George Zimmerman's Black Friend

This black friend of Zimmerman's must be a true friend, walking into this firestorm and repeatedly standing up for Zimmerman, with only his black skin to protect him from the hatred and threats from the Left.

Trayvon doesn't seem to have any white friends.
In addition, real journalists would find Trayvon's bus driver, the school official who found womens jewlery and large screwdriver on Trayvon and some of his peers too and ask them hard questions.
In addition, real journalists would find Trayvon's bus driver, the school official who found womens jewlery and large screwdriver on Trayvon and some of his peers too and ask them hard questions.

But then they would have been labeled a racist. And a leftist would rather soak their food in urine before eating it than to provide the smallest possibility that they could be a racist.
Typical Larry O'Donnell in your video and here is another.
Goes without saying that I don't believe Taitz.
But like most on his show - she is given absolutely no opportunity to speak, and when she tries she is instantly berated and yelled at. His only purpose for putting this women on the show was to yell at her because that is what his audience wants.

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Interesting to see a good example of O'Donnell's and the media's hypocrisy.
Take what O'Donnell said "You don't think that a past history of violence can be considered when a person commits another act of violence?"
What the liberal hitman doesn't consider is that very same statement can also be applied in favor of Zimmerman. That fact that Trayvon has a history of violence never occurs to him. That this same bone-headed thinking could be used either way.

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