Get ready to kiss you a** goodbye

I NEVER EVER said that it was awful that ONLY satellite data was used. What I scolded on was the fact that satellite data EXISTED prior to 1979, but it displays a tale that shan't be told.

Which is why those 3 papers, among others, studied it in detail, published about it, and why all the scientists knew about it how ice levels were higher pre-1979. It's only in your conspiracy theory that data is being hidden.

And thus after the 1990 publication by the IPCC of the ENTIRE satellite record (albeit it was processed differently and the satellites were different) --- it became MANDATORY to start the "satellite sea ice record" from 1979 instead of 1972 or so.

The modern papers use that 1972-1978 satellite data. Hence, nothing is being "hidden", and your conspiracy theory crashes.
The homogenized combined time series is created from three individual products: a consistent passive microwave record
using multiple channels (frequencies and polarizations), an extended passive microwave record that also incorporates
an early 1970s single-channel passive microwave radiometer, and the pre-1979 part of the Hadley Centre climatology.
Each dataset is summarized below with references for details of the processing methods.

2.2 Extended passive microwave (XPM)
The sensors used in the consistent, long-term passive microwave sea ice time series, SMMR-SSM/I-SSMIS, are
multi-channel (five frequencies, four with dual polarization).Preceding this multichannel passive microwave era, a single-
channel sensor, the Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer (ESMR) on the NASA Nimbus-5 platform operated
from late 1972 through early 1977. Because it was only a single channel instrument, the NT algorithm is not applicable
and a single-channel algorithm was used. There were several quality control issues with ESMR, limiting data collec-
tion. Nonetheless, daily and monthly sea ice concentration and extent estimates have been produced for most months
between January 1973 and December 1977 (Parkinson et al., 1987a, b, 1999;
| National Snow and Ice Data Center).

These fields were produced on the same 25 km x 25 km polar stereographic grid as the data for the SII estimates.
The different algorithms, limited data quality, and the lack of an overlap between the ESMR and SMMR complicate
merging of the ESMR extents with the SII values in a consistent manner. However, Cavalieri et al. (2003) combined
the two passive microwave time series by using operational ice charts from the US National Ice Center (Dedrick et al.,
2001) to cross-calibrate between the SMMR-SSM/I record and ESMR and bridge the gaps within ESMR and between
ESMR and the multi-channel passive microwave record, creating a 30-yr time series spanning January 1972 through
December 2002 (Data Set Not Found | National Snow and Ice Data Center), denoted here as the “XPM” time
series. In the process, adjustments were made to both passive microwave records and this XPM time series is not entirely
consistent with the SII time series.

From your link..

Earlier records, compiled from ice charts and other sources exist, but are not consistent with the satellite record. Here, a method is presented to adjust a compilation of pre-satellite sources to remove discontinuities between the two periods and create a more consistent combined 59-yr time series spanning 1953–2011.

This is the current MO of ALL these data prep exercises. Take much more reliable and precise MODERN data (like satellite) and pound on the crap to tenderize it into one homogenous record. OFTEN with the goal of "adjusting" the more precise record to LOOK like the ancient sketchy data. They do it here. And they do it TODAY at NOAA for sea surface temps.

At NOAA -- they discount the modern instrumentation ENTIRELY to get HIGHER SST by going back to 19th century "ship intake methods". That's how NOAA CAUSED the recent divergence between satellite data and the 10,000 buoy methods. Fuck the buoys, ask the captains for ship logs and just homogenize it all.

The PRIMARY data is the reference source. It's never the other way around. .
Another quote from Squidward's link.. .

The method applied here cannot guarantee absolute consistency across the entire time series. Consistency within just the pre-satellite record of the Hadley time series is limited by lack of complete data, data of different quality, and human judgment (both in terms of combining the different sources and within individual products such as ice charts). However our method minimizes inconsistencies in two ways. First, we use the consistently processed SII record as the foundation of the time series. Second, we remove a clear discontinuity between the pre-satellite Hadley period and the SII passive microwave period, minimizing inconsistency in the transition between the two time series.

Another Frankenstein monster. Completely attenuates the more salient features of the pre-79 satellite data in order to preserve "harmony" between sat record and their earlier trashy data..

I'll stick with the figure from the 1990 IPCC report for early 70s Arctic Sea Ice --- thanks, no thanks.
This is the current MO of ALL these data prep exercises. Take much more reliable and precise MODERN data (like satellite) and pound on the crap to tenderize it into one homogenous record. OFTEN with the goal of "adjusting" the more precise record to LOOK like the ancient sketchy data.
They do it here. And they do it TODAY at NOAA for sea surface temps.

Funny. You started out being totally fine with connecting the completely incompatible pre-1979 and post-1979 satellite data, which was done on your IPCC 1990 sea ice graph did.

And now you've done a total one-eighty, again, and are telling us that the technique used in your most precious graph is totally not allowed.

So, which is it?

Can incompatible data types be connected in a time series, or not?

If you say "no", your 1990 sea ice graph is crap, by your own definition, and you surrender the point, and admit that sea ice values are plummeting.

If you say "yes", then you have to accept the newer data superseding it, and you still surrender the point.

Ooh, you're hosed either way. I wouldn't want to be in your spot. Let's see how you weasel out of this one. (My suggestion: When in a hole, stop digging.)

At NOAA -- they discount the modern instrumentation ENTIRELY to get HIGHER SST by going back to 19th century "ship intake methods". That's how NOAA CAUSED the recent divergence between satellite data and the 10,000 buoy methods. Fuck the buoys, ask the captains for ship logs and just homogenize it all.

Just what have your conspiracy blogs been feeding you? That new NOAA data set (ERSST4) is now more closely aligned with the buoys and satellites.

Assessing recent warming using instrumentally homogeneous sea surface temperature records | Science Advances
We show that ERSST version 4 trends generally agree with largely independent, near-global, and instrumentally homogeneous SST measurements from floating buoys, Argo floats, and radiometer-based satellite measurements that have been developed and deployed during the past two decades.

The PRIMARY data is the reference source. It's never the other way around.

And that was the case, so what are you upset about? If the primary source didn't exist at a past time, you have to use the primary source to determine the biases of the present secondary measurements, then work backwards by assuming the same type of secondary measurements in the past had the same biases.
Complete Bullshit. The sat record and NOAA is INCREASINGLY diverging. We've been thru that before.

And now you're back to your annoying ways of screwing with what I actually said. Time to put you back on ignore.
BTW -- back in the 80s when I worked for a company that made the imaging processing equipment for Earth resource satellite data -- I put together a demo for the salesforce comparing the OLD manual reading of sat photos compared to doing it with Computer Aided tools and analysis. And PART of that demo used OLD Arctic Sea Ice sat photos from the 1970s (many we had to digitize from photo proofs) and newer sat SIE data. So I REMEMBER having chats with folks who DID the pre-79 analysis of that data and their process.
Arctic sea ice extent over 1,450 years

Late-summer Arctic sea ice extent in million square kilometers over the last 1450 years (red line), reconstructed from a combination of Arctic ice core, tree ring, and lake sediment data by Kinnard et al. (2011). A 40-year low-pass filter was applied to the data. The shaded area shows the uncertainty (95% confidence interval), and the blue dashed line shows modern observations. Arctic sea ice extent is currently lower than at any time in the last 1450 years. Unfortunately, sea ice is now melting even faster than predicted.

Arctic sea ice extent over 1,450 years

Really. And that has to do with this, how? Most of the melt has occurred since 2000.

What? You want me to compare the accuracy and resolution of a 1450 year proxy study to the DAILY readings we get from satellites for the past few decades? Because that's what;s in your perty color graph. It's another hockey stick. Created by very LOW temporal/spatial inaccurate proxies, and then TACKING ON in black the modern instrumentation record. Ain't no different than the false conclusions from temperature hockey sticks of Mann or Marcott. It's a Frankenstein creation made out of spare parts from the salvage yard.

It's like comparing the publishing frequency of a particular topic based on pulling a just a few cards from an old library card file for 299 years and then tacking on Google search data for the last 30 years.

In the end -- it's entirely dishonest and unethical to MAKE those comparisons.

Clear enough???
Thank you for pointing out the fraud that graph represents.. Kind of like Mann tacking on a yearly record to a 250-500 year data plot..
Trump is president and now global warming is going to kill us all!!!!
Calm down... The hoax is now going to be exposed and shown for what it is. Now real scientists will get the money needed to show how we must adapt.. It will be far cheaper to adapt than to do the lunacy the far left wakos wanted for a nonexistent problem.
Trump is president and now global warming is going to kill us all!!!!
Calm down... The hoax is now going to be exposed and shown for what it is. Now real scientists will get the money needed to show how we must adapt.. It will be far cheaper to adapt than to do the lunacy the far left wakos wanted for a nonexistent problem.

With completely OPEN Climate Science, we might discover we're doomed in other ways. Might find out the end of this inter-glacial is just 200 years out. Or that our Yellow sun is turning Orange. Isn't EVERYTHING turning "orange" these days? :rolleyes:
Complete Bullshit. The sat record and NOAA is INCREASINGLY diverging. We've been thru that before

I note your complete lack of supporting evidence, compared to my link to the evidence supporting what I wrote. That is, it's another example of your "Because I say so!" argument style.

And now you're back to your annoying ways of screwing with what I actually said. Time to put you back on ignore.

You constantly argue out of both sides of your mouth.

I caught you red-handed.

You can't squirm off the hook, so you're snarling insults and running. Again. Boring.

You stink at the science, because you simply parrot GOP spin, just like every other "libertarian". Conservatives rank above libertarians on the ethics scale, because while they believe all the same things, at least conservatives don't pretend to be independent thinkers.
Trump is president and now global warming is going to kill us all!!!!
Yes, the orange clown is President, and that will make zero difference in the reality of global warming. After yesterdays performance at the CIA, and that of his press secretary, how long the clown will remain President is a serious question. Definite signs of mental illness in that address.
Trump is president and now global warming is going to kill us all!!!!
Yes, the orange clown is President, and that will make zero difference in the reality of global warming. After yesterdays performance at the CIA, and that of his press secretary, how long the clown will remain President is a serious question. Definite signs of mental illness in that address.

Yes, the orange clown is President, and that will make zero difference in the reality of global warming.

Just as Obozo made zero difference.
The ice caps are the planet's heat sink. When they fall apart, all kinds of feedbacks kick in and the climate goes to hell in short order. Here's a graph that shows planetary ice extent. Notice anything frightening about 2016?

View attachment 107464

More troublesome yet, there are gigatons worth of methane clathrates ready to melt and contribute more greenhouse gasses than the planet has seen in millions of years.

I'm not advocating action. We're past all that now.

Yeah, ok. And when exactly does the world end, headcase? Be specific.
The ice caps are the planet's heat sink. When they fall apart, all kinds of feedbacks kick in and the climate goes to hell in short order. Here's a graph that shows planetary ice extent. Notice anything frightening about 2016?

View attachment 107464

More troublesome yet, there are gigatons worth of methane clathrates ready to melt and contribute more greenhouse gasses than the planet has seen in millions of years.

I'm not advocating action. We're past all that now.

Yeah, ok. And when exactly does the world end, headcase? Be specific.
Depends on where you live. The eastern US will continue to endure increasingly intense effects of the polar vortex while the west will get increasingly hot and dry. If you're lucky enough to be rich, you can move to the southern hemisphere to a sanctuary like New Zealand and be one of the last to be affected. For most, I would guess that conditions for living would be difficult to impossible within about 15 to 20 years if feedbacks are as intense as predicted.
The ice caps are the planet's heat sink. When they fall apart, all kinds of feedbacks kick in and the climate goes to hell in short order. Here's a graph that shows planetary ice extent. Notice anything frightening about 2016?

View attachment 107464

More troublesome yet, there are gigatons worth of methane clathrates ready to melt and contribute more greenhouse gasses than the planet has seen in millions of years.

I'm not advocating action. We're past all that now.


What a fucking retard.
Musing about the earlier comment about Mt. McKinley (Denali to you liberals) melting. Then reading news from Alaska about how the snow is so deep this year that the roads might not open until, maybe, late July - early August. Suck it up, buttercups, it's cold as a witches tit out there and we know that because your capitive media reports daily on the temperature of Hillary's leftmost boob.
The ice caps are the planet's heat sink. When they fall apart, all kinds of feedbacks kick in and the climate goes to hell in short order. Here's a graph that shows planetary ice extent. Notice anything frightening about 2016?

View attachment 107464

More troublesome yet, there are gigatons worth of methane clathrates ready to melt and contribute more greenhouse gasses than the planet has seen in millions of years.

I'm not advocating action. We're past all that now.


What a fucking retard.
Maybe if there's snow where you are, you could throw a snowball at me to prove that global warming is a hoax. Moron.
Maybe if there's snow where you are, you could throw a snowball at me to prove that global warming is a hoax. Moron.

Since the dawn of time, people have predicted the end of the world.

AND of course the con men have used the fear of the end of the world to fleece the stupid. I grew up with a family who really believed the Rapture would be any day. You AGW cultists are the same sort of kooks, just following a more primitive religion.

Pope Algore the Prevaricator, head of your retarded religion, predicted in "An Inconvenient Truth" that the world would end by 2010. That his predictions are all bullshit doesn't bother you, you have your faith, reality has no power over you.

Your church of rubes and retards claimed that the Himalayas would be "snow free" by now. At the first "Earth Day" your huckster priests told you drooling retards that there would be a 70 to 90% mass extinction caused by pollution. That was in 1970. Someone forgot to tell all the animals that they were supposed to die off. But you dumb fuckers don't care. No matter HOW many times the prophecies of con artists running your religion lie to you, it won't convince you. In fact your faith becomes stronger.
Maybe if there's snow where you are, you could throw a snowball at me to prove that global warming is a hoax. Moron.

Since the dawn of time, people have predicted the end of the world.

AND of course the con men have used the fear of the end of the world to fleece the stupid. I grew up with a family who really believed the Rapture would be any day. You AGW cultists are the same sort of kooks, just following a more primitive religion.

Pope Algore the Prevaricator, head of your retarded religion, predicted in "An Inconvenient Truth" that the world would end by 2010. That his predictions are all bullshit doesn't bother you, you have your faith, reality has no power over you.

Your church of rubes and retards claimed that the Himalayas would be "snow free" by now. At the first "Earth Day" your huckster priests told you drooling retards that there would be a 70 to 90% mass extinction caused by pollution. That was in 1970. Someone forgot to tell all the animals that they were supposed to die off. But you dumb fuckers don't care. No matter HOW many times the prophecies of con artists running your religion lie to you, it won't convince you. In fact your faith becomes stronger.
And your prophet Jim Inhofe proved once and for all that global warming is a hoax by bringing a snowball into the Senate.

Maybe you should stop fixating on Al Gore and look at what the actual climate scientists are saying. I gave you a start with the OP of this thread. If you want more information, take a look at this link. There's a slightly more recent posting that shows the trend is not improving and there might be another to be released today that I predict will continue the dire news.

Arctic News: 2016 well above 1.5°C

And your prophet Jim Inhofe proved once and for all that global warming is a hoax by bringing a snowball into the Senate.

Maybe you should stop fixating on Al Gore and look at what the actual climate scientists are saying. I gave you a start with the OP of this thread. If you want more information, take a look at this link. There's a slightly more recent posting that shows the trend is not improving and there might be another to be released today that I predict will continue the dire news.

Arctic News: 2016 well above 1.5°C

Again, the doomsday cult you follow is specifically designed for stupid people like you, who seek to pretend wisdom by adherence to dogma that is popular to the initiated.

You will predict what your church claims, regardless of how many failures you have, because you are a moron who is desperate to belong to something.

And your prophet Jim Inhofe proved once and for all that global warming is a hoax by bringing a snowball into the Senate.

Maybe you should stop fixating on Al Gore and look at what the actual climate scientists are saying. I gave you a start with the OP of this thread. If you want more information, take a look at this link. There's a slightly more recent posting that shows the trend is not improving and there might be another to be released today that I predict will continue the dire news.

Arctic News: 2016 well above 1.5°C

Again, the doomsday cult you follow is specifically designed for stupid people like you, who seek to pretend wisdom by adherence to dogma that is popular to the initiated.

You will predict what your church claims, regardless of how many failures you have, because you are a moron who is desperate to belong to something.
I visualize stupid fuckers like you living in bunkers that have been hardened against the introduction of new information. And they keep the stupid hermetically sealed inside.

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