Go Woke Go Broke

When you promote yourself as being anti-racist and then produce a clearly racist video like the Pride Family, it is bound to happen. I avoid anything affiliated with Disney like the plague. Walt must be rolling over in his grave. His vision of the Happiest place on Earth has become a woke joke.

There is nothing racist about it. You are the ones who are racists. You are the one who needs to wake up.
DAMN. Another big giant leftist entity is letting go THOUSANDS of jobs!

I can't think of a single big leftwing company that isn't undergoing massive contraction!

Just how did Biddum create or add 12 million new jobs when companies like Disney, Amazon, Google et al are all firing people 10,000 at a time??? :21:

I can't think of any company that is not going through this.
what rate hikes are those???

are you talking about what biden said about corps. to pay higher taxs??

Sorry I could not find the story on FoxNews, which explains why you did not know it was happening.

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter percentage point and gave little indication it is nearing the end of this hiking cycle.

Aligning with market expectations, the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee boosted the federal funds rate by 0.25 percentage point. That takes it to a target range of 4.5%-4.75%, the highest since October 2007.

The move marked the eighth increase in a process that began in March 2022. By itself, the funds rate sets what banks charge each other for overnight borrowing, but it also spills through to many consumer debt products.
CUTS??? you just said their rates got hiked???

Are you drunk tonight?

Rate hikes.

Job cuts.

The rate hikes lead to the job cuts.

Maybe when you sober up you can find a 9th grader to explain all this to you since it seems about 20 feet over your head
Lol, is it wokeness or just a horrid economy?

They also lost 2.4 million Disney plus subscribers...

A good look at why.......

The new slogan should be "Groom Kids....go broke...." because Disney decided grooming children for leftism and sex was more important than running an entertainment company...

The child grooming outlet called Disney+ lost 2.4 million subscribers during the fourth quarter of 2022. That’s the first subscriber loss since the woke outlet launched in 2020.

The news wasn’t all bad for the perverts looking to sexualize underage children. The loss was primarily in India over a contract issue involving sports:
We all know what’s happening here… The grooming chickens are coming home to roost. No decent parent feels safe leaving their child alone with Disney+, which has become a streaming service full of racism, adult sexuality, and pro-mutilation propaganda.

Also affecting the bottom line is Disney’s latest flops. Two animated features that would have normally grossed a billion dollars earned less than a quarter of that. Lightyear and Strange World bombed at the box office due to Disney’s obscene decision to include homosexual plots. These are features aimed at children and no parent wants to exit a theater forced to discuss alternate sexual lifestyles with their five-year-old

Disney has become the entertainment equivalent of a creepy guy in a park holding a lollipop and wearing nothing but a raincoat. Disney has become a child predator and now it’s affecting its bottom line.

Yes, stupid is as stupid does. Instead of working on the root causes of inflation Democrats have got us going down the road of rising interest rates to put us into recession and putting millions of people out of work.

And there is a reason for this....

They understand that the Great Depression was one of their best times......they were able to stampede Americans into giving the government massive new power and control.........and the democrats are getting ready for the next Great Depression and the boom that will be for their power...
And there is a reason for this....

They understand that the Great Depression was one of their best times......they were able to stampede Americans into giving the government massive new power and control.........and the democrats are getting ready for the next Great Depression and the boom that will be for their power...
I'm hoping that instead of that, voters will decide put Republicans in power.
I'm hoping that instead of that, voters will decide put Republicans in power.
The real shame of it is not many so-called "Republicans" are actually working for us. they did not even fund Trumps wall. They actually worked against him behind the scenes. Trump was just a mouthpiece for common-sense Pro-America policies. At best phony R (turtle-mac-grahm) prevent an instant slide into end-times under the communist DEMS.
Wokeness costs.

Not nearly enough. It's not even close to what it should be.

Being woke isn't about gaining or losing money from customers, that's just surface finances the public sees. Being woke means money on the backend most people don't know about.

Being woke is about esg scores and esg scores determine your companies viability to other companies, central banks, investment groups and so on.

Sure Disney may lose say 200 million from customers, but they bring more than that in dealings that are company to company or company to bank or company to investment group.

Wokeness in companies is about esg scores and nothing else. Here are 2 videos talking about the subject.

And a broader picture of how ESG is going to come to mainstream America and not just be about corporate interests.

That's why despite Disney loosing a lot of money they are still woke and being even more direct in your face about it. Sure they lost a boat load of cash on the front end but it doesn't matter to them because if they stay woke they get high esg scores and still make money and please the new world order at the same time.

Like they lost so much money the past year and despite everyone saying go woke go broke they are still going woke. Take this very recent release of Disney for example.


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