"Go Fuck Yourself" Wilmore takes Milo down and OUT

Meh, I personally would have liked to seen Milo go off on that prick, but it is an okay thing that Milo was being a "lady" and respecting Bill Maher's authority. "Pick your battles," my Mother always said, and some asshats are just too far gone to be worth talking to.
Your late... there's already a thread on this. I'll see if I can get this one merged into it for you.
"Go fuck yourself Milo"

This is gonna be a new meme for quite some time...lol, just like Richard Spencer's punch to the face became a huge meme.

It's amusing, the left will cling to this meme like a life vest. The rest of us will see the reality of what happened; Milo gave his personal opinion on LGBT and some lefty completely lost it and had a verbal hissy-fit shouting Milo's opinion down. We're rather used to it from the left frankly, like I said, some asshats just aren't worth talking to.
It's amusing, the left will cling to this meme like a life vest. The rest of us will see the reality of what happened; Milo gave his personal opinion on LGBT and some lefty completely lost it and had a verbal hissy-fit shouting Milo's opinion down. We're rather used to it from the left frankly, like I said, some asshats just aren't worth talking to.

Nice try, but no one is stupid enough to fall for your rightist gaslighting bullshit. Milo insulted the entire panel, saying they were all "low IQ," which prompted the well deserved "go fuck yourself" comment. It had nothing to do with his commentary on LGBT.
Wilmore lost when he tried to peg Milo as a young gay Christopher Hitchens in an attempt to demean him. Christopher Hitchens was one the BEST consistent liberal voices of his time. It's an HONOR to be compared to him..

That didn't happen either. What is with you gaslighters today? First of all, it was Maher who said that -- not Wilmore. Secondly, it was meant as a COMPLIMENT, not an insult.
OP hates gay man.

Fucking scumbag homophobic hatter.

That's how it works, right?
As opposed to Wilmore attempting to feed Milo his opinion? "Treating them like aliens who just want to fuck anything that moves" to which Milo said no and discussed why he arrived at his point, Wilmore couldn't handle that someone had a difference of conclusion and opinion and flat out lost it. As typical of the left they don't /listen/ they just make an assumption and then start flinging hate. Even when that's not at all what's being said. As usual, the left goes straight to this mentality of "you're lying" and then "I hate you."

What is even /more/ telling is that the Republican, Jack Kingston, actually listened to Milo and took in what Milo said, without the instantaneous and even suggested they should go have beers together - this is why the Republican's are winning - JS.

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