Girl Accidentally Shoots Cousin and Then Shoots Herself

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
This is why parents have to go over gun safety repeatedly with their children. If the curiosity is gone then things like this wouldn't happen anymore.

So the gun was the 14 yr olds? no doubt off the street.......
Ghetto thug culture claims two more victims. That looks like a Glock with a 50-round drum magazine, favorite of hip-hop gangster ghetto thugs.

Murder/suicide sounds strange at that age but if they had it on video it seems like more than an accident.
You don't see many people rocking 50-round drum magazines in a Glock pistol. I had one packed away in an ammo box, so I dug it out...

glock drum.webp
This is why parents have to go over gun safety repeatedly with their children. If the curiosity is gone then things like this wouldn't happen anymore.

How did the girl shoot herself on accident? After shooting the first girl?
Feel sorry for the has some splainin to do

She can begin by explaining: "The girl's grandmother, Susan Dyson, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that she saw the Instagram Live video the two cousins were making together at a downtown St. Louis apartment the family had rented to celebrate March birthdays."

Who the hell rents an aprtment just to have birthday parties? They must have been planning to having bashes that were going to get them thrown out.
How did the girl shoot herself on accident? After shooting the first girl?

She accidentally killed her cousin and then purposely shot herself.
This is why parents have to go over gun safety repeatedly with their children. If the curiosity is gone then things like this wouldn't happen anymore.

Don't care.

I still need machine guns.

Machine guns or Valhalla. I will kill people to make it so.
How many dead kids will I tolerate to keep my guns and get more, including machine guns?

As many as it takes. Kill them all.
Oh, was this supposed to shame me into allowing you motherfucking gun grabbers to get more of your unconstitutional bullshit with your appeals to emotion?

Sorry about that.

I just do not care about dead kids, especially yours.
This is why parents have to go over gun safety repeatedly with their children. If the curiosity is gone then things like this wouldn't happen anymore.

Thank you. I will definitely go over safety with my 13yo asap. Probably at the firing range, where i can impress upon her the deadly nature of firearms. Rule #1: NEVER point a firearm at another person unless you intend them to be dead. Whether you "think" it is loaded or not. Amen.
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