CDZ Global Governance....


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Lets see just how far apart the American left and the American right are....give this a listen and comment on it....
I suggest with these facts in mind the right and the left can come together....and we had better before we get walked on.....and lose America forever....

All countries will come and go. Lines in the sand constantly change. Territory disputes come and go. Territorial lines change. It's only a matter of time before countries that have only been around a few hundred years, fall to countries that have been around for centuries.

Who knows......maybe there IS a Cabal that runs everything. I severely doubt it though, as fucked up as things have been for centuries......I can't imagine any one group having enough resources to keep an entire planet under their thumb.

As for a "one world" government...........................
We've got at least a couple of centuries before we get to anything near Star Treks version of world government.

For all intents and purposes, "one world" government for todays meaning is one government ruling everything. Like Hitler wanted to do. And I don't ever see that happening either, as ALL governments are greedy as all fucking hell, and will NEVER relinquish their power and money unless taken over or killed............or in the case of Dementocraps, sell us out to another country for money and power.

But even at that............we've all seen how that ends up. Those that sold out to the evil, got destroyed by the evil once the evil got its way.

I don't ever see any "one world" government happening in THIS century or the next.
Lets see just how far apart the American left and the American right are....give this a listen and comment on it....
I suggest with these facts in mind the right and the left can come together....and we had better before we get walked on.....and lose America forever....

that's been the plan since Obammy, again why we got Trump
All countries will come and go. Lines in the sand constantly change. Territory disputes come and go. Territorial lines change. It's only a matter of time before countries that have only been around a few hundred years, fall to countries that have been around for centuries.

Who knows......maybe there IS a Cabal that runs everything. I severely doubt it though, as fucked up as things have been for centuries......I can't imagine any one group having enough resources to keep an entire planet under their thumb.

As for a "one world" government...........................
We've got at least a couple of centuries before we get to anything near Star Treks version of world government.

For all intents and purposes, "one world" government for todays meaning is one government ruling everything. Like Hitler wanted to do. And I don't ever see that happening either, as ALL governments are greedy as all fucking hell, and will NEVER relinquish their power and money unless taken over or killed............or in the case of Dementocraps, sell us out to another country for money and power.

But even at that............we've all seen how that ends up. Those that sold out to the evil, got destroyed by the evil once the evil got its way.

I don't ever see any "one world" government happening in THIS century or the next.
when other countries drop their border defenses, then I'll pay attention more.

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