Good advice for your children...BEFORE they go off to college!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
These are things that most colleges to not teach. They are often learned by experience...but a head start makes it happen quicker.

- The secret to happiness is being grateful for what you have.
- If everybody’s else is doing it then it probably wrong.
- Don’t lie, it takes a long memory, and you won’t have to remember what you said the last time.
- When in doubt, do right.
- You need to do what you have to do before you can do what you want to do.
- Do it when you think about it so you won’t forget.
- Always remember to dress for the job you want to have , not the one you’ve got.
- It’s easier to look for a job when you have one than when you do not.
- Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
- When you wrestle with pigs, you get dirty and they love it.
- Time is your most valuable possession; use it wisely.
- The person leading the parade does not drag their feet.
- Peer pressure is a crack in the armor of your own conviction
- The difference is always attitude
- Anyone can find the bad (in a situation) a winner finds the good
- Knowing right from wrong is education, doing what’s right is execution. The latter is the hard part.
- When you are working on something with someone, they will give you only as much effort as you give them.
- If people do not look you straight in the eye, don’t trust them.
- The one who quits last wins.
- Anyone can make a mistake, only a few make it twice.
- Having potential means you haven’t done your best yet.
- On time or ahead of time is always better than behind time.
- Sometimes if you put a sock in it… can keep your foot out of your mouth.
- Love people and use things…not vice versa.
- Never be so broke you can not pay attention.
- Successful people make a habit of doing things that failures do not like to do.
- Life disciplines you through the consequences of your behavior.
- Things don’t just happen, people make things happen.
- Do not step on anyone on the way up; they may step on you on your way down.
These are things that most colleges to not teach. They are often learned by experience...but a head start makes it happen quicker.

- The secret to happiness is being grateful for what you have.
- If everybody’s else is doing it then it probably wrong.
- Don’t lie, it takes a long memory, and you won’t have to remember what you said the last time.
- When in doubt, do right.
- You need to do what you have to do before you can do what you want to do.
- Do it when you think about it so you won’t forget.
- Always remember to dress for the job you want to have , not the one you’ve got.
- It’s easier to look for a job when you have one than when you do not.
- Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
- When you wrestle with pigs, you get dirty and they love it.
- Time is your most valuable possession; use it wisely.
- The person leading the parade does not drag their feet.
- Peer pressure is a crack in the armor of your own conviction
- The difference is always attitude
- Anyone can find the bad (in a situation) a winner finds the good
- Knowing right from wrong is education, doing what’s right is execution. The latter is the hard part.
- When you are working on something with someone, they will give you only as much effort as you give them.
- If people do not look you straight in the eye, don’t trust them.
- The one who quits last wins.
- Anyone can make a mistake, only a few make it twice.
- Having potential means you haven’t done your best yet.
- On time or ahead of time is always better than behind time.
- Sometimes if you put a sock in it… can keep your foot out of your mouth.
- Love people and use things…not vice versa.
- Never be so broke you can not pay attention.
- Successful people make a habit of doing things that failures do not like to do.
- Life disciplines you through the consequences of your behavior.
- Things don’t just happen, people make things happen.
- Do not step on anyone on the way up; they may step on you on your way down.

I tell my kids not to go to college in the first place. :D Colleges anymore just rip the kids off with the extraordinary amount it costs and just teach them propaganda. Half the people I know that went to college aren't even doing what they went to college for. And now they owe thousands of dollars they can never pay off.
These are things that most colleges to not teach. They are often learned by experience...but a head start makes it happen quicker.

- The secret to happiness is being grateful for what you have.
- If everybody’s else is doing it then it probably wrong.
- Don’t lie, it takes a long memory, and you won’t have to remember what you said the last time.
- When in doubt, do right.
- You need to do what you have to do before you can do what you want to do.
- Do it when you think about it so you won’t forget.
- Always remember to dress for the job you want to have , not the one you’ve got.
- It’s easier to look for a job when you have one than when you do not.
- Be part of the solution and not part of the problem.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
- When you wrestle with pigs, you get dirty and they love it.
- Time is your most valuable possession; use it wisely.
- The person leading the parade does not drag their feet.
- Peer pressure is a crack in the armor of your own conviction
- The difference is always attitude
- Anyone can find the bad (in a situation) a winner finds the good
- Knowing right from wrong is education, doing what’s right is execution. The latter is the hard part.
- When you are working on something with someone, they will give you only as much effort as you give them.
- If people do not look you straight in the eye, don’t trust them.
- The one who quits last wins.
- Anyone can make a mistake, only a few make it twice.
- Having potential means you haven’t done your best yet.
- On time or ahead of time is always better than behind time.
- Sometimes if you put a sock in it… can keep your foot out of your mouth.
- Love people and use things…not vice versa.
- Never be so broke you can not pay attention.
- Successful people make a habit of doing things that failures do not like to do.
- Life disciplines you through the consequences of your behavior.
- Things don’t just happen, people make things happen.
- Do not step on anyone on the way up; they may step on you on your way down.

Don't leave your clothes in the dryer for too long because someone will steal them. They get annoyed if they can't do their laundry because yours is in the way.

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