Glenn Beck at Tea Con this past weekend


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
There was a midwest Tea Party convention held in Ill last weekend. Glenn Beck Spoke. It was a pretty good talk. I thought the best part was the folllowing which I would invite people to listen to:

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 4 of 5 - YouTube!

"Without personal responsibility, there are no rights"

I thought there was alot of substance there to think about and do.
^ Both have their sides bones. Just like we have our sides of trolls here. :)

They are paid entertainers who also have the ability to reach a lot of audiences with political propositions to expound upon. I believe that they are entertainers who often exaggerate and expound on their exaggerations for the purpose of entertaining their audiences who are looking for action. They do speak to their audiences well or they would not be entertaining.

I find my news by online research. I go to the extremist sites to see what they say and then I also go to other countries to find their slants on the 'news'.

Some just post opinions. That's their choice. I watch Beck now and then but it's hard to detail the man for he can move from logical consequential events to some pretty far out explanations and the connection between the two can often be very flimsy.

But he's relevant. Or he would not be there and would be gone by the very nature of attrition. If I do not like the music, I find other music.
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There was a midwest Tea Party convention held in Ill last weekend. Glenn Beck Spoke. It was a pretty good talk. I thought the best part was the folllowing which I would invite people to listen to:

Glenn Beck at TeaCon Midwest 4 of 5 - YouTube!

"Without personal responsibility, there are no rights"

I thought there was alot of substance there to think about and do.
Does "personal
responsibility" also apply to those irresponsible in Congress and globalists that violate human rights ?
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Beck is a duplicitous charlatan. He's a con man. I'm really sorry to tell you this even though I remember a few times he hit the nail right on the head.
How about you trolls tell us what hi "lied" about, instead of attacking him personally?

Oh yeah, there is no substance to what you say. :cuckoo:

I have listened to Glenn for over 10 yrs, and he has always been nothing but truthful. There have been times when he was wrong, and he admits that.
No, I dont agree with him on everything.... how boring would that be!

He is a man of great character, and his enemies are very telling.... I look at you trolls and think, if you guys dont like me.... GREAT! Means Im doing and saying the right things.

I, like him, wear it as a badge of honor! :cool:
How about you trolls tell us what hi "lied" about, instead of attacking him personally?

Oh yeah, there is no substance to what you say. :cuckoo:

I have listened to Glenn for over 10 yrs, and he has always been nothing but truthful. There have been times when he was wrong, and he admits that.
No, I dont agree with him on everything.... how boring would that be!

He is a man of great character, and his enemies are very telling.... I look at you trolls and think, if you guys dont like me.... GREAT! Means Im doing and saying the right things.

I, like him, wear it as a badge of honor! :cool:

I like how he thinks that the EAS system is conspiracy to take over radio and television signals....

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him that's what it is meant to do.
How about you trolls tell us what hi "lied" about, instead of attacking him personally?

Oh yeah, there is no substance to what you say. :cuckoo:

I have listened to Glenn for over 10 yrs, and he has always been nothing but truthful. There have been times when he was wrong, and he admits that.
No, I dont agree with him on everything.... how boring would that be!

He is a man of great character, and his enemies are very telling.... I look at you trolls and think, if you guys dont like me.... GREAT! Means Im doing and saying the right things.

I, like him, wear it as a badge of honor! :cool:

I like how he thinks that the EAS system is conspiracy to take over radio and television signals....

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him that's what it is meant to do.

In the wrong hands it can be very dangerous.

I dont think we need it.... local stations have handled it just fine for many many years.

I see it as gov't over reaching. Thats just one mans opinion though.

You do know he said the same thing about The Patriot Act.... and I agreed with that too.
Too much power in the hands of a few folks.
How about you trolls tell us what hi "lied" about, instead of attacking him personally?

Oh yeah, there is no substance to what you say. :cuckoo:

I have listened to Glenn for over 10 yrs, and he has always been nothing but truthful. There have been times when he was wrong, and he admits that.
No, I dont agree with him on everything.... how boring would that be!

He is a man of great character, and his enemies are very telling.... I look at you trolls and think, if you guys dont like me.... GREAT! Means Im doing and saying the right things.

I, like him, wear it as a badge of honor! :cool:

I like how he thinks that the EAS system is conspiracy to take over radio and television signals....

:eusa_shhh: Don't tell him that's what it is meant to do.

In the wrong hands it can be very dangerous.

I dont think we need it.... local stations have handled it just fine for many many years.

I see it as gov't over reaching. Thats just one mans opinion though.

You do know he said the same thing about The Patriot Act.... and I agreed with that too.
Too much power in the hands of a few folks.

Government over-reaching? The EAS has always been controlled by the government. There was never a time of "local stations handling it just fine". Never happened. It's a fantasy. The difference is that now the system actually works the way its supposed to do. In a time of emergency the message can now get out all at once instead of haphazardly.
"Without personal responsibility, there are no rights"

Ignorant rightist nonsense, rights are inalienable and a natural condition of being a person, one’s rights exist regardless how ‘irresponsible’ one may be.

There are no ‘preconditions’ for one to exercise his rights.

Attempts to legislate or otherwise compel ‘personal responsibility’ is as inane as attempting to do the same with ‘morality.’

The religious right and social conservatives in general must understand that, however much they may not like it, this Nation is made up of a diverse and complex population, where many people will have beliefs and opinions which will conflict with rightist religious and political dogma.

Fortunately our Constitutional Republic, subject only to the rule of law, is designed to guard against the tyranny of the religious right and social conservatives.
How about you trolls tell us what hi "lied" about, instead of attacking him personally?

Oh yeah, there is no substance to what you say. :cuckoo:

I have listened to Glenn for over 10 yrs, and he has always been nothing but truthful. There have been times when he was wrong, and he admits that.
No, I dont agree with him on everything.... how boring would that be!

He is a man of great character, and his enemies are very telling.... I look at you trolls and think, if you guys dont like me.... GREAT! Means Im doing and saying the right things.

I, like him, wear it as a badge of honor! :cool:

Giving my opinion of him is not trolling. If you want to worship the conman then be my guest and have a great day.

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