.....GOP women's group signals a return to common sense. Will not endorse Greene or Boebert.....

Greene and Boebert are what is wrong with the Republican Party. They are more interested in viral soundbites than legislating…
MTG has been using lawful procedure to slow legislation from being rammed through, by duplicitous unanimous consent and voice votes....That's legislating, Corky.

Note the word “more interested”.

Get back to me when you can read…
So what?....She's doing her job.

And the "viral sound bytes" that MTG has made, which have been blown up 100X by media hater hacks, are hardly anything to be thrilled about....A lot of congresscritters ingest their feet, yet MTG gets harped on for no better reason than that she's a rookie and a Trumpster.
Poster Anathema riddle me this: Are you really Eddie Haskell all grown up?
Ope. Sorry to disappoint you.
Notably, the poster Anathema, made no mention of the 'bedroom' for Conservative women.

And that's understandable, they don't sleep. Or do other things there
Actually sleeping is the only thing a Conservative discusses doing in a bedroom. Any other activities in that space are kept between the Husband and wife.
After all, they are hard at work in the kitchen cooking up balanced nutritious food --breakfast, lunch, and dinner ---- for their husband and several above-average children, in addition to doing the washing, hanging out to dry on the backyard clothesline, and then all that ironing so the family looks clean and neatly pressed.
Not to mention vacuuming, dusting and tidying-up the living room for the enjoyment of her husband and several above average children
Actually in a proper Conservative family, there isn’t all that much work to be done on any given day. That’s due to the family having a plan which lays out what chores need to be done by whom, and when, to ensure everyone does their fair share without anyone being overburdened or stressed out.

This leaves sufficient time for family and social activities in the evenings and weekends.
Greene and Boebert are what is wrong with the Republican Party. They are more interested in viral soundbites than legislating…

they are nothing but bad performance artists catering to the lowest hung fruit of the ' GOP '
Any woman, or group of women who are endorsing candidates, running a PAC, or anything of that sort are NOT Conservative women. Conservative women are in the kitchen, laundry room, and living room; not the board room or the polling place.,

your knuckle scabs opened up again from all that dragging you do.
Having more women in the GOP in high places like Greene and Boebert is how you attract more female voters
If you need that many female voters to win the election then you’re probably not the type of candidate I want in office to begin with.,

why not make this yer avatar?


seems more apropos.
I agree with MTG. I don't know that much about Boebert.
You hate MTG because the lamer media says you're supposed to....Good little prole.
I dislike her because she’s a total fucking nut job
You hate her by extension because she's a Trumpster, and you hate Trump.

It's no more complicated than that.

Or maybe it has more to do with her theories on Jewish space lasers.
your knuckle scabs opened up again from all that dragging you do
You know this whole knuckle-dragging thing is way overblown. I’m a Conservative and a Traditionalist. I believe in gender roles. Thst doesn’t mean I think less of women.

Conservative Women are wives, mothers, sisters and daughters. They are none-makers. Women are the glue than has kept the nuclear family together for a thousand years. Just because their role isn’t to be the Head of Household or the breadwinner doesn’t make their place in the family and the world any less than a Man’s. It just makes it a different place not a lesser one.
It sounds like The Value In Electing Women Political Action Committee (VIEW PAC) is a RINO organization. Piss on them!

In the 2020 elections, there were 8 million more women voters than men.

“Pissing on” the women, is why Joe Biden got 7 million more votes than Donald Trump.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus is a fucking moron. That is a fact. It doesn't make any difference what gender (or lack of) they are.

If more women voted for Joe Dufus then that is positive proof that the Founding Fathers were right on in allowing only White land owning males to vote.
your knuckle scabs opened up again from all that dragging you do
You know this whole knuckle-dragging thing is way overblown. I’m a Conservative and a Traditionalist. I believe in gender roles. Thst doesn’t mean I think less of women.

Conservative Women are wives, mothers, sisters and daughters. They are none-makers. Women are the glue than has kept the nuclear family together for a thousand years. Just because their role isn’t to be the Head of Household or the breadwinner doesn’t make their place in the family and the world any less than a Man’s. It just makes it a different place not a lesser one.

You had me right up until the point where you said it’s not the woman’s role to be the head of the household or the breadwinner. Bullshit.

With more than 50% of American marriages ending in divorce, women are consistently required to be both head of the household and breadwinner.

After my father died, my mother was required to be both. After my first marriage ended I was required to do both.

The mistake the conservatives make consistently is to refuse to prepare their daughters for both roles and to continue to assume that women can’t or shouldn’t be prepared to do both roles.
It sounds like The Value In Electing Women Political Action Committee (VIEW PAC) is a RINO organization. Piss on them!

In the 2020 elections, there were 8 million more women voters than men.

“Pissing on” the women, is why Joe Biden got 7 million more votes than Donald Trump.

Anybody that voted for Joe Dufus is a fucking moron. That is a fact. It doesn't make any difference what gender (or lack of) they are.

If more women voted for Joe Dufus then that is positive proof that the Founding Fathers were right on in allowing only White land owning males to vote.

Given that white land owning males are the ones who elected Trump in the first place, it proves what idiots white land owning males truly are. Women stayed home in large numbers in 2016 because they didn’t like Hillary.

I remember you Trumpian clowns mocked the Women’s March the day after the Pussy Grabber in Chief was inaugurated. We said then that the women would work tirelessly to get this asshole out of office and they did.

And right on time you show up to say that women should be stripped of their vote for electing someone other than Trump. Just like you want to strip Black people of their votes for electing Biden too.

How many times do you think the American people are gonna let Republican assholes crash the economy? Women are smarter than that. You, apparently are not.
The mistake the conservatives make consistently is to refuse to prepare their daughters for both roles and to continue to assume that women can’t or shouldn’t be prepared to do both roles
I don’t see that as a mistake. In fact it’s a plan, to ensure that they are not tempted to make the wrong choice.

The appropriate method to deal with the unfortunate potential of widowhood or divorce is to fall back on her family/families.
"In fact it’s a plan, to ensure that they are not tempted to make the wrong choice."

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and unilaterally nominate poster Anathema to the Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod pantheon of RWNJobbery.
The team is already 66% occupied by posters 'EMH' (1/6 invaders are queer); and 'Rancid' (Bill Barr executed for treason, August 2nd)

So now, we have a full team.
But.......that's not to say others cannot audition for membership.*
It is, after all, a competition. A race.
To the bottom.

I love ths bar.

* In fact, Anathema is not yet tenured. Things could change. He may have to spend a little time in the Taliban Department before becoming fully vested.

Just sayin'.
The mistake the conservatives make consistently is to refuse to prepare their daughters for both roles and to continue to assume that women can’t or shouldn’t be prepared to do both roles
I don’t see that as a mistake. In fact it’s a plan, to ensure that they are not tempted to make the wrong choice.

The appropriate method to deal with the unfortunate potential of widowhood or divorce is to fall back on her family/families.

Well apparently the “appropriate method” hasn’t worked very well. The USA has the highest level of elder poverty among women in the first world.

So much for trusting the men in our lives to look after us.
In fact, Anathema is not yet tenured. Things could change. He may have to spend a little time in the Taliban Department before becoming fully vested
Hell, I’d rather have the Taliban in charge than the Democrats.

I’m sure you would. You’re just that stupid.

You would rather have the USA turned into a Third World country, than to give rights to non-whites, women or gays.

40 years of Republican fiscal policies have nearly achieved that goal.
Well apparently the “appropriate method” hasn’t worked very well. The USA has the highest level of elder poverty among women in the first world.

So much for trusting the men in our lives to look after us
The appropriate method is rarely taken advantage of. More often than not, modern women decide to try and go it alone, placing them in an environment that they are neither educationally nor genetically prepared for.
ou would rather have the USA turned into a Third World country, than to give rights to non-whites, women or gays
Were already headed to Third World status. You are wrong about the Rights issue… I don’t believe in Rughts for Straight, White Men either. I don’t believe in Rights at all.

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