GOP establishment consultant on MSNBC calls for assassination of Trump

Said - "put a bullet in donald trump!!! Don't tell me he didn't mean it. The GOP is collecting a fortune in corporate bribes for supporting illegals and the fat cats don't want that to end.

GOP Establishment’s Rick Wilson: Donor Class Must ‘Put a Bullet in Donald Trump' - Breitbart

oct 28 2015 On Tuesday evening, establishment Republican consultant Rick Wilson said the GOP establishment donor class must find a way to “put a bullet” in GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Wilson conceded that “Trump is still a very powerful force right now” because he appeals to part of the of the conservative base that Wilson said was activated by his “nativist” message. Wilson insisted that the donor class “can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say, ‘oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out.’”

“They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” Wilson said. “And that’s a fact.”
Typical progressive...

wilson is a republican, winger.

and he didn't mean it literally.

teatards are beyond stupid.
Any moderate republican like any moderate democrat is a progressive dumb a$$.
Progressives will do anything to keep their cushy government job...

only in rightwingnuthackworld, loser.
wingnuts, wackworld, nuts, This the best smack you can come up with. I mean if you're going to trash talk and run you pie hole at least try and come up with something original pommie
Said - "put a bullet in donald trump!!! Don't tell me he didn't mean it. The GOP is collecting a fortune in corporate bribes for supporting illegals and the fat cats don't want that to end.
Typical progressive...

wilson is a republican, winger.

and he didn't mean it literally.

teatards are beyond stupid.
Any moderate republican like any moderate democrat is a progressive dumb a$$.
Progressives will do anything to keep their cushy government job...

only in rightwingnuthackworld, loser.
wingnuts, wackworld, nuts, This the best smack you can come up with. I mean if you're going to trash talk and run you pie hole at least try and come up with something original pommie

Sounds about right to me. Who other than a wingnut would think moderate Republicans were progressives?
Typical progressive...

wilson is a republican, winger.

and he didn't mean it literally.

teatards are beyond stupid.
Any moderate republican like any moderate democrat is a progressive dumb a$$.
Progressives will do anything to keep their cushy government job...

only in rightwingnuthackworld, loser.
wingnuts, wackworld, nuts, This the best smack you can come up with. I mean if you're going to trash talk and run you pie hole at least try and come up with something original pommie

Sounds about right to me. Who other than a wingnut would think moderate Republicans were progressives?
Obama, Polosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell
wilson is a republican, winger.

and he didn't mean it literally.

teatards are beyond stupid.
Any moderate republican like any moderate democrat is a progressive dumb a$$.
Progressives will do anything to keep their cushy government job...

only in rightwingnuthackworld, loser.
wingnuts, wackworld, nuts, This the best smack you can come up with. I mean if you're going to trash talk and run you pie hole at least try and come up with something original pommie

Sounds about right to me. Who other than a wingnut would think moderate Republicans were progressives?
Obama, Polosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell

Yep, only a wingnut would think they are all progressives.
Any moderate republican like any moderate democrat is a progressive dumb a$$.
Progressives will do anything to keep their cushy government job...

only in rightwingnuthackworld, loser.
wingnuts, wackworld, nuts, This the best smack you can come up with. I mean if you're going to trash talk and run you pie hole at least try and come up with something original pommie

Sounds about right to me. Who other than a wingnut would think moderate Republicans were progressives?
Obama, Polosi, Reid, Boehner, McConnell

Yep, only a wingnut would think they are all progressives.
Thinking Error: Redefining
Said - "put a bullet in donald trump!!! Don't tell me he didn't mean it. The GOP is collecting a fortune in corporate bribes for supporting illegals and the fat cats don't want that to end.

I don't think the GOP Establishment will have to destroy Trump. I think primary voters will eventually realize that Rubio or Bush is a safer bet for the general election

And I don't think primary voters will be fooled by Ted Cruz, who blamed CNBC for many of the attacks that originated not from the moderators but from the candidates themselves. For instance, Bush clearly planned on attacking Rubio for his voting record, but Cruz made it sound like CNBC was to blame. Nobody held a gun to Bush's head. And Rubio's multilayered response to Bush was so clearly prepared before hand. It was delivered on cue, as planned. And the Trump jumped all over Kasich, but 'ol Cruz blamed it all on the media. Cruz was half right, but he oversold it. Nobody forced these candidates to prepare attack lines against each other. Why can't they just take accountability for what comes out of their own mouths? Cruz was so clearly pandering to an audience that hates the media. It was easy pickens', and it felt like it was aimed at the stupid.

But again, I don't think the GOP Establishment will have to destroy Trump, though I'm quite certain they would if they had to.
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