GOP Pushes for Government Shutdown, This Time Over Immigration

Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Obama is the one who wants to shut down the government.

Just like he did the last time he couldn't GET his way. And then he "hurt" all the people he represents by shutting off their Parks and memorials, they were turning away vets from seeing Memorials in THEIR HONOR. how frikken sick is that

5:30+ was awesome but I have to go to bed. I missed the "Shut down the Government" part because I had to cut it short.

I love information and I've heard Rachel was good. I may have to start recording her to balance out the Sean Hannity ignorance I hear everyday.
Hannity is a lot smarter. Mad cow is nothing.
How does defunding President Obama's executive order require a government shutdown?

Executive order or not congress controls appropriations and funding. They don't have to finance the worker permit card program ... And don't have to shut down the government not to.


Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc
Your source is an airhead liar. The op is ridiculous, obutthurts the one ruining this country thanks to the retards who voted for him.
You didn't watch it, if you had you'd have seen the Right, the Heritage Foundation invoke White Supremacy.

You and her are full of BS. She is nothing more than A shit stirring carpet muncher. NO ONE watchers her for the same reason they kicked the Progessives/democrats/commies out of POWER. Just accept it. No one cares
Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Obama is the one who wants to shut down the government.

Emperor Obama don't need no stinking government.

He creates his own laws now
You got the rw talking-points down pat :thup: The truth is, the President asked the Repubs to do something and they did what they do best :up: stalled for as long as possible & failed to deliver.
Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

so what, you won't survive it or what
SHUT IT DOWN then Obama can close off the peoples, memorials and parks again. He such a brilliant and wonderful leader in "working with others" his motto is, it's my way or I hurt the people I Represent.

You remember national parks, I remember Soldier wages and Health.
Rachel covered this on her show, 11/19. Heritage and White Supremacy involvement.

The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Obama is the one who wants to shut down the government.

Anyone who is brainwashed.

If you have gotten to the point that you actually believe your statement, you have gotten so bias you can't THINK for yourself or at all anymore.

There are 100's of links proving otherwise. You have to be a Fox News Junkie. It's hard for me to imagine that even the stupidest people would think Big Gov Obama wanted to shut down Gov. Bias is bias.
So you're one of her dozen viewers lol

Fuck that stupid bitch
^Yea! Why supply yourself with information from every source.........."stupid bitch". It might make you look stupid in the eyes of people who lack intelligence.
adjective: stupid; comparative adjective: stupider; superlative adjective: stupidest
  1. 1.
    lacking intelligence or common sense.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

Yeah right. He can not make up which laws he want's followed, relaxed or ignored. We do not live under a Dictator. sorry to burst your bubble
I appreciate healthy skepticism about every decision that our elected leaders make, but what seems to be happening to our friends on the right is that they're outraged about things that don't even exist.

The President's executive order on this matter follows a long trail of similar actions taken by both Democratic and Republican Presidents.

It appears that when you become President, there are certain matters that force you to the middle. Immigration is one of them. No matter what their previous positions, when faced with either a decision to drastically expand government in order to provide the resources to try to apprehend ALL undocumented immigrants, or to bring them in the fold so they can contribute revenue to the country and to put into use the skills they've learned in our colleges, Presidents decide the latter makes a ton of sense in terms of common sense, political capital with a block of voters, and good business sense for the country.

That's what President Reagan did and what Poppy Bush did, and it was the right thing to do.

On immigration, Presidents appear to be more ahead of the curve than their Congresses are.

It appears we're now going to watch congressional leaders in the Republican party trying to stave off their more extreme base. I don't know if Boehner and McConnell can do it. On the other hand, Mitch McConnell does strike me as a man who will bitch slap people like Ted Cruz if he has to. Maybe I'm wrong, but we'll see.

I think the chances of the GOP not getting its act together to pass a continuing resolution in a couple weeks are very high, but in the end, it'll pass because a couple dozen Republicans voted with Democrats to keep funding the government.

When Bush had power over Congress they did the very same thing. "If we take a solid approach on Illegals many California fruit farms will go under and have grave consequences to America".

Illegal Immigration is the new Slavery. The right will try to point at something shiny so no one notices they won't attack it directly, just like last time.

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