Gender identity bill divides Spain's feminists, left-wing


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Victòria Martínez continues to sign official documents with the name that she, her partner and their two daughters ditched four years ago. Barring any surprises, she expects the Spanish government to recognize her as Victòria by May, closing a patience-wearing chapter familiar to transgender people around the world.

Changing her legal identity at a civil registry office in Barcelona will allow Martínez to update her passport and driver's license and to carry a health card that correctly states she is a woman. But the process, which the pandemic prolonged, has been, in her words, “humiliating" — requiring a psychiatric diagnosis, reports from three doctors and a court's approval.

And it's happening in other countries where there are countless people walking around like...I don't get it. There's no problem. It's about equality. No, it's not.

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