George W. Bush excited he will no longer be the worst president in American History!

George Bush didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Republicans want to end a woman's right to choose.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.

And Republicans are cheering. At least for a now.


And he is an idiot and criminally insane. Your point?

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.
Some are; he never said all. We have a whole thread on illegal immigrant rapists from all over countries that have allowed them on their land.

Tell me you understand that...


Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.
He wants to make black areas safer for all. Have you ever spoken with a black person about this? Have you ever lived in a ghetto? Do you know any children who just want everything that you take for granted?

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.
Gee, you're dumb.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.
Gee, you believe stupid shit.

Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security.
Trump offers ligitimate solutions. Bill Clinton already emptied SS to "balance" the budget. Obamacare = fail.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.
If you are dumb enough to speculate with your savings, then you deserve what you get. Learn investing and don't be dumb about it.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.
George Bush didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump

Hispanics will have a new president that calls them rapists.

Blacks will have a new president who believes they all live in a ghetto and need to more law and order.

Women will have a new president who says if they have an abortion they should be punished and he likes to grab them by the pu$$y when he feels like it, if they look good enough that is.

Republicans want to end a woman's right to choose.

Muslims will have a new president who says he wants to ban their religion.

Republicans want to end Obamacare, Medicare and Social Security.

The DOW is down over 700 points. Wonder what that will do to my savings.

Trump ran on ending trade deals, getting rid of 11 million people, building a wall.

Well, we may end up with a country even more damaged than what Bush did, but you can't say it won't be exciting.

We have to be the laughing stock of the world.

And Republicans are cheering. At least for a now.

HOw much time did you waste thinking that up
I just like to quote Trump.

Dow futures plunge 750 points as Trump takes key battleground states

So the Dow falling tell you the failure of someone!?!
Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'


Looks like Russia is already turning on Trump.

Russian TV is showing nude Melania Trump and election rigging ahead of U.S. election

It's all one big sex scandal: As the vote approached, viewers on the state-run, 24-hour news channel were being treated to a segment headlined “Too many p‑‑‑ies.” As a raunchy slide guitar plays, pictures of Donald Trump flash across the screen accompanied by his various lewd comments, followed by nude pictures of his wife, Melania, followed by pictures of Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton and allegations of other sexual misconduct against him. It ends, predictably, with Trump's voice repeating his extremely lewd comments about women. The guitar fades.
He is holding on to his leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin like they are pussies, lol.

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