GM to sell only 0 emission cars by 2035

Leaders could point to G.M.’s decision as evidence that even big businesses have decided that it is time for the world to begin to transition away from fossil fuels that have powered the global economy for more than a century.
I thought the free market was supposed to decide instead of some Woke lib at GM?
Those construction workers who have been on that Keystone job can just start enlarging our electric grid. Win/Win!!
Where will you get the electricity to move along the new, bigger, better, improved electric grid?
There should be a law to force hood rats to put replace a muffler on their autos. Jeez that is some annoying noise pollution.
There is in Ohio. I would be surprised if there is not one in your Area.

On my 2005 Dodge Magnum RT, I have two Cat Converters and 4 mufflers. It's so damned quiet you aren't even aware the motor is running. That is until you punch it but you are too busy driving it to enjoy the rumble. One of the favorite hopups that adds about 20 hp (the difference between the Challenger RT) is to remove the two front mufflers and replace them with straight pipes. It will still meet all the Reg.

Fossil Fuel is on the way out. It will follow the way of coal.

Sounds to me like GM is on the way out.

Barring some huge, unanticipatable breakthrough in battery technology, internal-combustion-engine cars will still be dominant fourteen years from now, and if GM wants to remain a major automobile manufacturer, it will have to continue making and selling them.
No more Corvettes or Camaros then, eh?

Yea, sure.
Don't you think they'll be powerful enough batteries in 14 years to make fast/faster/fastest cars?

With Tesla's new 4680 battery, the Plaid+ S model of Tesla does 0 to 60 in under 2 seconds. The quarter mile in under 9 seconds, Top end over 200 mph. Range of 520 miles. It is the fastest production car on the road today. And it is a 5 passenger luxury sedan. How much faster do you really want to go?

Dodge Charger Hellcat does a consistent 206mph at a fraction of the cost and it runs in the mid 10s. And it does it all with "ONLY" 707 hp. The new Redeye version won't be any faster but it should be a bit quicker packing 785hp to 820hp. And it's a luxury sedans as well. And it's about half the cost.

Fossil Fuel is on the way out. It will follow the way of coal.

Sounds to me like GM is on the way out.

Barring some huge, unanticipatable breakthrough in battery technology, internal-combustion-engine cars will still be dominant fourteen years from now, and if GM wants to remain a major automobile manufacturer, it will have to continue making and selling them.

With the batteries coming online now and in a few years, the Gas Rigs in cars have lost their edge. You can still build them a mite cheaper but in a 5 year program, the electric will end up being the best deal. The only thing the Gas Rig has as an advantage is the Range and that just went out the windows with the new Lithium Batteries. Oh, and the refuel time is better in the gas. But by 2025, Teslas will be geared up and producing their solid state batteries that can be charged fully in a matter of minutes. I can see it now. 440 volt charges instead of 100 and 220.
All these plans for this and no one mentioned what they are going to do about the YUGE lack of electric vehicle infrastructure.

In much of California, the extant electrical grid cannot reliably meet current needs, and there's no reason to anticipate very much improvement in the next fourteen years. In fact, our only remaining nuclear power plant is due to be decommissioned in just a few years, with no plausible proposed energy source to replace it. Our electrical supply is more likely to be worse by 2035 than better.

There's no way that California can handle a huge increase in electric cars drawing on our already-overtaxed grid.
Those construction workers who have been on that Keystone job can just start enlarging our electric grid. Win/Win!!
Where will you get the electricity to move along the new, bigger, better, improved electric grid?

Sorry, but nobody told me I'm responsible for making those decisions. I'm sure lots of smart engineers are working on those specifics right now. You sound as if you think there will be an effort to dump our current energy sources before a suitable replacement is developed. I'm not sure how you could believe something so goofy.
All these plans for this and no one mentioned what they are going to do about the YUGE lack of electric vehicle infrastructure.

In much of California, the extant electrical grid cannot reliably meet current needs, and there's no reason to anticipate very much improvement in the next fourteen years. In fact, our only remaining nuclear power plant is due to be decommissioned in just a few years, with no plausible proposed energy source to replace it. Our electrical supply is more likely to be worse by 2035 than better.

There's no way that California can handle a huge increase in electric cars drawing on our already-overtaxed grid.

Are you aware that solar power from the southeaster part of Cali has yet to be tapped? It's hotter than hell, the sun shines in the upwards of 15 hours a day, zero clouds to speak of and lots and lots of drifting sand (meaning wind power to be tapped). And then there are the tides that can tapped. California hasn't invested enough in the generation. To give you an idea, they are still buying juice from Colorado's Hydro Plants.

You want it made better? You have two steps. 1. Get people at the State that will get the job done. 2. Stop your friggin whining.
Why? If Renewable Plants can do the job, why do we need Nuclear?

If pigs have wings, then why can't they fly?

We don't have Nuclear in my area. Outside of old dudes farts. And we are quickly heading to renewable energy without Nukes. And we sell Electricity to your state.

And here is a picture of an actual pig flying dumbed down to you Party of the Rumpsters level. It can only be seen in the Rocky Mountains.

Those construction workers who have been on that Keystone job can just start enlarging our electric grid. Win/Win!!
Where will you get the electricity to move along the new, bigger, better, improved electric grid?

Sorry, but nobody told me I'm responsible for making those decisions. I'm sure lots of smart engineers are working on those specifics right now. You sound as if you think there will be an effort to dump our current energy sources before a suitable replacement is developed. I'm not sure how you could believe something so goofy.
Except it's happened in other countries....I give you Germany
No more Corvettes or Camaros then, eh?

Yea, sure.
Don't you think they'll be powerful enough batteries in 14 years to make fast/faster/fastest cars?

With Tesla's new 4680 battery, the Plaid+ S model of Tesla does 0 to 60 in under 2 seconds. The quarter mile in under 9 seconds, Top end over 200 mph. Range of 520 miles. It is the fastest production car on the road today. And it is a 5 passenger luxury sedan. How much faster do you really want to go?

Dodge Charger Hellcat does a consistent 206mph at a fraction of the cost and it runs in the mid 10s. And it does it all with "ONLY" 707 hp. The new Redeye version won't be any faster but it should be a bit quicker packing 785hp to 820hp. And it's a luxury sedans as well. And it's about half the cost.
Both are fat pigs that can’t corner worth shit.
You sound as if you think there will be an effort to dump our current energy sources before a suitable replacement is developed.
Thats exactly whats happening as biden huts down oil and natural gas exploration

Libs are shooting all the horses and mules to “encourage“ farmers to use tractors instead
Except it's happened in other countries....I give you Germany
Liberals have accepted the man-made global warming doomsday hoax as reality

for them the earth is going to be uninhabitable someday

when that date is only Al Gore and Greta Thunberg know for sure

but in their goofy world its gonna happen unless we ditch fossil fuels immediately

And no inconvenience or loss of living standard is too much to pay to save the planet
Fossil Fuel is on the way out. It will follow the way of coal.
Lefty loon Democrat's wet dream is to have us all on horse back and transport our goods by covered wagon. ... :cuckoo:
Sunni Man...are you disagreeing with my post, which is based on a statement from GM or you disagreeing because it is based on fact and not some made up crazy ars lie that FOX news fabricated?

  • Wow. What a weak argument by a total lame-ass. First you say fossil fuel is on the way out which it CAN'T be as it is our main source of energy with nothing else affordable, practical or adequate yet to wholly replace it! SANE people know that you don't eliminate something you need until you actually HAVE a suitable replacement in hand, not that there won't ALWAYS be a need for oil as it is the building block for plastic! And plastic is essential to our society.

  • Then you show further dangerously STUPID leftwing idiocy by separating coal from oil as if they weren't both just different forms of the same fossil energy.

  • Then you ignore the most important statement made just the other day by John Kerry himself where he admitted that even if the USA went to ZERO pollution / 100% green (an impossibility), that it STILL wouldn't matter in the global level of CO2!

  • So you deflect by quoting GM, a company which any other time you'd never believe a word they say and finish with the lamest, weakest, non-starter argument of all showing a total lack of standing by accusing Sunni of the de facto-standard left wing lame argument: accusing anyone who bests you in an argument that it must have all come from Fox, therefore discredited, instead of attacking the actual merits of the ARGUMENT ITSELF.
All these plans for this and no one mentioned what they are going to do about the YUGE lack of electric vehicle infrastructure.
Right. That would be my very first concern. A profound lack of infrastructure.
GM's super woke obnoxious commercials don't help either.

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