Girl born w/o Face


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
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now THIS is jacked up - be sure to watch the video stream:

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- When most parents have a baby, they spend months dreaming about what their bundle of joy will look like. Will she look like mom? Will he have dad's eyes? But for one local Navy family, the birth of their daughter didn't give them the answers to those questions. Their daughter was born without a face.

When Tammy was pregnant, she knew something was wrong. At worst, they thought maybe their baby had a cleft lip.

So Tammy, and her husband Tom, went to the hospital happy, until the birth.

"The nurse is like, 'We got her stable, we need to rush her upstairs,'" explains Tom, as he recalls every minute of that day. "And the nurse asked, 'Do you want your wife to see her now?'"

Tom says he thought to himself, "Before she gets the shock I did, let me take a picture so she's prepared."

Tammy hadn't seen her new baby yet, because she almost bled to death during delivery. Tammy would be okay, meanwhile, dad went to take pictures of his new daughter.

But no matter what, these new parents had a wish. "That if there was something wrong, she wouldn't be alone. We wanted to make sure she felt loved," said Tom, as he began to cry. "She squeezed my hand."

Little Juliana is missing 30 - 40 percent of the bones in her face
That has got to be the saddest video I have seen in quite some time.
I would be so hearbroken. I actually teared up a little at the thought of how thankful i am that my son was born healthy and normal, and this little girl, through no fault of hers or her parents, was not.

however, i am also thankful that we live in today, because of all the medical technology, and that reconstruction of a new face for the little girl, can be done. God will be with her, and is looking out for her. He gave us the ability to create such technology, and He expects us to use it to its full potential.

oh, and I am sending a check to them right now, with a Christmas card.
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