people, why should they be exempt from the taxes that people pay? If a person making a billion dollars a year pays 30% (or 20% or 10% with your proposed cuts) of that in taxes, why should a corporation making a billion dollars a year pay 0% if they enjoy all the benefits of being a "person" operating in the US? Why do they not have the same obligation to their government?

I agree that we should eliminate withholding on payrolls.[/QUOTE]

Because corporations do not consume like real people. They never retire. They dont have kids. Their profits are saved, reinvested in the business, paid out to workers, used to cut prices on their products, or paid out the shareholders as dividends.
i would suggest decentralization of government...why do senator and congressmen stay in dc...why arent they living in their home states...put their asses off the gravy train...dont make it profitable to be in government...go back to doing it out of a civic this day and age..there is no good reason to have everyone living in dc..why arent they living and working like everyone in their home state...why do they get this protect cocoon of living in dc..and being top dog...this would do away with the daily lobbiest etc...take the money out of government and watch it collapse from neglect
You can't cut SS it is not funded by general fund dollars it pays it's way so far and is close to 3 trillion ahead.
Because our govt "borrowed" that 3 trillion surplus is not any valid reason to cut ss spending.
Military, do we really need bases all over the world, have them at home protecting our country. We can still be technologically superior without bases all over the world

Raise social security age, people live too long. I know they try incentives to get people to cash out later.
i would suggest decentralization of government...why do senator and congressmen stay in dc...why arent they living in their home states...put their asses off the gravy train...dont make it profitable to be in government...go back to doing it out of a civic this day and age..there is no good reason to have everyone living in dc..why arent they living and working like everyone in their home state...why do they get this protect cocoon of living in dc..and being top dog...this would do away with the daily lobbiest etc...take the money out of government and watch it collapse from neglect

Yep pretty much as I see it.
Limit congress to eeting maybe 8 weeks total per year.
The rest they can do remote. We do have telephones and computers.
Make our representatives live where they supposedly represent.

Of course it would increase lobbyists travel expenses a lot!
Let me be the first to say it: I'd like to cut every single department and program of the federal government that isn't listed in the Constitution. National debt? WHAT national debt? Confiscatory taxes? Not necessary. Government red tape pushing businesses to other countries? Pfft.

If you really believe any of the things the government is doing right now that AREN'T mentioned in the Constitution are so damned important and necessary, then get them legally, by convincing the rest of the country to agree with you and amending the Constitution.
Are you saying you want to abolish or just cut the budget of?
Social Security
Secret Service
Federal Reserve
National Park Service
etc. etc. etc.

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