George Clooney spends 112,000 dollars on a play house for his kids....hypocrite.

George Clooney is teaching his kids that money is something to be squandered on lavish gifts that make no damn sense.

He could have purchased a playhouse for a few hundred dollars and his kids would have had just as much fun with it.

What a fuck-shit.
Clooney is worth $500 million

Why didn’t Trump buy Barron bunk beds instead of a whole floor in Trump Tower?
Can you imagine Clooney donating 499 million of those dollars to causes that are needed in a socialist paradise? Directly into those needs. And all the other entertainers that think like him? Hundreds of billions of dollars possible easily. Directly into all causes.
My understanding is the Clooneys contribute a significant amount to charity.

We are still waiting to see what our billionaire President gives to charity

And Trump have Barron a whole floor of Trump Tower

The difference? Trump isn't a left wing asshat preaching government increasing taxes on wealthy people......clooney is one of those asshats.......
The difference?

Clooney is willing to raise his own taxes even though he is wealthy.
Trump gave himself a historic tax cut
They all talk about it. None will volunteer to raise it. And the Prog politicians had many opportunities to close all the loopholes when we had a 39% top tax. they did nothing. And most of the same people who spew their garbage paid less in taxes as a percentage then many in the middle class. Talk socialism, live capitalism! One good thing about revolution before we all suffer. they get rid of all of these scumbagsm.
The vote and contribute to candidates who will raise taxes on the wealthy including themselves.

Wealthy Republicans support those who will cut their own taxes

Big difference
Trump lowered taxes on the middle class working people too...saying otherwise is a lie ! the truth is the average leftist doesnt really hate rich people they hate rich conservatives .the left is the party of hate.
bull ! many are bringing home over 200 $ extra a month ! but for an overpaid do nothing gubament employee like you that may be pennies ...the next act Trump needs to implement is the government employee accountability act ! would you have a problem with oversight on deadbeats and waste in government jobs ?would you have a problem with making it easier to fire said deadbeats thereby saving taxpayers billions ?
How much of the $1.5 trillion gift did you get?
I got nothing
you got no tax cut ?? how much do you get paid annually ? and dont you gubament people get cost raises at a higher rate than the private sector ?

I lost my tax exemption for state and local taxes and personal exemption. I ended up paying more in taxes
what has republicans got to do with that ?

They gave massive tax cuts to billionaires, borrowed $1.5 trillion to do it

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