German Health Insurance Data Shows Massive Increase in Sudden Deaths after Vaccine Rollouts


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Well fuck me. This is becoming so commonplace, I don't even know why I'm posting this shit.

"German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts"​

"German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout. Only one mainstream journalist was present during the press conference. The National Association for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) provided the data covering over 72 million insured Germans."

"NASHIP or “Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV),” is the coordinating body of all 17 State Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Germany. As of 2018, it represented about 175,000 office-based physicians and psychotherapists. The association is also actively involved in negotiations on the range of services provided by statutory health insurance companies and the remuneration of doctors. Furthermore, the KBV carries out a “security mandate” in accordance with Section 75 (1) SGB V, which is intended to ensure that all legally insured patients can receive adequate outpatient care.”

“It was found that in 2021 not only were 2,487,526 patients with vaccination side effects seen by the doctor, but that there were also drastic changes in clinical pictures and deaths since the start of the corona vaccination. The following diagnostic keys were evaluated in order to analyze the rise in sudden deaths:
  • R96.0 Sudden death
  • R96.1 Death occurring within less than 24 hours of onset of symptoms, unless otherwise stated
  • R98 Death without others present
  • R99 Other imprecise or unspecified causes of death
  • I46.1 Sudden cardiac death

"The following graphic illustrates the sharp increase in diagnoses R96 to R99 since the first quarter of 2021:"


"According to KBV data, in 2021 there was an increase in diagnoses of “sudden death” (R96) of +1,082 percent:"


"With diagnostic key R96.1, the increase is even +1,673 percent:"


"If you look at the figures per quarter, a first slight increase can already be seen at the end of 2020:"


"The diagnosis of “sudden cardiac death” has also been made significantly more frequently since 2021:"


"Lausen presented the following overview of the increase in deaths by quarter for ICD I46 and R96 to R99 at the press conference:"


German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts
And you believe the Germans...

Are German physicians any less knowledgeable about medicine than American physicians?

The Germans did after all, come up with aspirin, and we Americans had to borrow it from them.
How does this play against US politicians who have claimed the vaccines to be safe and effective?
Germany has a history of being quite bizarre about their medical practices.

View attachment 738362

That ain't nothin'. I once went to the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry back in the 60's. They had on display some niggra woman who had been cut up into thin slices and pressed between sheets of glass.

I shit you not.

Then there was "Old Mike." He was some Italian guy who got off the train in my home town of Prescott, Arkansas back in the 1920's. They found him dead on a park bench and since nobody knew who he was, they just embalmed the goober and stood him up in a box in the basement of the Cornish Mortuary.

I remember going to see him when I was a kid. You could open the door to the box, pull the light cord, and there he was: Dressed in a fine suit the undertaker had provided and standing there all embalmed and rubbery. I think they finally buried the old goober back in the 80's or something.

True story, bro. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'.
"Well fuck me. This is becoming so commonplace, I don't even know why I'm posting this shit."

Because of the 60% max who invited the killer shots, a high percentage are suffering from Mass Formation Psychosis and a significant number are not yet able to process and handle the fact that they have been lied to throughout Covid and Vaxxing and have all been poisoned to some extent .
They need special attention and care .Repeated messaging . Even though it is often like hitting rocks with a teaspoon .

However some have become hesitant and then Vaxx resistant and as information seeps out slowly through the MSM many can make a change . Some may even seek the simple and inexpensive treatments that can clean out their systems and help build a strong immune system again

Repeating the news as you are doing is very necessary for those that frankly have no idea what has gone on and what and whom to believe .
Endlessly repeating the true narrative is like the water drip torture routine -- eventually the brain starts to react .And most can make a good return to balanced mental health .
But a good number never will .
Could be another part of the word game. Using massive deaths to promote the "sudden death" word combo, as if printing it on millions of newspapers is going to somehow help reduce the number of slow deaths. You could call it anything, call it deception. The problem with these Scrabble players is they cant tell the difference between reality and wishful thinking, and fuss over words in the belief the name will make a physical difference. Viruses cant read and have no knowledge of what you call them. Chow.
It should be deeply concerning ( being polite ) to everybody .

It suggests ( more politeness ) that so called useful public figures are appallingly informed and / or are obligated by

Pharma to dissemble , obfuscate and deliberately lie .'s become pretty obvious the government is covering for Fauci and that he's lied about gain of function multiple times.
He needs to be hung.
Well fuck me. This is becoming so commonplace, I don't even know why I'm posting this shit.

"German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts"​

"German data analyst Tom Lausen held a conference on Monday in the Bundestag to discuss the massive rise in people who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” after the Covid vaccine rollout. Only one mainstream journalist was present during the press conference. The National Association for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (NASHIP) provided the data covering over 72 million insured Germans."

"NASHIP or “Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV),” is the coordinating body of all 17 State Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Germany. As of 2018, it represented about 175,000 office-based physicians and psychotherapists. The association is also actively involved in negotiations on the range of services provided by statutory health insurance companies and the remuneration of doctors. Furthermore, the KBV carries out a “security mandate” in accordance with Section 75 (1) SGB V, which is intended to ensure that all legally insured patients can receive adequate outpatient care.”

“It was found that in 2021 not only were 2,487,526 patients with vaccination side effects seen by the doctor, but that there were also drastic changes in clinical pictures and deaths since the start of the corona vaccination. The following diagnostic keys were evaluated in order to analyze the rise in sudden deaths:
  • R96.0 Sudden death
  • R96.1 Death occurring within less than 24 hours of onset of symptoms, unless otherwise stated
  • R98 Death without others present
  • R99 Other imprecise or unspecified causes of death
  • I46.1 Sudden cardiac death

"The following graphic illustrates the sharp increase in diagnoses R96 to R99 since the first quarter of 2021:"


"According to KBV data, in 2021 there was an increase in diagnoses of “sudden death” (R96) of +1,082 percent:"


"With diagnostic key R96.1, the increase is even +1,673 percent:"


"If you look at the figures per quarter, a first slight increase can already be seen at the end of 2020:"


"The diagnosis of “sudden cardiac death” has also been made significantly more frequently since 2021:"


"Lausen presented the following overview of the increase in deaths by quarter for ICD I46 and R96 to R99 at the press conference:"


German Data Analyst Reveals Data from Health Insurance Shows Increase in Sudden Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts

Gosh the vaccine crazy are really ignoring this thread huh?

They who tell us that "people have always dropped over dead" and stuff. Right.

Here it is Grumblenuts candycorn

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