Diamond Member

Georgia deputy fired after being accused of sexual misconduct
A Spalding County deputy has been fired after he was accused of sexual misconduct involving a 16-year-old girl, according to a news release.
"A Spalding County deputy has been fired after he was accused of sexual misconduct involving a 16-year-old girl, according to a news release. Mason Lumpkin was arrested and taken into custody by the GBI and the Spalding County Sheriff’s Office, according to the release. Lumpkin allegedly sent pictures and Snapchat messages to the 16-year-old girl, and the pictures eventually were also seen by a 9-year-old girl, according to the GBI.
Sheriff Darrell Dix said he fired Lumpkin on Tuesday, when he was booked before posting bond. Overnight, Lumpkin was arrested again and charged with driving under the influence and failure to maintain lane. He was being held at the Spalding County Jail, according to the release. Dix said in the release. “The citizens we serve and my employees both expect and deserve better than what Lumpkin has demonstrated. As the agency head, if I don’t hold my people accountable, I lose the respect of the citizens I’m elected to serve."
This is Biden's America...a cop gets arrested twice in one day?? Truth of the matter is, pedophiles are now emboldened by Biden to engage in criminal behavior against children....Once they saw one of their own elected into the highest office in the land, that was a green-light for them...
However, if you are someone who feels compelled to try to find a way to justify nearly anything a cop does, let's look at this from his point of view....First of all, it wasn't like he intended for the 9 yr old to see the pics; it was a split second decision, he was under a lot of pressure..cops have a tough job, nevermind -- fuck it.... this excuse works a lot better if he would had just shot the the little girls instead... and said he feared for his safety or something...