GOP Salivates Over Stacey Abrams Announcement that she's running again for Georgia Governor

Actually, Stacey Abrams stands a better than even chance at getting the win.

First, there are three people running for the GOP nomination. Current Governor Kemp, who is hated by the Trump camp, and thus unacceptable for the Trump Fanboys. Second is Purdue, who lost to Ossoff but is endorsed by Trump. Third is Vernon Jones. He endorsed Trump in 2020, and spoke at the RNC convention that year. So he’s a big Trump Supporter.

Now, if either Jones or Purdue win the nomination, they can claim to be Trump accolades and get the Trump Fanboy vote, but they’ll struggle to get the Conservative voters to turn out. Especially with the election of 2020 still being the issue argued amongst the GOP. If Kemp wins the nomination, then the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out in sufficient numbers to keep the seat Republican, why when Kemp has already shown he won’t overturn the results of an election in favor of Trump.

On the other side, you have Democrats who won big in 2020, taking both Senate Seats, and riding high from that.

If Purdue wins the nomination, expect his insider trading issues to be front and center. Yes, he can counter with the truth that he was cleared, but that is going to be weak considering how well he did in his trading portfolio as Senator, and imagine what he is going to accomplish when he controls the awards for contracts and all that sort of thing.

So Conservatives who didn’t turn out to support Purdue in 2020, won’t do so again in 2022. And Trump Fanboys who remain irrationally furious won’t turn out for Kemp who refused to stand up and say he was incompetent and incapable of running a fair election in Georgia.

On the other side, you have Democrats, who know they can win, and will be pushing turnout hard. Not only will they have people to drive others to the polls, but they’ll have people driving voters to the DMV to get Licenses and ID’s.

One of the solid voting blocks for the Republicans was the Boomers. But the Boomers are going to find it much harder to vote Absentee. I mentioned before, my Wife is handicapped, and has voted Republican absentee for nearly twenty years, travel is difficult, and painful, and she’s not alone. Her Drivers License is expired, because not only was the travel difficult, but why when she can’t operate a vehicle anyway.

So her voting absentee will be much more difficult and thanks to Challenges from the Republicans, probably just won’t happen. If the Republicans lose half of one percent of their voters that way, it sets up Abrams for a win.

And she didn’t lose by that much last time. She only lost by about fifty thousand votes.

Now, personally I don’t want to see Abrams be Governor. By the same token, I really don’t want to see Purdue either. Kemp is an ass, but he’s reasonably conservative. So he is the least revolting candidate.

Oh Vernon Jones. If he wins the Nomination, the fact that he was a Democrat for ten years before switching to Republican to endorse Trump will kill him in the election. Half of the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out for him because he is liable to end up being a closet Democrat, and he’s black, which they detest. And the Conservatives won’t turn out for him in nearly large enough numbers.

What Trump has done, is make it probable that the Democrats will win Georgia. We see again, that Trump is like a Crap Midas. Everything he touches, turns to shit. Bookmark this and see how my predictions turned out a year hence. FWIW, I was wrong when I said Hillary was going to win, I was wrong when I thought Trump would win in 2020 despite not voting for anyone that year. So it is entirely possible that I’m wrong now.
Kemp stood up to Trump when nobody else would.. Perdue is old boy's club corrupt.. like a throwback to the 1960s and the Lester Maddox mentality. Slick in a suit with vaseline on his teeth.

Kemp is a 911 W Zionist "Biden Republican," and the Dems and the media both love him....
Actually, Stacey Abrams stands a better than even chance at getting the win.

First, there are three people running for the GOP nomination. Current Governor Kemp, who is hated by the Trump camp, and thus unacceptable for the Trump Fanboys. Second is Purdue, who lost to Ossoff but is endorsed by Trump. Third is Vernon Jones. He endorsed Trump in 2020, and spoke at the RNC convention that year. So he’s a big Trump Supporter.

Now, if either Jones or Purdue win the nomination, they can claim to be Trump accolades and get the Trump Fanboy vote, but they’ll struggle to get the Conservative voters to turn out. Especially with the election of 2020 still being the issue argued amongst the GOP. If Kemp wins the nomination, then the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out in sufficient numbers to keep the seat Republican, why when Kemp has already shown he won’t overturn the results of an election in favor of Trump.

On the other side, you have Democrats who won big in 2020, taking both Senate Seats, and riding high from that.

If Purdue wins the nomination, expect his insider trading issues to be front and center. Yes, he can counter with the truth that he was cleared, but that is going to be weak considering how well he did in his trading portfolio as Senator, and imagine what he is going to accomplish when he controls the awards for contracts and all that sort of thing.

So Conservatives who didn’t turn out to support Purdue in 2020, won’t do so again in 2022. And Trump Fanboys who remain irrationally furious won’t turn out for Kemp who refused to stand up and say he was incompetent and incapable of running a fair election in Georgia.

On the other side, you have Democrats, who know they can win, and will be pushing turnout hard. Not only will they have people to drive others to the polls, but they’ll have people driving voters to the DMV to get Licenses and ID’s.

One of the solid voting blocks for the Republicans was the Boomers. But the Boomers are going to find it much harder to vote Absentee. I mentioned before, my Wife is handicapped, and has voted Republican absentee for nearly twenty years, travel is difficult, and painful, and she’s not alone. Her Drivers License is expired, because not only was the travel difficult, but why when she can’t operate a vehicle anyway.

So her voting absentee will be much more difficult and thanks to Challenges from the Republicans, probably just won’t happen. If the Republicans lose half of one percent of their voters that way, it sets up Abrams for a win.

And she didn’t lose by that much last time. She only lost by about fifty thousand votes.

Now, personally I don’t want to see Abrams be Governor. By the same token, I really don’t want to see Purdue either. Kemp is an ass, but he’s reasonably conservative. So he is the least revolting candidate.

Oh Vernon Jones. If he wins the Nomination, the fact that he was a Democrat for ten years before switching to Republican to endorse Trump will kill him in the election. Half of the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out for him because he is liable to end up being a closet Democrat, and he’s black, which they detest. And the Conservatives won’t turn out for him in nearly large enough numbers.

What Trump has done, is make it probable that the Democrats will win Georgia. We see again, that Trump is like a Crap Midas. Everything he touches, turns to shit. Bookmark this and see how my predictions turned out a year hence. FWIW, I was wrong when I said Hillary was going to win, I was wrong when I thought Trump would win in 2020 despite not voting for anyone that year. So it is entirely possible that I’m wrong now.

Perdue will ride on Herschel's coattails, as Herschel will pound the black version of a kkk wizard, a "warnock."
Kemp is a 911 W Zionist "Biden Republican," and the Dems and the media both love him....

Kemp is a Republican.. He just has more integrity than Trump. Thank God he taped TRump's phone call.. Nobody should ever talk to Trump without a tape recorder and several witnesses.
Kemp is a Republican.. He just has more integrity than Trump. Thank God he taped TRump's phone call.. Nobody should ever talk to Trump without a tape recorder and several witnesses.

Kemp is not a Republican in reality, anymore than he is a Christian.

Kemp is a Zionist Jew, a liar, a traitor, and the dumbest of the dumb "Christian Republicans" in Georgia knows it now...

All up to Raffensberger and Dominion to cheat again...
If Kemp vs Perdue becomes a war, Abrams is going to win.
Kemp is not a Republican in reality, anymore than he is a Christian.

Kemp is a Zionist Jew, a liar, a traitor, and the dumbest of the dumb "Christian Republicans" in Georgia knows it now...

All up to Raffensberger and Dominion to cheat again...

God, you are pitiful.
Perdue will ride on Herschel's coattails, as Herschel will pound the black version of a kkk wizard, a "warnock."

Let me make sure I have this right. You believe Herschel Walker is going to win the election. The best candidate the GOP can come up with is a man who has admitted to having Multiple Personality Disorder.

Now before you start ranting. Walker wrote about it in his book. So it isn’t a baseless accusation.

Then you think Purdue who lost to Ossoff in the Senate Race where Trump was on the ticket can win when Trump isn’t?

How does that happen?
The best candidate the GOP can come up with is a man who has admitted to having Multiple Personality Disorder.

You and your side hate blacks who disagree with the bigoted left wing bullshit you love.

You will endlessly pound this drum against a man of extremely high character, a man of courage, dedication, leadership, toughness, and honor all because your bigoted black rear does not believe blacks have the right to disagree with the Democrats.

Well get ready to suck it...

GA going for #34 in a big way, and as for MENTAL PROBLEMS....


Heck, even Obama doesn't even have the courage to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET....
Look, I love Stacy Abrams. :thup:

I you all black women look the same.
Actually, Stacey Abrams stands a better than even chance at getting the win.

First, there are three people running for the GOP nomination. Current Governor Kemp, who is hated by the Trump camp, and thus unacceptable for the Trump Fanboys. Second is Purdue, who lost to Ossoff but is endorsed by Trump. Third is Vernon Jones. He endorsed Trump in 2020, and spoke at the RNC convention that year. So he’s a big Trump Supporter.

Now, if either Jones or Purdue win the nomination, they can claim to be Trump accolades and get the Trump Fanboy vote, but they’ll struggle to get the Conservative voters to turn out. Especially with the election of 2020 still being the issue argued amongst the GOP. If Kemp wins the nomination, then the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out in sufficient numbers to keep the seat Republican, why when Kemp has already shown he won’t overturn the results of an election in favor of Trump.

On the other side, you have Democrats who won big in 2020, taking both Senate Seats, and riding high from that.

If Purdue wins the nomination, expect his insider trading issues to be front and center. Yes, he can counter with the truth that he was cleared, but that is going to be weak considering how well he did in his trading portfolio as Senator, and imagine what he is going to accomplish when he controls the awards for contracts and all that sort of thing.

So Conservatives who didn’t turn out to support Purdue in 2020, won’t do so again in 2022. And Trump Fanboys who remain irrationally furious won’t turn out for Kemp who refused to stand up and say he was incompetent and incapable of running a fair election in Georgia.

On the other side, you have Democrats, who know they can win, and will be pushing turnout hard. Not only will they have people to drive others to the polls, but they’ll have people driving voters to the DMV to get Licenses and ID’s.

One of the solid voting blocks for the Republicans was the Boomers. But the Boomers are going to find it much harder to vote Absentee. I mentioned before, my Wife is handicapped, and has voted Republican absentee for nearly twenty years, travel is difficult, and painful, and she’s not alone. Her Drivers License is expired, because not only was the travel difficult, but why when she can’t operate a vehicle anyway.

So her voting absentee will be much more difficult and thanks to Challenges from the Republicans, probably just won’t happen. If the Republicans lose half of one percent of their voters that way, it sets up Abrams for a win.

And she didn’t lose by that much last time. She only lost by about fifty thousand votes.

Now, personally I don’t want to see Abrams be Governor. By the same token, I really don’t want to see Purdue either. Kemp is an ass, but he’s reasonably conservative. So he is the least revolting candidate.

Oh Vernon Jones. If he wins the Nomination, the fact that he was a Democrat for ten years before switching to Republican to endorse Trump will kill him in the election. Half of the Trump Fanboys won’t turn out for him because he is liable to end up being a closet Democrat, and he’s black, which they detest. And the Conservatives won’t turn out for him in nearly large enough numbers.

What Trump has done, is make it probable that the Democrats will win Georgia. We see again, that Trump is like a Crap Midas. Everything he touches, turns to shit. Bookmark this and see how my predictions turned out a year hence. FWIW, I was wrong when I said Hillary was going to win, I was wrong when I thought Trump would win in 2020 despite not voting for anyone that year. So it is entirely possible that I’m wrong now.
You are overthinking this. It is not lost on people living in states that Blue Progs are dictatorial. A groundswell of Georgia counties will most likely not listen to Abrams if she is elected at least behind the scenes.
She'll probably win. Georgia GOP is incredibly lame. They are putting up corporate shill Perdue - who couldn't even beat that twerp Ossoff - against weak sister Kemp. I have no idea why Trump is supporting Perdue.
Because Perdue isn't Kemp.
You and your side hate blacks who disagree with the bigoted left wing bullshit you love.

You will endlessly pound this drum against a man of extremely high character, a man of courage, dedication, leadership, toughness, and honor all because your bigoted black rear does not believe blacks have the right to disagree with the Democrats.

Well get ready to suck it...

GA going for #34 in a big way, and as for MENTAL PROBLEMS....


Heck, even Obama doesn't even have the courage to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET....

I didn’t write the book. Walker did. I didn’t make the claim. Walker did.

You didn’t even acknowledge that simple fact and start screaming that I’m racist. Idiot.
You are overthinking this. It is not lost on people living in states that Blue Progs are dictatorial. A groundswell of Georgia counties will most likely not listen to Abrams if she is elected at least behind the scenes.

Listen or not she would be the Governor. That means she would set the tone. And if the Democrats take the legislative branch too?

But let’s talk about over thinking. What has happened is an indication of what will likely happen. Democrats too the Presidency and both Senate Seats. Both.

And that was just a year ago. The big hope for taking a seat back is Herschel Walker. The self described Man battling multiple personality disorder. But the people who don’t think? Like the idiot I replied to? Well Trump says he’s great so there.
Please god I hope she loses. I live in GA dont want that person telling me what to do . I hope Perdue beats kemp in the primary
she certainly has the look


Georgia attorney Stacey Abrams announced her second run for governor Wednesday, three years into her first imaginary term.

“I’m running for Governor because opportunity in our state shouldn’t be determined by zip code, background or access to power,” Abrams wrote in a tweet featuring an announcement video.

“The one thing Georgia Republicans — and most independents — can agree on is that Stacey Abrams would be a disaster for the Peach State,” one Republican familiar with the race told The Federalist. “While Republicans are working through differences on their side, Abrams announcement guarantees Republicans will be united in November.”

the Republican Governors Association (RGA) is prepared to go after Abrams on the same field. The RGA already branded the Georgia Democrat “queen of the woke mob” on the heels of her announcement.

“Abrams stands firmly on the side of the woke activists who cost Georgia millions in revenue all because Governor Brian Kemp made it a priority to protect lives and livelihoods, keep kids in school and in the classroom, let businesses stay open and grow their workforce, and make it easier to vote and harder to cheat,” RGA spokeswoman Maddie Anderson wrote in a statement. “The RGA looks forward to ensuring Abrams is once again soundly defeated.”

The Republican National Committee (RNC) echoed similar sentiments.

“The RNC is excited to have another opportunity to deliver a crushing blow to Stacey’s political aspirations by, yet again, denying her the keys to the Governor’s mansion come November 2022,” RNC spokesman Garrison Douglas said.

Translation: We are going to lie our asses off about her. Brian Kemp endangered the lives of many Georgians. They are making it easier for Republicans to cheat. They are replacing non-partisan election board members with partisan board members.
Its not about the votes but who counts the votes----I see a bunch of cheating coming---maybe Abrams sees the cheating as her big chance. The dems control all all the law enforcement to go after criminal cheaters.

The only cheating I see is by Republicans.

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