Google Keeps Us Lucifugal


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The new Google search results should be interesting, and after a while with enough complaints, Google will backtrack.

Of course, even if Musk succeeds in purging Twitter of wokeness, there are other influential platforms peddling the same poison.
“Lucifugal” means avoiding light. Lucifugous creatures are denizens of darkness. And Google has for quite some time dedicated itself to keeping its users in the dark, by skewing search results to bury facts and opinions that are inconvenient to leftists, by depressing search results for conservative sites, and even by automatically sending conservative emails to the spam folder in Gmail.
But now, in its most Luciferian lucifugalism yet, Google has launched an “inclusive language” function that will berate users who search for words that a few Ivy League inbreds consider “racist” or “gender oppressive.”
For example, if you search for “policeman,” Google will rebuke you for not searching for “police officer.” Ditto “housewife,” which should be “stay-at-home spouse,” and “blacklist” instead of “deny list.”
Based on these new “improvements,” it’s very likely that by next year, you’ll be seeing Google searches like this:
[Typing] “Dentists in my neighborhood.”
Google reply: “Don’t you mean black dentists in your neighborhood?”
[Typing again] “Dentists in Los Angeles.”
Google: “Why are you evading the question? Don’t you trust black dentists?”
“I have no problem with black dentists, but I want to see all dentists in my area.”
Google: “Just not the black ones.”
“I never said that! I’m looking for any dentist; I have a toothache.”
Google: “What happened? Did a black man sock you in the jaw for being racist? Serves you right, KKKlancy.”
“Okay, okay. Black dentists in my neighborhood.”
Google: “Typical! Another white man looking to gentrify a black business. Stay in your lane, cross-burner.”
“Screw this; I’m going back to the Yellow Pages.”
Google: “Autocorrected to Chinese Pages.”

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I think it's possible that if Twitter becomes established as a true free speech site, it just might pressure the others into allowing a bit more there, as well. Competition, after all.

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