Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.
what are you a witch Doctor...those are your opinion not facts....

You can tell yourself that all you want to.
so can you

What are you 10 years old? Go play in the street.
what kind of trite over used snark is that ....you should be shamed smegma

Yeah when you resort to childish gain-saying, don't expect a serious answer dumbass.
It's so disgusting.

don't even talk about a woman's right to her body.

that is a living human in her that has no voice. How anyone can defend that, but cry for a lion is beyond me....

I bet the left would be screaming at the top of their lungs if it was animal fetuses( all types of monkeys and apes) being aborted for their medical tissues. All in the name of curing human diseases and regrowth of lungs, hearts.

oh but they already have. remember how they were testing Polio, Chicken Pox, cosmetics , etc on Monkeys and they went absolutely ape shit about it. In fact the leftwing terrorist broke into LABS destroying them....

what's it say when they care more about an animal than an UNBORN human being. that gave me the chills just thinking that. low low low
I'm not sure God even care, except for the language...
F@UCK a lion
Let's worry about unborn humans.
It's so disgusting.

don't even talk about a woman's right to her body.

that is a living human in her that has no voice. How anyone can defend that, but cry for a lion is beyond me....

I bet the left would be screaming at the top of their lungs if it was animal fetuses( all types of monkeys and apes) being aborted for their medical tissues. All in the name of curing human diseases and regrowth of lungs, hearts.

oh but they already have. remember how they were testing Polio, Chicken Pox, cosmetics , etc on Monkeys and they went absolutely ape shit about it. In fact the leftwing terrorist broke into LABS destroying them....

what's it say when they care more about an animal than an UNBORN human being. that gave me the chills just thinking that. low low low

Yes and that Is what brought it to mind.
Mid 1970's U of A Lab - monkeys and cats.
Yeah when you resort to childish gain-saying, don't expect a serious answer dumbass.

I have never expected a serious answer from devotees of Conservative Right wing detachment Reality...aka BS Mountain residents...

Yeah right, liar. What the hell were you complaining about then? Do you even know wtf you are talking about? No, you're just a left wing nut dumb fuck. Good luck with that.
Yeah when you resort to childish gain-saying, don't expect a serious answer dumbass.

I have never expected a serious answer from devotees of Conservative Right wing detachment Reality...aka BS Mountain residents...

Yeah right, liar. What the hell were you complaining about then? Do you even know wtf you are talking about? No, you're just a left wing nut dumb fuck. Good luck with that.
still nothing serious to say but you have to say something....
The Extreme And Violent Background Of The Group Consulting On The Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos Research Media Matters for America

Operation Rescue Consulting With Center For Medical Progress To Attack Planned Parenthood
Center For Medical Progress Produced Anti-Planned Parenthood Video "In Consultation With Operation Rescue." Operation Rescue says the Center for Medical Progress' (CMP) campaign attacking Planned Parenthood was created "in consultation with" their group. CMP has released deceptively edited videos against Planned Parenthood that have been called out by observers. [OperationRescue.org, accessed 7/21/15; Media Matters, 7/15/15]

Operation Rescue's Senior Policy Advisor Was Jailed For Attempting To Bomb An Abortion Clinic
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All they can do is threaten to defund PP. It will never get through Congress and get signed.

Its just another cheap trick, which is all Republicans have left now, to drum up frenzy in their base.
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies

20,000 children will die today around the world that YOU can save.

If you were pro-life you'd be devoting your entire life to saving THOSE babies, whom you CAN save right now.

You don't because you don't believe in the sanctity of life.
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies

20,000 children will die today around the world that YOU can save.

If you were pro-life you'd be devoting your entire life to saving THOSE babies, whom you CAN save right now.

You don't because you don't believe in the sanctity of life.

We have two adopted children, your argument is moot. Oh....and until you step up, shut up
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies

20,000 children will die today around the world that YOU can save.

If you were pro-life you'd be devoting your entire life to saving THOSE babies, whom you CAN save right now.

You don't because you don't believe in the sanctity of life.

We have two adopted children, your argument is moot. Oh....and until you step up, shut up

Doesn't matter, you let that many children die every single day. You are a world class hypocrite. And the thing is, you know it.
I see spending a trillion a year on the Pentagon to be morally wrong....I find the thought of dropping bombs on people repugnant...the taxes I pay fund those activities...
Wow, you just hit the nail so hard on the head. In a single sentence you shred a simpletons, what they thought, was a well thought out and reasoned argument.
Wonder if RDean knows PP provides none of that.
You sure about that?

They serve over five million clients a year, 26% of which are teenagers under the age of 19.[39] According to Planned Parenthood, 75% of their clients have incomes at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level.[38]

Services provided at locations include contraceptives (birth control); emergency contraception; screening for breast, cervical and testicular cancers;pregnancy testing and pregnancy options counseling; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases; comprehensive sexuality education,menopause treatments; vasectomies, tubal ligations, and abortion.

In 2009, Planned Parenthood provided 4,009,549 contraceptive services (35% of total), 3,955,926 sexually transmitted disease services (35% of total), 1,830,811 cancer related services (16% of total), 1,178,369 pregnancy/prenatal/midlife services (10% of total), 332,278 abortion services (3% of total), and 76,977 other services (1% of total), for a total of 11,383,900 services.[9][38][40][41][42][43] The organization also said its doctors and nurses annually conduct 1 million screenings for cervical cancer and 830,000 breast exams.

Planned Parenthood - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You hate to call right wingers "tards", but what else could it be?????

Protecting children from disease and unwanted pregnancy IS "HEALTH CARE". You have to be a fucking idiot to not know that. Children that aren't taught "reality" have a name. They are called "victims".

Pregnancy/prenatal/midlife services is also health care. How can right wingers not know that? What are they? Fucking "hatched"????

Stunning how I managed to acquire all of those healthcare services throughout my entire life without ever ONCE having to go to Planned Parenthood. It's like there are other doctors in this country, or some shit like that.

I ask again: now that we have Obamacare, why are we still hearing about these poor, helpless women who MUST have an abortion mill funded with taxpayer dollars just so they can get services?

Because some leftie baby butcher needs a Lamborghini.
You made the accusation. Can you explain how that works? And who bought a Lamborghini? And why no one was arrested since doing that would be breaking federal laws? You must have proof to make such a charge.

So the baby butcher didn't say she wanted a Lamborghini? That is your claim now?
Post 211: Because some leftie baby butcher needs a Lamborghini.

And what I said: And who bought a Lamborghini?

Now you look stupid. Do you see why?
Erik son of Erik, considered a GOP leader, puts it this way.

Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try. RedState
If Republicans do not defund Planned Parenthood, they will see a great portion of their base vanish overnight. That is not an exaggeration.

Ah, popcorn time.
PP provides contraception and sex education.

The right wing following the policy of "Abstinence Only" paid Bristol Palin nearly a million dollars to preach abstinence only and now she is working on her second bastard. How did that work out? Aren't Republicans embarrassed? They would have to be tards not to be.
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

What BS restrictions?

Aisles being wide enought for two gurneys to go through. The number of parking spaces in the parking lot. A post TV Ultrasound. Forcing the mother to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Anti-Abortion Leader Admits Clinic Restrictions Are Not About Safety

I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

A rare salient point (at least on the surface). Probably should have thought about that before all of the BS restrictions GOP governors installed.

What BS restrictions?

Aisles being wide enought for two gurneys to go through. The number of parking spaces in the parking lot. A post TV Ultrasound. Forcing the mother to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Anti-Abortion Leader Admits Clinic Restrictions Are Not About Safety

Manual Vacuum Aspiration:within 7 weeks after last menstrual periodDilators (metal rods) are used to stretch the cervical muscle until the opening is wide enough for abortion instruments to pass through the uterus. A hand-held syringe is attached to tubing, which is inserted into the uterus. The fetus is suctioned out.
Heartbeat stops and all is well.

A former friend of mine has had four abortions thus far. She couldn't afford to be pregnant because her boyfriend would leave her. Let's no think of her as being frivolous and uncaring, let's think of her as contributing to the cure of diseases, that way we can all sleep well.

But by all means let's paint all women with the same brush.
The great cannard in this is that the funding is Title X and XX grants. There isn't a bill (TTBOMK) that funds planned parent hood any more than there is a bill that funds Marriott Hotels or Cracker Barrel Restaurants. What happens is that various entities apply for the money from these grants and, if they get them, offer the services the grants were intended for. None of the money goes for abortion.

So there is no funding of the program itself.

The politics of the situation is that the GOP eagerly insists on publicizing that PP will not get the grant and this is a (excuse the term) "dog whistle" for women whom usually know of someone who received counseling from PP or, at the very least, empathizes with those who do.

Why the GOP wants to highlight it's continued war on women is anyone's guess.

How is the $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds allotted?

Not certain.
I'm enjoying how this PP thing is ripping the GOP apart. It's such sweet irony, to see their bestest plan backfiring on them. Half of the Republicans are hysterically screaming to defund PP, and the other half is getting cursed at by the crazies for not being totally insane.

While the democrats rip apart the babies

20,000 children will die today around the world that YOU can save.

If you were pro-life you'd be devoting your entire life to saving THOSE babies, whom you CAN save right now.

You don't because you don't believe in the sanctity of life.

What is it the GOP always does? Never let a crisis go to waste. If no crisis exists....make one up.

The surprising thing here is that they know they can't win this argument. Yet here they are propagating it and advancing the issue.

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