George Soros "Philanthropist"?

Soros was born in Hungary in 1930 and survived the Holocaust, in which over 500,000 Jewish Hungarians were killed, according to the biography published on the billionaire's website. His family survived by acquiring false identity papers, which concealed their backgrounds, the biography says.

Soros was 13 years old when the Nazis occupied Hungary. During this time, he was sent to live with a "phony godfather" who at one point took him along to take inventory of a Jewish person's house, but Soros was not involved with confiscating their goods, The Washington Post reports. He was also sent to run errands at the Judenrat, a Jewish council forced to obey the Nazis' orders, but he didn't round up any Jewish people.

To the contrary, the Post reported that Soros did not participate when he was given a list of names of Jewish people and instructed to tell them to report to a location from which they would be deported.
Soros' own website and the Warshington Compost....lmao...

George Soros funds radical leftist entities. For example: Soros' 'Tides Foundation' was instrumental in funding efforts to get ex-felons registered to vote. He has 'Civic Participation fund' funding 'social change organizations.' Voter Action Fund granted $8 million to bring down supposed 'barriers' to 'electoral participation.'

Soros thinks he's some kind of socialist god. He also wants to bring down the American economy so he can swoop in and increase his personal coffers.

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