Google rooting out 'fake news'


Wood Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2014

Google has announced it will step up its efforts to prevent 'fake news' from appearing on the internet. Invalidated sites won't be allowed to use Google software to make money from ads. Facebook is taking similar measures and Twitter is just a step behind.

I'm going to bypass all the mudslinging over which 'side' promulgates the most fake news.

One point I will make is that for all intents and purposes we have a private sector government headquartered in Silicon Valley. In many ways it is more influential and powerful than our elected government.

Secondly, old media is dying. Newspapers are shrinking, journalists are being downsized and alternative outlets are growing. The latest batch of layoffs were justified by a forseen drop in post-election ratings. I'm not sure if this will be the case. If the Trump administration plays like a scandal-filled reality show, that could actually boost news viewership.

And I think the msm has largely played the role of apologist for the last 8 years. Now that they're the opposition, they might be viewed as more genuine. It's easier to be genuine when you're not in defense mode.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
Not to mention outlets like CNN actually making shit up. And getting caught. But I bet google wont do anything about them
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
Not to mention outlets like CNN actually making shit up. And getting caught. But I bet google wont do anything about them
Example, please? Anything they reported that was untrue that they didn't make a correction about?
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
Not to mention outlets like CNN actually making shit up. And getting caught. But I bet google wont do anything about them
Example, please? Anything they reported that was untrue that they didn't make a correction about?
you don't remember them getting caught editing video and actually adding words? just google it. They make shit up alot
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.

The article talks about actual fake news sites, not "places that provide opinions differing from my own, thus they must be lying"

Figures a progressive would want to equate completely made up crap with differing opinion sites.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
Not to mention outlets like CNN actually making shit up. And getting caught. But I bet google wont do anything about them
Example, please? Anything they reported that was untrue that they didn't make a correction about?
you don't remember them getting caught editing video and actually adding words? just google it. They make shit up alot
I Googled it. What you insinuate in your statement is not the facts, either, Mr. TNHarley. I read three articles/sites on the CNN thing, and editing video by showing selected portions of someone's comments is done across the board and VERY frequently by Fox, as well, to make Democrats sound unfair or stupid. Adding a word to a banner is not the same as adding words to a quote. In other words, BIG DEAL. Any site that isn't far right is bullshit to you, I realize, but you shouldn't be guilty of the exact same slimy tricks yourself.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.

All surveys show Fox News viewers are the most uninformed among viewers of news by far. And this is the intention.
It is way past time the media started policing itself. Faux News was the first big purveyor of lies as fact and they continue to do so. The rest of the media has been reluctant to call them out as the frauds they are. Right wing talk radio is lying on an industrial scale.

Conservative media has reduced a segment of the population to believe their uneducated and factless opinions are as valid as those of a PH.D in a subject that has been studied by thousands of PH.D's over decades. Con media has created a bubble of abject ignorance around many who don't even know they are in the bubble.

And the harm it is doing to the democracy is grotesque. Normal people have to start calling out the un-reality that most conservative now live in. It has gotten so bad that conservatives have elevated alt-rigth conspriacy theory and The National Enquirer to 'reliable news sources'. Just as in Men In Black. It's time to put an end to this huge snake oil salesman industry.
Is picking and choosing which news to present really "lying?" Fox News has an unmistakable--and undenied--slant toward the right, but I don't hear them coming out with actual untruths very often. If they do, they correct it. The radio shows--THOSE are truly out of control and designed to raise the blood pressure of commuters out of cellphone range.
I'm very glad to hear that Google, et al are beginning to "vet" some of the links their viewers rely on. People don't realize that the majors are bound by actual legal and ethical standards to print/disseminate facts when they are reporting news. That is not the case with a lot of the shit floating around on the internet.
Not to mention outlets like CNN actually making shit up. And getting caught. But I bet google wont do anything about them
Example, please? Anything they reported that was untrue that they didn't make a correction about?
you don't remember them getting caught editing video and actually adding words? just google it. They make shit up alot
I Googled it. What you insinuate in your statement is not the facts, either, Mr. TNHarley. I read three articles/sites on the CNN thing, and editing video by showing selected portions of someone's comments is done across the board and VERY frequently by Fox, as well, to make Democrats sound unfair or stupid. Adding a word to a banner is not the same as adding words to a quote. In other words, BIG DEAL. Any site that isn't far right is bullshit to you, I realize, but you shouldn't be guilty of the exact same slimy tricks yourself.
Most news outlets are bullshit. No worries, though. You are just wrong again..
No, CNN literally added words.
Twitter announced today that they have suspended several accounts associated with the alt right movement.

They had previously banned accounts (like that of Milo Yiannopoulous) for being trolls and harassing people. Now they're suspending accounts from people who simply have incorrect viewpoints, according to the definition of hate speech provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

This seems to me to be the first leg of a sled ride down a very slippery slope.

"Twitter and probably Facebook too…. I think they are deeply triggered by Trump's election," [permabanned Twitter user Richard] Spencer said. "I think they're triggered by this narrative that social media helped elect Trump and they think that they have to do something about it. Well, the fact is social media did help elect Trump."

Heidi Beirich, spokeswoman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, told USA Today that the organization had previously asked Twitter to remove more than 100 accounts of white supremacists...

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