Governance through violence.

Governance through violence.​

It's called COMMUNISM.
Especially in communism. In a system where government manages your life from federal offices as a case file, you know damn well there is no possible way that it exists in anything other than a terrified, unarmed, vulnerable horde of lemmings.

Which of course is baffling when people who paint anarchy symbols all over everything, demand the silence of opposition, that people involuntarily speak out against "racism" that they're not even participating in, piss and moan when police injure criminals, yet demand the government kill people when they resist the trendy leftist issue.


Then again I ignore 95% of the bed wetters, but even when I look for such posts they can not be found.
He is asking why those who support government violence to support itself in power, do so.

An example would be helpful for discussion. A government can control violence against the people using outside groups such as we've seen done by ANTIFA/BLM. When people aren't held accountable for violence or illegal acts it's easier to recruit more people.
An example would be helpful for discussion. A government can control violence against the people using outside groups such as we've seen done by ANTIFA/BLM. When people aren't held accountable for violence or illegal acts it's easier to recruit more people.
I was hoping someone would provide that example.

Since I can't perceive of a circumstance where government agents with weapons forcing groups of people not engaged in destructive activity to behave against their wishes.

Take for instance the government's crushing of the WW1 vets who protested merely for the compensation they were promised.

That was such a heinous crime IMO that the federal government should have been eliminated by the government of each state and reset from Sept 18th 1789. It was also committed partially by Maj George Patton, whom I happen to have revered as a patron saint against marxism at one time. If I judged him in 1932 he would have been in prison for WW2 rather than being held back from winning it.

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