Take a Memo:
This meme has been around a while. It started back during the Great Depression as most things progressive, with FDR. The Loopholes are Progressive dog-whistle for tax incentives, credits and deductions. It began with the whole "Robber Barons" thing... all those rich people with advantages the normal guy doesn't get. It's a common thread preached throughout the progressive movement. But it has now made it's way across the aisle to the right. More and more republicans and even conservatives are caught extolling the thought.... we must get rid of these awful and terrible LOOPHOLES!
Now let's study objectively on what exactly a "loophole" really is. We're talking about things mostly in our US tax code laws, which have been put there through the years by previous congresses and legislative actions. While I am sure there are some backroom deals made here and there, lobby efforts paid off, donors satisfied, etc., by and large, you have to think that whenever Congress gains the needed majority support to enact new tax law they probably had a reason better than lining their own pockets. If not, the problem isn't loopholes.
So what happens is, they have some problem they are trying to address... what do we do about this thing that keeps happening that we don't want to happen? Well... let's do a tax incentive to see if we can encourage more of something to keep that bad thing from happening? Like.... when no one was purchasing new homes. It was a major expense and people wanted to save. So in order to get people to start buying homes again, the government made mortgage interest deductible. All these "loopholes" are actually solutions to some problem we were having at some time.
But now we have all these mindless idiots running around screaming... get rid of the loopholes! And they don't even have the first clue as to which loopholes they specifically want to get rid of or what to do about the consequential problem that is going to again arise whenever we eliminate the incentive. They don't want to objectively look at anything... just repeat the mindless rant that it's "not fair" for these people to get this and those people can't. But you can never have total fairness AND total freedom. It's one or the other.
Now don't take me wrong here... I am not advocating for ALL tax incentives (aka: loopholes)! I think the best way to eliminate the loopholes is to just eliminate the taxation. No tax-- no need for a loophole. We should be intelligently discussing why a consumerist juggernaut like ourselves isn't taking advantage of a consumption tax instead of an income tax? Why can't we set aside century-old progressive rhetoric and answer that question?
Now let's study objectively on what exactly a "loophole" really is. We're talking about things mostly in our US tax code laws, which have been put there through the years by previous congresses and legislative actions. While I am sure there are some backroom deals made here and there, lobby efforts paid off, donors satisfied, etc., by and large, you have to think that whenever Congress gains the needed majority support to enact new tax law they probably had a reason better than lining their own pockets. If not, the problem isn't loopholes.
So what happens is, they have some problem they are trying to address... what do we do about this thing that keeps happening that we don't want to happen? Well... let's do a tax incentive to see if we can encourage more of something to keep that bad thing from happening? Like.... when no one was purchasing new homes. It was a major expense and people wanted to save. So in order to get people to start buying homes again, the government made mortgage interest deductible. All these "loopholes" are actually solutions to some problem we were having at some time.
But now we have all these mindless idiots running around screaming... get rid of the loopholes! And they don't even have the first clue as to which loopholes they specifically want to get rid of or what to do about the consequential problem that is going to again arise whenever we eliminate the incentive. They don't want to objectively look at anything... just repeat the mindless rant that it's "not fair" for these people to get this and those people can't. But you can never have total fairness AND total freedom. It's one or the other.
Now don't take me wrong here... I am not advocating for ALL tax incentives (aka: loopholes)! I think the best way to eliminate the loopholes is to just eliminate the taxation. No tax-- no need for a loophole. We should be intelligently discussing why a consumerist juggernaut like ourselves isn't taking advantage of a consumption tax instead of an income tax? Why can't we set aside century-old progressive rhetoric and answer that question?