Georgia GOP Approves Resolution Censuring Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
system?, single handedly gave Georgia's vote to Xiden..Should be incarcerated for 25 years!

The Georgia GOP during a convention approved a resolution that says Raffensperger, a Republican, failed to perform his duties in “accordance with the laws of the Constitution of the State of Georgia,” WSB-TV reported.

The document says the failure stemmed from Raffensperger entering into a settlement agreement with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The agreement saw Raffensperger agree to promote and enforce regulations regarding prompt notification if a mail-in ballot was rejected and regarding county clerks’ signature reviews of absentee ballot envelopes and ballots.

Georgia Republicans accused Raffensperger of “undermining the security of our elections by allowing mass mailings of absentee applications by his office and third parties which created opportunities for fraud and overwhelmed election offices; rendering accurate signature matching nearly impossible; allowing ballot drop boxes without proper chain of custody; and ignoring sworn affidavits and disregarding evidence of voter fraud.”

“It’s obvious that there was fraud,” Michael Ovitz, an attendee at the convention, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “A civilized society depends upon truths and facts, not deception and deceit.”

The Georgia Republican Party did not respond to a request for comment.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
More cancel culture from the Trampettes.
More projection from you. Same shit, different day.

It’s an accurate, truthful statement: the authoritarian, intolerant right – where conservatives have nothing but contempt for the right to vote and our democratic institutions – will not tolerate facts and the truth that conflict with rightwing lies and conspiracy theories; such as the lie Biden won Georgia the consequence of ‘fraud.’

It’s an accurate, truthful statement: the authoritarian, intolerant right – where conservatives have nothing but contempt for the right to vote and our democratic institutions – will not tolerate facts and the truth that conflict with rightwing lies and conspiracy theories; such as the lie Biden won Georgia the consequence of ‘fraud.’
And idiots like you believe that the right to vote should be given to illegal aliens and dead people which is why you recoil at anyone having to show an I.D. or prove that they are, in fact, a live person. You wouldn't know a fact if it hit you upside the head. Marxism does that to fools.
Again, hey Einstein's sock drawer this thread is not about me. But, it is about sore losers in govt. and former members that are spoiled brats and their money is greater than your need for democracy..
Another inane post by the resident troll. No facts, no citation, just blathering on and throwing shit on the wall.
Again, hey Einstein's sock drawer this thread is not about me. But, it is about sore losers in govt. and former members that are spoiled brats and their money is greater than your need for democracy..
Another inane post by the resident troll. No facts, no citation, just blathering on and throwing shit on the wall.

The Georgia Republican Party did not respond to a request for comment.

In other words, he is being censured for not promoting Trump's lies. . he actually did his job instead of promoting unproven conspiracy theories
More cancel culture from the Trampettes.
More projection from you. Same shit, different day.

It’s an accurate, truthful statement: the authoritarian, intolerant right – where conservatives have nothing but contempt for the right to vote and our democratic institutions – will not tolerate facts and the truth that conflict with rightwing lies and conspiracy theories; such as the lie Biden won Georgia the consequence of ‘fraud.’
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Trump Klan is certainly making a place for themselves at the dinner table welcome or not.
You ain't seen nuthin', yet... We're going to get rather LOUD after these audits are made public. BTW, the opinion of you and those like you on this issue should not be imagined to be important. No one expects a thief to suddenly cry mea culpa. When the data is analyzed thoroughly, we should have a very good idea of the changes that need to be made to stop your party from ever doing it again.
They know their danger in that sense and they're frantically trying to "debunk" or cast doubt on the process. Fortunately, we have no need to convince Democrats. We just need to plug the holes you rats made in the system.
More cancel culture from the Trampettes.
More projection from you. Same shit, different day.

It’s an accurate, truthful statement: the authoritarian, intolerant right – where conservatives have nothing but contempt for the right to vote and our democratic institutions – will not tolerate facts and the truth that conflict with rightwing lies and conspiracy theories; such as the lie Biden won Georgia the consequence of ‘fraud.’
Care to explain how the "intolerant Right's contempt for the right to vote" didn't impede Democrats from basically controlling the country for decades? How did they win, consistently, even when mail-in voting was a rarity? That's the flaw in your rhetoric, or, I should say the rhetoric you are being spoonfed by media. THIS 2020 election had an UNPRECEDENTED number of mail-in ballots and these audits are going to analyze how the cheating happened.
We will have trust for our vote or we will dissolve into bloodshed. NEITHER half of this nation is going to sit quietly and have the other half put a boot on their necks without fighting back.

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