Germans Panic-Buy Electric Heaters As Authorities Warn Of Winter Gas Shortage


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
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Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
German authorities have issued another dire warning about a possible shortage of natural gas over the winter, with fears that German households might be left in the cold, driving sales of electric heaters to soar in a spree of panic shopping.

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck told Deutschlandfunk radio on Sept. 30 that the country is in an “extremely tense situation” when it comes to energy supply.

“If we don’t save, if households don’t reduce consumption, we still risk not having enough gas in the winter,” he said.

Germans Panic-Buy Electric Heaters As Authorities Warn Of Winter Gas Shortage

Can you say "ROFL" in German?

I'll help:

sich lachend auf dem Boden wälzen
Well... Thier power grid can't handle the cold and the wind turbines freeze up.. They killed their nuke plants and their coal plants... Are the people going to run in hamster wheels to generate power?
Solution A: Have the U.S. go into a fracking frenzy and sell the Germans LNG to the greatest extent that transportation means allow.

Solution B: Work with the Germans to bring some of our fracking equipment over there. They have as much natural gas in their underground as we do.

Solution C: Re-start any Nuke plants that they foolishly shut down in recent years.

Solution D: chop down trees and burn them in your furnace or fireplace. The Germans did that for eons before fossil fuels became available.

All of the above?
Solution A: Have the U.S. go into a fracking frenzy and sell the Germans LNG to the greatest extent that transportation means allow.

Solution B: Work with the Germans to bring some of our fracking equipment over there. They have as much natural gas in their underground as we do.

Solution C: Re-start any Nuke plants that they foolishly shut down in recent years.

Solution D: chop down trees and burn them in your furnace or fireplace. The Germans did that for eons before fossil fuels became available.

All of the above?

Winter is coming pretty soon in Germany, I don't think there is enough time to get newly fracked gas over there in time.

Of course those are longer term solutions, they should have listened to the Trumpster's pitch for American natural gas at the big meeting instead of denouncing him and declaring their love for Russian gas.
Solution A: Have the U.S. go into a fracking frenzy and sell the Germans LNG to the greatest extent that transportation means allow.

Solution B: Work with the Germans to bring some of our fracking equipment over there. They have as much natural gas in their underground as we do.

Solution C: Re-start any Nuke plants that they foolishly shut down in recent years.

Solution D: chop down trees and burn them in your furnace or fireplace. The Germans did that for eons before fossil fuels became available.

All of the above?
Solution E: Do nothing and watch those dumb schitz reap what they have sown.

It will suck for them no doubt...but they won't learn the lesson otherwise.
Solution E: Do nothing and watch those dumb schitz reap what they have sown.

It will suck for them no doubt...but they won't learn the lesson otherwise.

There really isn't anything America can do.

Our own Strategic reserves are at a low level, and Sleepy Joe as officially emasculated the nation's oil industry. Until the Biden Regime can be disposed of, I can't see the oil concerns investing in new refineries or exploration as Biden is likely to cancel it before it can make money for them.

Let the Eurotrash suffer. Maybe they can develop new green energy in time for this winter's deep freeze.
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