Glenn Beck and Color of Change

You are a racist and did not like it all coming from a black mouth.

Ahhh....Anyone have a timer on how long it took us to get to the stale old reducto-ad-racist gambit?? :rofl:

She praised Clinton and Kerry and hated Obama for saying the same thing.

Sounds pretty god damned racist to me.
Then you're even a bigger mental midget than even I had imagined.

Suddenly, I'm starting to miss sillybooboo too.
Yeah Yeah...The Man is always the hard one. (pun intended) Woman are generally the ones who give. :lol:
Oh, I give alright....To charities who sort out the truly needy from the professional poor.

The same panhandlers hanging out on the same freeway exits for months years on end just doesn't say "needy" to me.
Professional poor, yes we have way to many of them these days.

BTW I have a question that's been bothering me; Acorn has or had it's headquarter office in New Orleans right? They are such great community organizers that we are actually going to let them conduct the Census right? Ok then riddle me this: How come Acorn couldn't organize the people to evacuate 3 days before Katrina?

To be fair maybe I shouldn't ask you. Just thought that a second talking out loud with my fingers.

Ahhh....Anyone have a timer on how long it took us to get to the stale old reducto-ad-racist gambit?? :rofl:

She praised Clinton and Kerry and hated Obama for saying the same thing.

Sounds pretty god damned racist to me.
Then you're even a bigger mental midget than even I had imagined.

Suddenly, I'm starting to miss sillybooboo too.

shit man that's baaaaaaaaaad! :eusa_angel:
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?
Glen Beck is a fucking joke. The truth is there is no reason why should anyone get their panties in a bunch over him. He and his bullshit is gonna fizzle out soon ... no assistance required.
You truely live in a world of imagination dont you?

Why do you refuse to even comment on the fact that I have shown that right wing site lied?

I know why even if you dont.

Most people realize you simply denying it doesnt really prove anything wrong.

Show some clip, some article, etc, of him actually renouncing communism. You cant. the Green movement is fundamentally communist. There is nothing capitalistic about it.
Glen Beck is a fucking joke. The truth is there is no reason why should anyone get their panties in a bunch over him. He and his bullshit is gonna fizzle out soon ... no assistance required.
then maybe you guys should just ignore him, like i did before you guyys got your panties all in a bunch
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

I've heard some good suggestions which should be open for a nation wide debate from Tort Reform, to cross border insurance shopping, to give Doctors a big tax break if they lend their services to volunteer at local clinic's. This should help to empty the ER from those that seek help for non emergency care. It's a step, but to throw the entire bath water out with the Baby what Obama purposes is ludicrous. There is no rush to reform now...what is the emergency? We've lived like this for years and years so a few more years won't hurt. Lets have a national debate with real suggested fixes then have a national referendum to vote on it.

We really need to start deporting and getting tough on illegals. Maybe they will get the hint and use the front door. Perhaps the process of gaining entry should be looked at and streamlined better. That isn't to say to make it easier for every Tom, Dick and Jane to get in either.

Why instead of saying "Hold out your hand the Government will take care of you" we say "My pocket is empty, get a job, McDonalds is hiring". :lol:
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

That's the whole problem, regulations are what's controlling it now, or did you miss that fact to?

Oh I see , you claim the health insurance system is overregulatred and is being distroyed?

Can you give us an example of one the these onerous regulations which hold the health insurance companies back?
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

That's the whole problem, regulations are what's controlling it now, or did you miss that fact to?

Oh I see , you claim the health insurance system is overregulatred and is being distroyed?

Can you give us an example of one the these onerous regulations which hold the health insurance companies back?

Like the government run healthcare now, you are looking at the symptom not the cause. Go deeper, stop listening to pop culture style politics for a change.
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

I've heard some good suggestions which should be open for a nation wide debate from Tort Reform, to cross border insurance shopping, to give Doctors a big tax break if they lend their services to volunteer at local clinic's. This should help to empty the ER from those that seek help for non emergency care. It's a step, but to throw the entire bath water out with the Baby what Obama purposes is ludicrous. There is no rush to reform now...what is the emergency? We've lived like this for years and years so a few more years won't hurt. Lets have a national debate with real suggested fixes then have a national referendum to vote on it.

We really need to start deporting and getting tough on illegals. Maybe they will get the hint and use the front door. Perhaps the process of gaining entry should be looked at and streamlined better. That isn't to say to make it easier for every Tom, Dick and Jane to get in either.

Why instead of saying "Hold out your hand the Government will take care of you" we say "My pocket is empty, get a job, McDonalds is hiring". :lol:

What part of "Obamas" pLan causes you so much concern?

Drs can already donate their time.

crossing state lines can be done.

Why is an insurance entity started by the gov to be non profit allowing poor people to get healthcare at affordable rates so BAD in your mind?
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

I've heard some good suggestions which should be open for a nation wide debate from Tort Reform, to cross border insurance shopping, to give Doctors a big tax break if they lend their services to volunteer at local clinic's. This should help to empty the ER from those that seek help for non emergency care. It's a step, but to throw the entire bath water out with the Baby what Obama purposes is ludicrous. There is no rush to reform now...what is the emergency? We've lived like this for years and years so a few more years won't hurt. Lets have a national debate with real suggested fixes then have a national referendum to vote on it.

We really need to start deporting and getting tough on illegals. Maybe they will get the hint and use the front door. Perhaps the process of gaining entry should be looked at and streamlined better. That isn't to say to make it easier for every Tom, Dick and Jane to get in either.

Why instead of saying "Hold out your hand the Government will take care of you" we say "My pocket is empty, get a job, McDonalds is hiring". :lol:

What part of "Obamas" pLan causes you so much concern?

Drs can already donate their time.

crossing state lines can be done.

Why is an insurance entity started by the gov to be non profit allowing poor people to get healthcare at affordable rates so BAD in your mind?
Any time the Gov. is in my life is bad. The less they are in my life the better. Got it? Obama, the Gov. Doesn't know what is best for me or my family. They never will, got it?

It's a disaster waiting to happen.
Terry what do you think are good ways to fix our health care system?

Is it just fine or is there regulations you would agree with?

I've heard some good suggestions which should be open for a nation wide debate from Tort Reform, to cross border insurance shopping, to give Doctors a big tax break if they lend their services to volunteer at local clinic's. This should help to empty the ER from those that seek help for non emergency care. It's a step, but to throw the entire bath water out with the Baby what Obama purposes is ludicrous. There is no rush to reform now...what is the emergency? We've lived like this for years and years so a few more years won't hurt. Lets have a national debate with real suggested fixes then have a national referendum to vote on it.

We really need to start deporting and getting tough on illegals. Maybe they will get the hint and use the front door. Perhaps the process of gaining entry should be looked at and streamlined better. That isn't to say to make it easier for every Tom, Dick and Jane to get in either.

Why instead of saying "Hold out your hand the Government will take care of you" we say "My pocket is empty, get a job, McDonalds is hiring". :lol:

What part of "Obamas" pLan causes you so much concern?

Drs can already donate their time.

crossing state lines can be done.

Why is an insurance entity started by the gov to be non profit allowing poor people to get healthcare at affordable rates so BAD in your mind?

Because he isn't stopping there ... and he's using taxes for it. Think about it, in the current coverage from the government they are already taking a lot of taxes for it, increase the number of people covered, the amount of tax dollars sky rockets, unless you cure the root of the problem, the costs of doctors, drugs, and medical procedure, which is all high because of the costs of regulations.
It all comes down to common have to look down that road and past what is being told to you. Common sense would tell someone if we go to Universal Health Care, who pays the doctor's salary? The Gov will, they will set their salary and trust me, some won't make even close to what they are now. What's the next deduction? Yeah less doctor's will seek that career? What's the next deduction? Standards will be lowered for medical degree's. Next deduction? Worse care, longer lines, and it goes on and on.

That's just one aspect. I'm not going to sit here all night trying to teach you common sense. No gov. agency has been able to run anything without it being very expensive, corrupt, and just broken.

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