Gonzogate...Oh what tangled webs he weaves...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH
In testimony provided by James Comey, former #2 at the DoJ under John Ashcroft, it would appear that pobrecito Alberto's testimony before Congress about the illegal wiretapping authorized By Chimpy McPresident was misleading, if not outright perjury.

In his testimony on the matter, Gonzalez claimed that he knew of no concerns in the upper levels of the DoJ about the legality of this domestic spying program. Comey's testimony directly contradicts that assessment, in fact going so far as to testify that he, Ashcroft and and FBI Director Mueller threatened to resign if the White House failed to take steps to bring the program in line with federal law. Which it has since done, putting the program under control of the FISA court.

We have three fundamental facts here. First, the DoJ's Office of Legal Counsel concluded that the program was illegal. Second, despite this illegality Bush, Cheney, <i>et al</i> at the White House decided they were above the law and continued to authorize the program...They broke the law folks...Federal law. Can you say "high crimes and misdemeanors"? I knew you could. Third In his testimony before Congress on the matter Gonzalez claimed to have "no memory of" any high level disagreements at DoJ on the matter. Now either Alberto is in the throes of early onset Alzheimer's, or he lied. My own assessment, from years of experience in dealing with Alzheimer's patients, leads me to believe that he is not suffering from Alzheimer's. Not then... not now. You can draw your own inferences from that.
In testimony provided by James Comey, former #2 at the DoJ under John Ashcroft, it would appear that pobrecito Alberto's testimony before Congress about the illegal wiretapping authorized By Chimpy McPresident was misleading, if not outright perjury.

In his testimony on the matter, Gonzalez claimed that he knew of no concerns in the upper levels of the DoJ about the legality of this domestic spying program. Comey's testimony directly contradicts that assessment, in fact going so far as to testify that he, Ashcroft and and FBI Director Mueller threatened to resign if the White House failed to take steps to bring the program in line with federal law. Which it has since done, putting the program under control of the FISA court.

We have three fundamental facts here. First, the DoJ's Office of Legal Counsel concluded that the program was illegal. Second, despite this illegality Bush, Cheney, <i>et al</i> at the White House decided they were above the law and continued to authorize the program...They broke the law folks...Federal law. Can you say "high crimes and misdemeanors"? I knew you could. Third In his testimony before Congress on the matter Gonzalez claimed to have "no memory of" any high level disagreements at DoJ on the matter. Now either Alberto is in the throes of early onset Alzheimer's, or he lied. My own assessment, from years of experience in dealing with Alzheimer's patients, leads me to believe that he is not suffering from Alzheimer's. Not then... not now. You can draw your own inferences from that.

Keep trying to find an issue in this non issue

I watched the gvt hearing on this on c-span...it is archived and any of you interested in knowing what went on in this hearing can watch it. I would suggest doing such so you don't just get quibbles of information out of context that the "media" wants to focus on!

It was riveting testimony....I found myself sitting on the edge of my chair to hear what Mr. Comey was going to say next.....I thought I was watching the Sopranos! :D

This is serous business. If Gonzales does not resign, then he could be impeached also.

The President and vice President are holding on to Gonzalez for dear life....who knows what else is under the rug?

I watched the gvt hearing on this on c-span...it is archived and any of you interested in knowing what went on in this hearing can watch it. I would suggest doing such so you don't just get quibbles of information out of context that the "media" wants to focus on!

It was reveting testimony....I found myself sitting on the edge of my chair to hear what Mr. Comey was going to say next.....I thought I was watching the Sopranos! :D

This is serous business. If Gonzales does not resign, then he could be impeached also.

The President and vice President are holding on to Gonzalez for dear life....who knows what else is under the rug?

Yes, libs keep looking for something to whine about

If they can't find it - they will create it
The normal rule in the ruthless world of politics at this level is to cut loose immediately your liabilities when they crop up. That the Bush Administration has hung onto Gonzales may be an example of Bush's reportedly stubborn loyalty to his people, but it could also be that Gonzales has really got the wood on Bush and Cheney and they're keeping him close lest he talks. It'll be interesting to see how the Congress views this.
The normal rule in the ruthless world of politics at this level is to cut loose immediately your liabilities when they crop up. That the Bush Administration has hung onto Gonzales may be an example of Bush's reportedly stubborn loyalty to his people, but it could also be that Gonzales has really got the wood on Bush and Cheney and they're keeping him close lest he talks. It'll be interesting to see how the Congress views this.

or perhaps Gonzales did nothing wrong and does not deserve to be fired?
No one, is creating anything up Red State....

These things are actually happening before our eyes! I kid you not!

We were illegally spied on by our government. The Justice dept told NSA and the president's office that one of their spying programs was illegal and would NOT sign off on it....even on Ashcroft's Sick bed, he and his replacement would NOT give Andrew Card and Gonzalez the ok to renew this spying program.

Gonzalez just testified under oath that there were no issues ever with DOJ and the president's spying program.

The Acting Attorney General under Ashcroft just testified that this was a lie of Gonzalez's....that there most certainly were issues and he gave his testimony to such.

Both under oath.

Soooooo, I guess we will see.... he said, he said type thing.

But it is more than that, because FBI Director Mueller also said he would resign if the NSA and the administration went forward with this particular program. Comey has a witness to back him up.

Mueller and Ashcroft are strong Bush supporters, if they were this firm on the illegal-ness of the Nsa's program to go against President Bush and Cheney on this and it appears SOMETHING is amiss.

No one, is creating anything up Red State....

These things are actually happening before our eyes! I kid you not!

We were illegally spied on by our government. The Justice dept told NSA and the president's office that one of their spying programs was illegal and would NOT sign off on it....even on Ashcroft's Sick bed, he and his replacement would NOT give Andrew Card and Gonzalez the ok to renew this spying program.

Gonzalez just testified under oath that there were no issues ever with DOJ and the president's spying program.

The Acting Attorney General under Ashcroft just testified that this was a lie of Gonzalez's....that there most certainly were issues and he gave his testimony to such.

Both under oath.

Soooooo, I guess we will see.... he said, he said type thing.

But it is more than that, because FBI Director Mueller also said he would resign if the NSA and the administration went forward with this particular program. Comey has a witness to back him up.

Mueller and Ashcroft are strong Bush supporters, if they were this firm on the illegal-ness of the Nsa's program to go against President Bush and Cheney on this and it appears SOMETHING is amiss.


When it comes to capturing terrorists and preventing their attacks - I do not give a damn what the government does

Perhaps you would rather protect the rights of terrorists then stopping them - I want them captured or killed
When it comes to capturing terrorists and preventing their attacks - I do not give a damn what the government does

Perhaps you would rather protect the rights of terrorists then stopping them - I want them captured or killed

Protecting the RIGHTS of Americans is WHAT we are FIGHTING FOR....

If we dishonor and break our own Constitution, then we have let the terrorists win.....they would be the ones "changing us" instead of us, changing them....

I will NEVER stoop that LOW, and you shouldn't either!

Protecting the RIGHTS of Americans is WHAT we are FIGHTING FOR....

If we dishonor and break our own Constitution, then we have let the terrorists win.....they would be the ones "changing us" instead of us, changing them....

I will NEVER stoop that LOW, and you shouldn't either!


The terrorosts thank you for you continued support
The terrorosts thank you for you continued support

Actually, they are thanking YOU dear Red, because you are making yourself a man a lawlessness, which is exactly what they are....men of lawlessnes....

This is what America thought it was fighting, instead you join them in their lawlessness.

Be aware, that this is what you are doing....

(There! How'd I do with the guilt blame trick, that you usually pull? How's it feel to be called a terrorist sympathizer because you believe in not following the laws of our land and not following our Constitution? ;) )

Actually, they are thanking YOU dear Red, because you are making yourself a man a lawlessness, which is exactly what they are....men of lawlessnes....

This is what America thought it was fighting, instead you join them in their lawlessness.

Be aware, that this is what you are doing....

(There! How'd I do with the guilt blame trick, that you usually pull? How's it feel to be called a terrorist sympathizer because you believe in not following the laws of our land and not following our Constitution? ;) )


As said in the republican debate, when it comes to preventing terrorist attacks, I want a Jack Bauer doing the questioning

You would prefer a pany wearing liberal from the ACLU doing the questioning
As said in the republican debate, when it comes to preventing terrorist attacks, I want a Jack Bauer doing the questioning

You would prefer a pany wearing liberal from the ACLU doing the questioning

Well I most certainly do not want a movie script and actor t be my role model of how America should handle themselves during a war, we have constitutionally binding laws that do this....

I believe in a strong defense for America, who follow the fabric of the constitution and our laws.

That, is American....

If you want to spy on Americans without a warrant, then change the law to make this legal..... update and revise FISA law...

Don't just BREAK THE LAW, as you seem to be saying and the administration has chosen to do.

Well I most certainly do not want a movie script and actor t be my role model of how America should handle themselves during a war, we have constitutionally binding laws that do this....

I believe in a strong defense for America, who follow the fabric of the constitution and our laws.

That, is American....

If you want to spy on Americans without a warrant, then change the law to make this legal..... update and revise FISA law...

Don't just BREAK THE LAW, as you seem to be saying and the administration has chosen to do.


I want somepne who can get the info from these pigs to save innocent lives

You on the other hand, would rather coddle the pigs then prevent the attacks
As said in the republican debate, when it comes to preventing terrorist attacks, I want a Jack Bauer doing the questioning

You realize that '24' is a fictional television show, right?

What Jack does on '24' has really no basis in fact, though it is a great TV show.

If torture worked, I'd be all for it. However, the more and more we see, the more we understand that torture honestly doesn't work toward your goal.
I want somepne who can get the info from these pigs to save innocent lives

You on the other hand, would rather coddle the pigs then prevent the attacks

torture has been proven over and over again to not give accurate information...

there are several studies on this....

you can research it...

and torture is not acceptable, it IS against the LAW.....so, tough....you don't get to get your jollys off by using it!

i agree with senator MCCain on this!

Red state is a perfect example of someone who cares nothihng for the system our founders set up.

He/she would give away the entire constitution for the love of GWB.

Giving up up what He/She just sugested makes He/she as unAmerican as one could get.

Just unbelievable
When it comes to capturing terrorists and preventing their attacks - I do not give a damn what the government does

Perhaps you would rather protect the rights of terrorists then stopping them - I want them captured or killed

Pretty striking huh?

"I do not give a damn what the governmant does"

I bet that would change for him in a red hot second if it involved himself or anyone he cared about?
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