GOP House member Inglis: Beck, Palin's 'demagoguery' endangering GOP's credibility

Sherry, T, and the rest of my tweets. I merely point out the insanities and inanities of the sandbox in which you all play. That's no hate. I don't take rudeness as everyone of you know. That's not hate. It's called self pride, something many of you should motor over to nambypamby land and get. :lol:

Yeah you're ABOVE IT ALL...aren't you Fakey?
I don't use foul language, I don't demean character (other than bigrebnc, I admit), I rarely use poor language. To point out your meanness, your falsities, your silliness, your bias, your inability to analyze, and your general lack of understanding are not examples of hatred, Steph, merely objective evaluation of your performance here as a poster. Just a fact, Steph.

LOL, must be a slow day for ya, you all dredge up a post from 7/11/2010 and start ALL OVER AGAIN. SHEESH.
poor dears, ya feel all big and tall? banging on your chest..:lol::cuckoo:

Fakester cannot help himself.

kinda friggen PATHETIC if you ask me.:lol:
I don't use foul language, I don't demean character (other than bigrebnc, I admit), I rarely use poor language. To point out your meanness, your falsities, your silliness, your bias, your inability to analyze, and your general lack of understanding are not examples of hatred, Steph, merely objective evaluation of your performance here as a poster. Just a fact, Steph.

No you just use other language with the same intent Fakey.

Come on, don't burst his pious bubble.;)

The problem is that his bubbles are constantly 'popped'. Someone needs to take his 'Bubblewand' away. It's too much of a distraction for the poor boy.:lol:
You guys say something stupid, get smacked in the mouth, and you cry about it? :lol:
Who dredged it up, Steph? It's simple and you know it. You mouth off, you get smacked down.
Who dredged it up, Steph? It's simple and you know it. You mouth off, you get smacked down.


Yep, Steph, you do look like Daffy. :lol: Please keep entertaining the board.
Glenn Beck's 'demagoguery' threatening Republican party, says veteran GOP lawmaker -

He cited a claim made famous by Palin that the Democratic health care bill would create "death panels" to decide whether elderly or sick people should get care. "There were no death panels in the bill ... and to encourage that kind of fear is just the lowest form of political leadership. It's not leadership. It's demagoguery," said Inglis. Inglis said voters eventually will discover that you're "preying on their fears" and turn away.

Inglis' refusal to join in on the Obama-bashing of the far right played a big role in his landslide defeat on June 22. Leading up to the election, he frequently challenged voters who questioned the president's citizenship or patriotism. At one town hall meeting, he was jeered for saying that Beck, a Fox News Channel host, is a divisive fearmonger. In his primary runoff against prosecutor Trey Gowdy, Inglis failed to break 30 percent, an improbably low result for a sitting incumbent not embroiled in scandal.

Instead of citing sour grapes, how about giving credence to the fact that he can speak freely now without worrying about how it affects an election.

And there you have it. The GOP got what they wanted from the teaparty, they're done with them.
Steph, I am as respectful to you as you are to me. You don't like getting slapped down, then behave.
GOP House member Inglis: Beck, Palin's 'demagoguery' endangering GOP's credibility

That is ridiculous. Palin and Beck and others of that ilk totally represent the values and intellectualism of the Republican Party. Right down to it's teabags.
Yea sure it is. The GOP just enjoyed some of their biggest & most historic wins in years on Nov. 2nd. Yea sure they're endangered. Maybe someone should tell this stupid fucking RINO to shut up instead. It's idiots like him that have endangered GOP "Credibility." Why doesn't he just make the switch to the other Party and be done with it? Most in the GOP are completely sick of whiny RINOS. I hope this moron goes the way of other ridiculous frauds like Charlie Crist and Arlen Specter. Good riddance.

Isn't it interesting that Lindsay Grahamnesty, and Trent Lott are blami9ng the Tea Party for the LOSS in the Senate?

And Interesting that the Repubes want to supply the Freshmen with versed and Corrupt staff instead of the Freshman supplying their own staff?

As it goes? Lott said that these new members had to be 'Co=Opted' if they won.
Republican lawmakers gird for rowdy tea party

Lott can go to Hell. He's part of the problem as are the establishment folks as Grahamnesty.

Lott believes the US should be a theocracy, but even that's not enough for our modern day wingnuts.

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