Goat Species (Chamois) that's Cheetah Fast

Had a Boxer named Jack Dempsey who was a hunter from hell!!
Nothing in the neighborhood was safe,cats, possum,rats,rabbits it was all fair game to him.
When we bought our first river place on the S. Llano he'd swim across the river and bring home goats.
I paid for several of them before I could get him to stop. Would have loved to see how he dragged the goats across the river.

One of my favorite dogs I ever had was a boxer. She loved me more than my Momma did. But the slobber and the gas could be rough.
We had a minipin that was a killer. Never had to worry about the animal surviving. Tough little wench! Only thing she was scared of was goats. I had about 8 of them in my back yard when some new babies were born (nothing cuter!). Ruby walked up to the fence and was sniffing at one of the babies. The mother, a big goat, and just stood over her baby and stared at Ruby. Ruby averted her eyes and kind of snuck back in the house. lol

Had a female Boxer named Addie that wouldnt hurt a fly,she wanted to be friends with all of the wild animals at the river place.
She tried to make friends with a porcupine,a hog and a skunk.
Needless to say it didnt work out to well.
One of my favorite dogs I ever had was a boxer. She loved me more than my Momma did. But the slobber and the gas could be rough.

They are very loving dogs for sure.
We were down in the fire pit where we had all of our bonfires one afternoon just getting a bonfire set up. Started calling Addie because she hadnt been around in a while and then went in search of her.
Found her in one of those box traps you use to catch coons and what not. She'd crawled into it to visit a cat that I'd trapped and she was stuffed in the thing like a sardine. She did kill the cat but it was in self defense.
I had to pick up the trap and turn it upside down and shake her out of it.

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