German Verfassungsschutz Hans-Georg Maassen fired and retired for saying truth in commie DDR 2.0


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Germany on the good way in a commie dictatorship. Because he had said the truth about leftist takeover of MS parties he was fired and retired.The old free Bonner Republic is dead.Merkel + Commies ( all parties except AFD ) + Presstitutes transform it to a communist shit-hole.

German Verfassungsschutz Hans-Georg Maassen, who was controversially removed and placed in another role in September, has been fired from his new job, BBC News reports.
Maassen has been "placed in early retirement" over a speech he gave criticizing government parties.
He lost his top job as director of the domestic intelligence service when he cast doubt over the existence of far-right violence in the city of Chemnitz. He has now been fired from his new role in the interior ministry.
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told reporters: "I have asked the president to place the head of the domestic security service in early retirement."
Maasen's latest dismissal follows a departure speech given to other intelligence officials as he prepared to leave the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection (BfV) – which is similar to the British MI5.
While not officially published, one leaked copy showed he was extremely critical of the junior coalition party the Social Democrats (SPD), claiming that it harbored "left wing forces."
Seehofer, who had previously stood by the former intelligence chief, told reporters that speech made a trusting relationship "impossible."
"I consider it unacceptable to speak of 'radical left' elements in parts of the SPD and describing security and migration policy as naive and left... also crosses a line in my view," he said.
Maassen’s first dismissal caused a great deal of controversy as his move to the interior ministry was effectively a promotion. The political row that erupted over that decision temporarily threatened the stability of the governing coalition.

Former German Spy Chief Fired From New Job

More about Merkel:

You can read it by using of Google Translator

Merkel is DDR's secret weapon, she has restored DDR

Merkel war in der DDR keinesfalls "das kleine Licht", als das sie uns gegenüber geschildert wird. Interessante Infos zur Vergangenheit einer bolschewistischen Völkermörderin | Michael Mannheimer Blog



Happily swaying and clapping in the first row with Egon Krenz and Günther Schabowski (source) - Who controls them today? Who or what forces them to stay in office? - Talks with Schalck-Golodkowski - What the doctorate mostly meant in the GDR - Why Schalck-Golodkowski didn't want to be addressed with the GDR doctorate - Mixed feelings at Merkel when Annette Schavan lost her doctorate - Putin with a dossier against Merkel? What Angela Merkel did as Chancellor

Angela Merkel was only a very small light in the former German SED state? An insignificant "Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda" of the Free German Youth (FDJ) of the GDR? At least that's what the legend brought us since Merkel became a little more than what she was politically in the GDR after German reunification wants. But it doesn't look insignificant if you look at the following filmic recording (here). It was made in 1987, two years before the fall of the Wall. You can see how the still young Merkel stands on stage at a GDR anniversary celebration in the front row between Egon Krenz and Günther Schabowski*) - happily swaying together with everyone and clapping rhythmically to the music. This is an excerpt from a concert of the FDJ-Treff at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin on 21 June 1987, as the film fades in. In addition the following incident brought to my attention:

Who controls it?

The film excerpt drew my attention to a successful medium-sized entrepreneur I knew better. In a reader's letter to Focus Online, he had reacted to a comment made by Mrs. Göbel. She had asked who was actually controlling Angela Merkel. With his reaction, he had pointed out this film excerpt and provided it with a corresponding commentary, which read as follows:
Who or what forces them to stay in office?

"Mrs. Göbel, your assumption of an external commission is not so absurd. Merkel's unusual behaviour (comparison of Willy Brandt's resignation) suggests that something is strengthening her back, forcing her to continue, or worse, forcing her to stay in office. But who could put pressure on Merkel? The Internet offers plenty of material on this issue. A small selection: 'Die Bilderberger'. "The globalisation gang of Obama and Clinton'. The 'political speculator Soros'. An Undercover Communist International'. All speculations and not very likely. Those who most likely could still be the clocks of Merkel's politics are those who have their missing STASI file and know what Merkel had to do between Egon Krenz and Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski (film from 1987 on YouTube on the Internet) in the first row of the honorary tribune of the SED."
Germany on the good way in a commie dictatorship. Because he had said the truth about leftist takeover of MS parties he was fired and retired.The old free Bonner Republic is dead.Merkel + Commies ( all parties except AFD ) + Presstitutes transform it to a communist shit-hole.

German Verfassungsschutz Hans-Georg Maassen, who was controversially removed and placed in another role in September, has been fired from his new job, BBC News reports.
Maassen has been "placed in early retirement" over a speech he gave criticizing government parties.
He lost his top job as director of the domestic intelligence service when he cast doubt over the existence of far-right violence in the city of Chemnitz. He has now been fired from his new role in the interior ministry.
Interior Minister Horst Seehofer told reporters: "I have asked the president to place the head of the domestic security service in early retirement."
Maasen's latest dismissal follows a departure speech given to other intelligence officials as he prepared to leave the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection (BfV) – which is similar to the British MI5.
While not officially published, one leaked copy showed he was extremely critical of the junior coalition party the Social Democrats (SPD), claiming that it harbored "left wing forces."
Seehofer, who had previously stood by the former intelligence chief, told reporters that speech made a trusting relationship "impossible."
"I consider it unacceptable to speak of 'radical left' elements in parts of the SPD and describing security and migration policy as naive and left... also crosses a line in my view," he said.
Maassen’s first dismissal caused a great deal of controversy as his move to the interior ministry was effectively a promotion. The political row that erupted over that decision temporarily threatened the stability of the governing coalition.

Former German Spy Chief Fired From New Job

More about Merkel:

You can read it by using of Google Translator

Merkel is DDR's secret weapon, she has restored DDR

Merkel war in der DDR keinesfalls "das kleine Licht", als das sie uns gegenüber geschildert wird. Interessante Infos zur Vergangenheit einer bolschewistischen Völkermörderin | Michael Mannheimer Blog



Happily swaying and clapping in the first row with Egon Krenz and Günther Schabowski (source) - Who controls them today? Who or what forces them to stay in office? - Talks with Schalck-Golodkowski - What the doctorate mostly meant in the GDR - Why Schalck-Golodkowski didn't want to be addressed with the GDR doctorate - Mixed feelings at Merkel when Annette Schavan lost her doctorate - Putin with a dossier against Merkel? What Angela Merkel did as Chancellor

Angela Merkel was only a very small light in the former German SED state? An insignificant "Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda" of the Free German Youth (FDJ) of the GDR? At least that's what the legend brought us since Merkel became a little more than what she was politically in the GDR after German reunification wants. But it doesn't look insignificant if you look at the following filmic recording (here). It was made in 1987, two years before the fall of the Wall. You can see how the still young Merkel stands on stage at a GDR anniversary celebration in the front row between Egon Krenz and Günther Schabowski*) - happily swaying together with everyone and clapping rhythmically to the music. This is an excerpt from a concert of the FDJ-Treff at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin on 21 June 1987, as the film fades in. In addition the following incident brought to my attention:

Who controls it?

The film excerpt drew my attention to a successful medium-sized entrepreneur I knew better. In a reader's letter to Focus Online, he had reacted to a comment made by Mrs. Göbel. She had asked who was actually controlling Angela Merkel. With his reaction, he had pointed out this film excerpt and provided it with a corresponding commentary, which read as follows:
Who or what forces them to stay in office?

"Mrs. Göbel, your assumption of an external commission is not so absurd. Merkel's unusual behaviour (comparison of Willy Brandt's resignation) suggests that something is strengthening her back, forcing her to continue, or worse, forcing her to stay in office. But who could put pressure on Merkel? The Internet offers plenty of material on this issue. A small selection: 'Die Bilderberger'. "The globalisation gang of Obama and Clinton'. The 'political speculator Soros'. An Undercover Communist International'. All speculations and not very likely. Those who most likely could still be the clocks of Merkel's politics are those who have their missing STASI file and know what Merkel had to do between Egon Krenz and Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski (film from 1987 on YouTube on the Internet) in the first row of the honorary tribune of the SED."

Partisan bullshit.
Basically, Germany is an occupied country under USA democratic communism.
If one lives in Germany, the democracy thugs shut down anyone who speaks about the Heroic Germany under the Heroic Hitler who revived Germany and sought to end Stalin's terrorist gangs rampaging through Russia and allow the Russian Orthodox People to live their Russian ways in Harmony with Germany and the rest of Syro Aryan Christian Israel Europe.

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