Go after Corporate Marxists


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
CEOs of Apple, Walmart,JP Morgan, Ernst and Young, Aetna are the latest to join the roughly 250 multimillionaire corporate bosses who have signed letters attacking Trump (WSJ 8-18-2017 pB2). No surprise there.
But the Journal had an interesting piece on it the very same day on page A15. "When CEOs Play Politics, Shareholders can take them to Court". LINK (behind paywall)
Well worth reading.
Both CEOs and their elite filled corporate boards alike are sacrificing shareholder value to join their own class in attacking not only Trump but the values and beliefs of average citizens and small shareholders. It is time to start suing them.
Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier demonstrated his courage while not under fire by resigning from the Presidents council. Is it possible he could have done his company a good turn by remaining and providing input? Sue him. He gave up a huge competitive advantage for personal currency with the rich and powerful.
Target shareholders suffered a loss of 40% of the value of their stock when Target decided to attack citizens who passed laws enshrining their desire to protect their children in bathrooms. Target shares suffered a 20 billion dollar decline between April 2016 and July 2017 while the stock market rose 15%. Shareholders who were not only investing for their retirements but also customers and voters who were being slapped for their beliefs, should sue Target and Brian Cornell. Target belatedly reversed the policy and apologized but the damage was done.

"Willful and controversial CEO activism shouldn't be viewed any differently from malfeasance or bad policies. They all reek of leadership malpractice"

"When Howard Shultz of Starbucks decides to take away Christmas cups or hire refugees as a challenge to President Trump...do the coffee chains 24000 small shareholders have a right to sue? We say they do"

According to Justin Danhof these elites come to their liberal torch bearing from "the belief that progressive ideas are popular with the media". I can see how they would believe that of course but they dont work for the media. They work for shareholders who entrust their retirement dreams to them.

Contact the John Locke Foundation. Let's start holding them to account.

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