Girls Are Mean. Researches Have Discovered...


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Wow, this is shocking! :rolleyes:
Study: Meanness in Girls Can Start at 3 2 hours, 15 minutes ago

Meanness in girls can start when they still are toddlers, a Brigham Young University study found. It found that girls as young as 3 or 4 will use manipulation and peer pressure to get what they want.

"It could range from leaving someone out to telling their friends not to play with someone to saying, 'I'm not going to invite you to my birthday party,'" said Craig Hart, study co-author and professor of marriage, family and human development at BYU. "Some kids are really adept at being mean and nasty."

They regularly exclude others and threaten to withdraw friendship when they don't get their way.

The "mean girls" are highly liked by some and strongly disliked by others. They are socially skilled and popular but can be manipulative and subversive if necessary. They are feared as well as respected.

The study is the first to link relational aggression and social status in preschoolers. It appears in the current issue of the journal Early Education and Development. David Nelson and Clyde Robinson of BYU are the other authors.

Researchers have long known that adolescents, particularly girls, engage in this sort of behavior, called relational aggression, to maintain their social status.

In fact, a number of books and movies have come out recently exploring this phenomenon, including the best-selling "Queen Bees and Wannabes" and the movie "Mean Girls."

"But it is striking that these aggressive strategies are already apparent ... in preschool," Nelson said. "Preschoolers appear to be more sophisticated in their knowledge of social behaviors than credit is typically given them."

Hart said other research has found that about 17 percent to 20 percent of preschool and school-age girls display such behavior. It also shows up in boys, but much less frequently.

"The typical mantra is that boys are more aggressive than girls, but in the last decade we've learned that girls can be just as aggressive as boys, just in different ways," he said.

The researchers asked 328 preschool children to rate their peers.

They asked which children were most likely to start fights, which were most popular and which were most physically aggressive_

The surveys found that even in preschool, a social hierarchy exists.

"You have popular kids, you have average kids, and you have kids (whom) others don't like to play with. Then there are some kids who just fly below the radar," Hart said.

Other research at BYU has shown that physically and relationally aggressive children are more likely to have parents who discipline with psychological control and manipulation, withdrawing love, avoiding eye contact and laying guilt trips on the kids.

"With relational aggression, we are early on in trying to tease apart these relationships," Hart said.

One thing researchers do know is that childhood slights can have lasting impacts.

Hart said the study may help teachers and parents key into relational aggression and the psychological and emotional trauma it can cause. Just as they do with physical aggression, adults need to monitor such behavior and help children recognize the harm it can cause.

"We've done studies showing that reasoning with children, not just one time but taking lots of opportunities to reason with them about how their behavior is affecting others, can help diminish it," Hart said.
Wow. What was their first freakin clue, and how much money did they waste on that study?
Shattered said:
Wow. What was their first freakin clue, and how much money did they waste on that study?
Considering a lot of the crap that the NOW and feminist groups pump out about women being the nurturers and men being the rapists.... it may not have been a total waste of effort.

You also see a lot of that stereotype reinforced in the media.... "Thelma and Louise" and "Sleeping with the Enemy" are two movies that come to mind.

It may not be as prevelant as it was, say 10 or so years ago, but it still exists.
Typical college crap these days---come up with an "idea" and get it published to pad your resume. I don't know how many times they have re-invented the wheel by now. Day time TV now has about a weeks worth of crap they can discuss.
The money would be better spent doing research to determine how girls GOT so mean. :)
Shattered said:
Tsktsk.. And you were such a bright boy, too.. :chains:


I have no sympathy for girls who fall for the same dumb old lines and lies of guys who are dogs, then try to take their frustrations out on innocents like myself. Makes me want to be a dog too.

As far as young girls go, they manipulate their fathers by being Daddy's little princess. Most young boys (except the Brad Pitt/Will Smith jr. pretty boys) don't have the notion to be a manipulator.

Its like cats and dogs. The cats are the manipulators, the dogs the ones dumb enough to misbehave in the open.
dilloduck said:
Wow NATO-----you got get with the program here---men a responsible for ALL the evils in the world.

I always loved being the rebel.

Considering I haven't yet accepted the alpha male programming every boy is supposed to recieve and live by, I say a pox on both their houses.
dilloduck said:
Wow NATO-----you got get with the program here---men a responsible for ALL the evils in the world.

**big round-eyed nod**
dilloduck said:
Explain how it works to him, Shattered !

I don't know.. It's just always been that way.. Way before my time.

Boys are dumb.
Girls are mean.
Girls are mean because boys are dumb.
Boys are dumb, well, because they're boys.

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