Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic.

So what? What do you expect me to comment? My comment is big deal who cares, lets move on already that shit ended 72 years ago why does it constantly have to be brought up almost 24/7?

There are still people walking around today who were henchmen and women in the Gulags in East Germany, why not publicise THAT 24/7 instead or are those people okay because their victims were only Germans who were Christian? The Jews do NOT have a MONOPOLY on suffering and being terrorised you know, I know you think you do but I am sorry this Perpetual Victim Status is getting a bit into the Over Reach Department now. What do you WANT us all to just commit suicide and kill our children so you can FINALLY be happy that the OMG Evil Germanics can never be any more and don't say you LIKE Germanics because you DON'T if you DID you would not be posting the below and also before you or any of the Brainwashed Lapdogs say OMG how Anti-Semitic my comments are NO there is NOTHING Anti-Semitic in anything I have commented and if you or any of the Brainwashed Lapdogs who lack the intellectual ability to have a discussion about these issues want to resort to name calling and call me a Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi I do NOT give a SHIT I'm immune t the usual tactic of calling someone a Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi and them immediately crapping themselves and humilating themselves by apologising and spreading their buttocks for you.

This = you do NOT like Germanic peoples or Polish peoples I add, yes I read the other thread that Sobieski posted:


The Germans won't let it go and move on. There are reminders of the Holocaust everywhere I walk in this city. At one time, Saturday night on TV used to be Third Reich Night.

Lucy; what made you think I 'expect' you to comment?

"The Germans won't let it go and move on."

Because the systematic Brainwashing for the past 20 years has SUCCEEDED that is why, 40 years ago NOBODY mentioned this crap that was pre-FORCING it down EVERY German man women and childs throat and now you have SUCCEEDED they HATE themselves, they HATE being German, they REFUSE to show Patriotism, they WELCOME their demise and clap it along. Look what the reaction was to when Merkel opened the border to MILLIONS of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans that HAD to be done because of "our history" we all know what that refer to.

So instead of whining 24/7 and posting Divisive OPs designed to forment even MORE Anti-German HATRED, be HAPPY okay?

Nobody mentioned that crap, before the AmericanTV film Holocaust aired on German TV. (On a minority channel) Then the floodgates opened.

I have in previous threads mentioned the Americans in this and it has been American NGOS with The Usual Suspects involved that began and continue the Brainwashing to Self Hatred. Of course now they realise that things in Germany are going according to plan ie. them hating themselves and the Population Replacement with Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans they are moving onto Poland, the Poles are Patriotic and proud to be Polish which is not good, Poland must be ruined next the problem though is that the Poles are not Beta Cuck Faggots. We stand in support of our Polish Brothers and Sisters yes we have differences with them about some historical situations but at this time we stand in full support of them and their Sovereign Nation and we hope their Government does not succumb to the International bullying from all The Usual Suspect Groups because it's designed to make the Poles hate themselves and also designed to Extort BILLIONS of money from the Poles, same plan they did on Germany, so we hope Poland shows them the middle finger.

I've not picked up on any self hatred, or indeed hatred towards Germans. I hear of more hatred towards Jews, as if they were somehow responsible for their tragic fate.

Any dislike of Germans is based on their behaviour; pushing in, and general rudeness. Nothing concerning the War or the Holocaust.

"I hear of more hatred towards Jews,"

And now approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs have been imported, do they like Jews? No, so why instead of the constant hit jobs on Germans, why do not they instead ask the Jews why they are not DEMANDING that Merkel throw the Kebabs out? Or has the insanity now reached the level that even ASKING the Jews ANYTHING is now considered Anti-Semitic? Is that the reason for the TOTAL silence? If so then pathetic.
It would be very informative when you name a 'gentile' country jews lived in which wasn't antisemitic. Through entirely human history jews were expelled from almost all countries.
It's interesting isn't it? How these people manage to wear out their welcome everywhere they go eventually. Why is that?

People hate others who are more intelligent than them.


^^^^ With all due respect Greg that is ridiculous, there are millions of intelligent Gentiles, there are millions of stupid Gentiles, there are millions of intelligent Jews, there are millions of stupid Jews. So the situation is not about intelligence. What we do need though is an intelligent discussion about things, we never have an intelligent discussion about things all that occur is the usual lazy name calling, anyone can call people names it takes NO intelligent thought to call people names, so what is the problem? Are the name callers devoid of intellectual capability to think for THEMSELVES and not just resort to name calling and pushing tired old hysteria type Propaganda Talking Point Memos they get off the Internets?

It was meant as a put down to the age old canard of everywhere Jews were "expelled". Didn't happen in Bulgaria except by the Ottomans and has never happened in NZ or here. An intelligent discussion would talk about Christians (and Catholics like me) forgetting that the Jews were NOT the Christ killers; it was our sins.


Yes I know Greg, what I am attempting to do is have some discussion that does not involve the usual name calling, there are issues here that I think perhaps people do not want to discuss because they think if they mention they will be called names, this is very juvenile.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.
So what? What do you expect me to comment? My comment is big deal who cares, lets move on already that shit ended 72 years ago why does it constantly have to be brought up almost 24/7?

There are still people walking around today who were henchmen and women in the Gulags in East Germany, why not publicise THAT 24/7 instead or are those people okay because their victims were only Germans who were Christian? The Jews do NOT have a MONOPOLY on suffering and being terrorised you know, I know you think you do but I am sorry this Perpetual Victim Status is getting a bit into the Over Reach Department now. What do you WANT us all to just commit suicide and kill our children so you can FINALLY be happy that the OMG Evil Germanics can never be any more and don't say you LIKE Germanics because you DON'T if you DID you would not be posting the below and also before you or any of the Brainwashed Lapdogs say OMG how Anti-Semitic my comments are NO there is NOTHING Anti-Semitic in anything I have commented and if you or any of the Brainwashed Lapdogs who lack the intellectual ability to have a discussion about these issues want to resort to name calling and call me a Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi I do NOT give a SHIT I'm immune t the usual tactic of calling someone a Nazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi and them immediately crapping themselves and humilating themselves by apologising and spreading their buttocks for you.

This = you do NOT like Germanic peoples or Polish peoples I add, yes I read the other thread that Sobieski posted:


The Germans won't let it go and move on. There are reminders of the Holocaust everywhere I walk in this city. At one time, Saturday night on TV used to be Third Reich Night.

Lucy; what made you think I 'expect' you to comment?

"The Germans won't let it go and move on."

Because the systematic Brainwashing for the past 20 years has SUCCEEDED that is why, 40 years ago NOBODY mentioned this crap that was pre-FORCING it down EVERY German man women and childs throat and now you have SUCCEEDED they HATE themselves, they HATE being German, they REFUSE to show Patriotism, they WELCOME their demise and clap it along. Look what the reaction was to when Merkel opened the border to MILLIONS of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans that HAD to be done because of "our history" we all know what that refer to.

So instead of whining 24/7 and posting Divisive OPs designed to forment even MORE Anti-German HATRED, be HAPPY okay?

Nobody mentioned that crap, before the AmericanTV film Holocaust aired on German TV. (On a minority channel) Then the floodgates opened.

I have in previous threads mentioned the Americans in this and it has been American NGOS with The Usual Suspects involved that began and continue the Brainwashing to Self Hatred. Of course now they realise that things in Germany are going according to plan ie. them hating themselves and the Population Replacement with Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans they are moving onto Poland, the Poles are Patriotic and proud to be Polish which is not good, Poland must be ruined next the problem though is that the Poles are not Beta Cuck Faggots. We stand in support of our Polish Brothers and Sisters yes we have differences with them about some historical situations but at this time we stand in full support of them and their Sovereign Nation and we hope their Government does not succumb to the International bullying from all The Usual Suspect Groups because it's designed to make the Poles hate themselves and also designed to Extort BILLIONS of money from the Poles, same plan they did on Germany, so we hope Poland shows them the middle finger.

I've not picked up on any self hatred, or indeed hatred towards Germans. I hear of more hatred towards Jews, as if they were somehow responsible for their tragic fate.

Any dislike of Germans is based on their behaviour; pushing in, and general rudeness. Nothing concerning the War or the Holocaust.

I've only been to Germany a few times mostly in transit but I haven't seen the rudeness of which you speak. In fact a group of youngsters took me under their wing once in Frankfurt showing me the sights and helping me get back to the airport after I'd been 'Heathrowed" and lost a day in transit. I was never so pleased to have missed a flight.
However, even my German step-Grandma would speak of some of those traits you mentioned. She seemed to put it down to impatience with things not running efficiently.

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

So the solution is...HAVE MORE BABIES!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

So the solution is...HAVE MORE BABIES!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!


They're not though.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the German election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

I suppose it seemed a good idea at the time, but it needed to be a temporary solution while the main event back in Syria was resolved. After all, Syrians would prefer to be HOME rather than stateless in Germany. (Those that aren't of that view need to be identified and sent back to "safe spaces" in Turkey). The COST is what it is; it will be the result of Syrian sectarianism and a failed "Arab Spring" which needed better support from the big players in The West. Obama's "soft" intervention was a disaster.

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

So the solution is...HAVE MORE BABIES!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!


They're not though.

No because they have been told that more German babies is Nazi and racist, more Germans is not good for The Usual Suspects, Germany Must Perish!
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

Please don't ascribe any of that to me, because I have not experienced any of it. You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

"So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis"......................genocide through birth control and abortion is what I call it UNLESS the German people get to having families again. I know you're doing your bit and good on you for that.

As for those calling it "nazi" to want more native Germans....they're low scum.

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

"So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis"......................genocide through birth control and abortion is what I call it UNLESS the German people get to having families again. I know you're doing your bit and good on you for that.

As for those calling it "nazi" to want more native Germans....they're low scum.


Most of it is economic. Two people working, and the wife can't afford to give up her job to have kids.

Childcare is not as advanced in Germany as it is in the US.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

So the solution is...HAVE MORE BABIES!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!


They're not though.

No because they have been told that more German babies is Nazi and racist, more Germans is not good for The Usual Suspects, Germany Must Perish!

Stuff them and stuff that!!!I support larger families for ALL!!! Why on earth would anyone say that any particular group should diminish? That's RACIST!!! And yes; I know their reasons and those putting them forward should be frog marched back to the ME!!!

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

I suppose it seemed a good idea at the time, but it needed to be a temporary solution while the main event back in Syria was resolved. After all, Syrians would prefer to be HOME rather than stateless in Germany. (Those that aren't of that view need to be identified and sent back to "safe spaces" in Turkey). The COST is what it is; it will be the result of Syrian sectarianism and a failed "Arab Spring" which needed better support from the big players in The West. Obama's "soft" intervention was a disaster.


Well yes as a temporary solution, but Merkel insists they stay FOREVER and the SPD want them to be allowed to bring their entire family, so 2.5 MILLION plus their entire family could be what 12 MILLION or we do not know could be 15 MILLION, now anyone who disagrees with that and also say they ALL need deporting of course is a Nazi. Can you see the Psy Op in full operation? Nazi is the buzz word and it Triggers the Psychological reaction and makes most of Germany automatic Beta Cuck Faggots who would prefer to be Culturally Suicided than called a Nazi, who would prefer to not even breed because breeding more Germans is racist and one of those babys could become the new Adolf Hitler, the Psy Op is wicked but it has been very successful.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

"So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis"......................genocide through birth control and abortion is what I call it UNLESS the German people get to having families again. I know you're doing your bit and good on you for that.

As for those calling it "nazi" to want more native Germans....they're low scum.


Most of it is economic. Two people working, and the wife can't afford to give up her job to have kids.

Childcare is not as advanced in Germany as it is in the US.

I've seen that in action and I detest the "two income" survival model that has sprung up in the West. To me it shows great disrespect to motherhood and a failure to provide a living wage to FAMILIES. There is of course a more sinister motive: what amount of "two incomes" is just gouged by those able to, including governments. I remember I was a house hubby for about six months once and I must say that I enjoyed it a lot. Why wouldn't I want that for the wife?

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

Please don't ascribe any of that to me, because I have not experienced any of it. You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany.

"You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany."

No you do not it depends who is calling who a Nazi eg. a bar owner in Leipzig put a notice on his bar door which say he did not want any of that Kebab crowd in his bar because ones who had been in his bar had been harrassing German women and he OPENLY was called a Nazi and there are multiple situations like that that occur in Leipzig.
How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

I suppose it seemed a good idea at the time, but it needed to be a temporary solution while the main event back in Syria was resolved. After all, Syrians would prefer to be HOME rather than stateless in Germany. (Those that aren't of that view need to be identified and sent back to "safe spaces" in Turkey). The COST is what it is; it will be the result of Syrian sectarianism and a failed "Arab Spring" which needed better support from the big players in The West. Obama's "soft" intervention was a disaster.


Well yes as a temporary solution, but Merkel insists they stay FOREVER and the SPD want them to be allowed to bring their entire family, so 2.5 MILLION plus their entire family could be what 12 MILLION or we do not know could be 15 MILLION, now anyone who disagrees with that and also say they ALL need deporting of course is a Nazi. Can you see the Psy Op in full operation? Nazi is the buzz word and it Triggers the Psychological reaction and makes most of Germany automatic Beta Cuck Faggots who would prefer to be Culturally Suicided than called a Nazi, who would prefer to not even breed because breeding more Germans is racist and one of those babys could become the new Adolf Hitler, the Psy Op is wicked but it has been very successful.

Stay forever? No bloody way; "Beta Cuck Faggots"...I like that; I've got several targets lined up already.

The Yugoslav experiment of "all in the melting pot together" FAILED after the State sponsored violence was successfully opposed. States are made from commonalities including culture. Gradual assimilation is not a problem; flooding with "diversity"....(uncontrolled access by foreigners) ...IS a problem. If Merkel wants them to stay then frankly it is a WRONG policy. I note that she came damn close to losing; the opposition was even more batshit crazy than Merkel. Let's hope the Germans come to their senses sooner than later.

How anti-Semitic is Germany today? A Holocaust survivor stuns German TV viewers with her candid answers.

Germany was always anti-Semitic, that has not changed much,” Esther Bejarano – who was enslaved in the infamous “women’s orchestra” of the Auschwitz death camp – told the ARDNetwork‘s flagship “

Bejarano was one of several guests on an International Holocaust Remembrance Day edition of the show that asked the question, “How anti-Semitic is Germany today?” Other guests who participated in the candid and often emotional discussion included two government ministers, a prominent human rights advocate and a leading scholar of modern Jewish history.

Much of the show was dedicated to a harrowing interview with Bejarano about her incarceration in Auschwitz. She began by relating that her father had been a stalwart German patriot, convinced that the German people would reject Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party. But after the Nazis came to power and prevented the family from emigrating to British Mandatory Palestine, Bejarano was imprisoned in a hard labor camp in Germany, before being deported to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland in April 1943.

Germany Remains Deeply Anti-Semitic

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

Please don't ascribe any of that to me, because I have not experienced any of it. You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany.

"You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany."

No you do not it depends who is calling who a Nazi eg. a bar owner in Leipzig put a notice on his bar door which say he did not want any of that Kebab crowd in his bar because ones who had been in his bar had been harrassing German women and he OPENLY was called a Nazi and there are multiple situations like that that occur in Leipzig.

I've seen it on these boards as well. The Left can call anyone a nazi and they're covered by "free speech". What I call those who do that may not be so well covered but is frankly less offensive than being called "nazi". But they only do that because they have no argument and are incapable of thinking. It is really quite a meaningless insult now (here) as all it means is that the accuser is a tosser.

Pardon the term.

^^^^ There are approx 200,000-250,000 Jews in Germany, why are they NOT on the streets marching and DEMANDING that Merkel throw out the approx 2.5 MILLION Kebabs that Merkel without consulting anyone allowed to infest the German nation? Well Mindful, why are those Jews not DEMANDING Merkel throw that crowd out considering 99% of the Kebabs imported hate Jews? Can you tell me or not? Instead of AGAIN trashing the German people and blaming them AGAIN because of laziness of the mind perhaps you should discuss what I just ask you.

I can't order people around, and tell them what to do.

The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't.

I don't believe Merkel let all those people in for reasons of guilt. There's
A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced, burgeoning aging population, and not enough people to pay the taxes.

"The OP is about a Holocaust survivor going on German television, and discussing how she sees things. She's lived through times and events we haven't."

They all have the same story, people have heard variations of the same story THOUSANDS of times why do people need to hear it again and again and again and again? Why not let it go? Let people move on? We live in the NOW not in the PAST.

The other side of that coin could be that she was on the television to add to the Perpetual Guilt Trip that Germans are told must be FOREVER. How about just ONE TIME one of that crowd went on the television and said nobody has to feel guilty or hate themselves for something they NEVER participated in because they were not yet living? Of course not because doing that would defeat the purpose would it not?"

"A serious demographic problem in Germany. Birth rate has drastically reduced,"

So when Germans say they will make more German babys, they are called Nazis you know there was an ad during the election campaign and that ad was called racist and Nazi. We are not stupid Mindful we know The Agenda it helps us though that The Enemy are now very open about it.

Please don't ascribe any of that to me, because I have not experienced any of it. You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany.

"You have to be very careful about flinging the word Nazi around in Germany."

No you do not it depends who is calling who a Nazi eg. a bar owner in Leipzig put a notice on his bar door which say he did not want any of that Kebab crowd in his bar because ones who had been in his bar had been harrassing German women and he OPENLY was called a Nazi and there are multiple situations like that that occur in Leipzig.

I've seen it on these boards as well. The Left can call anyone a nazi and they're covered by "free speech". What I call those who do that may not be so well covered but is frankly less offensive than being called "nazi". But they only do that because they have no argument and are incapable of thinking. It is really quite a meaningless insult now (here) as all it means is that the accuser is a tosser.

Pardon the term.


I agree Greg and yes the term Nazi is now completely meaningless, also racist is becoming meaningless as it is over used in the same way.
it is all true--LUCY IS RIGHT----the filth of islam has been IMPOSED on the lily white Aryans by DA JOOOOOOOS

^^^^ Typical low IQ Troll comment from you irosie, it is a lot more entertaining when you spew your vile hate posts calling EVERYONE names which accounts for 99% of you forum posts. You are one of this forums most racist and bigoted members.

more ARYAN from our dear BIRD OF PREY---lucy

I have decided to self delete my responses to irosie for the reasons that I do not want to Feed The Troll and also I do not want Mindful's thread derailed when Mindful, Greg and I have been attempting to at least have a discussion that does not involve name calling etc.
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