Gaza Flotilla Activists Seek 'Blood': Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Gaza Flotilla Activists Seek 'Blood': Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Tuesday participants in an aid flotilla planning to challenge an Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip were seeking "confrontation and blood."

Pro-Palestinian activists have said around a dozen ships carrying aid to Gaza, territory controlled by Hamas Islamists, could depart from European ports in the coming days.

A year ago, nine Turkish activists, including a dual U.S.-Turkish national, were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers who raided a Gaza-bound convoy in the eastern Mediterranean.

Israel has said it will prevent the new flotilla from reaching the coastal enclave, and Lieberman repeated its offer to the activists to deliver aid via the Israeli port of Ashdod or through Egypt or the United Nations.

"They are clearly there to create a provocation, looking for confrontation and blood and for many pictures on television screens," Lieberman told Israel Radio, adding that there was a "hard core of terror activists" among the participants.

On their website, U.S. participants in the flotilla said their intentions were peaceful and they would set sail "without weapons protection or threat of force."

Gaza Flotilla Activists Seek 'Blood': Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman
Did Netanyahu's office distribute a fake video against Gaza flotilla?
Did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office distribute a fake anti-flotilla video? This is exactly what some American bloggers have been claiming, after probing a video that was uploaded to YouTube on Sunday. Haaretz sent the prime minister’s office a series of questions inquiring whether the office was involved in the production of the video in any way. The premier’s office in response did not deny that that the government was involved in the video’s production, and admitted that government bodies had distributed the link.

“Various bodies dealing with international media campaigns continuously monitor and distribute internet content when they recognize content that can serve Israel’s campaigns,” the prime minister’s office said in a statement.
Did Netanyahu's office distribute a fake video against Gaza flotilla? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Going for a Blitz!

Let's see if we can make the First page 25 Flotilla strings.

5 for alexa, 10 for Tinhead ... and One each by everyone else.

Free association, No dialogue.
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At one time activists concentrated on civil liberties in the USA, then on Apartheid South Africa, Now the focus is on Raciest Israel, who will you support?
"Baby Milk" "Baby Milk"!

NGOs vs. Israel :: Middle East Quarterly
NGOs vs. Israel

"...Nor has this obsession been driven by humanitarian considerations. Not only is the Gaza Strip NOT in the throes of a deep crisis,
but the humanitarian situation there is Better than in some of the countries whose ships have been sent on occasion to break "the siege" of Gaza
. (!)

Infant mortality in the Gaza Strip, for example, is 17.71 per thousand births compared to Turkey's 24.84 or the global average of 44[4];
Life expectancy in Turkey is 72.23 years whereas in Gaza it is 73.68,

much higher than the global average of 66.12, not to mention such Arab or Islamic countries as Yemen (63.36), Sudan (52.52), or Somalia (50).[5]

Even by more advanced indicators, such as personal computer use or Internet access, Gazans are in a much better position than many of the world's inhabitants.[6]
In the words of the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, no Israel-lover by any stretch of imagination,
"an average Congolese citizen would probably have Sold his mother into Slavery to be able to Move to the West Bank."[7]

But whatever its underlying causes, the intense international meddling in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, whether by governments or by NGOs, has become a major obstacle to the peaceful resolution of this century-long feud.

Rights Defenders or Peace Averters?
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Maybe we should Reverse the Flotilla direction and send the UNRWA to Turkey.
Most of Cairo, just 200 miles away, is worse, with No Safety Net.
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What is the purpose of the flotilla, now that Gaza has an open border with Egypt?

This article gives an honest account of why the 'Stay Human' flotilla is going

Flotilla 2: preparing for the violence expected from Israel’s masked men

As the launch of the Freedom Flotilla – Stay Human approaches, increasing numbers of Zionist officials and commentators illuminate the depths of their moral and intellectual bankruptcy by arguing that it is a political – not humanitarian – project.
Ran Curiel, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, offers an example as good as any other. On May 10, he actually went to the trouble of calling a press conference in Strasbourg to offer this conclusion. “In our view, the flotilla is clearly a political provocation … since there’s no need for a flotilla to aid Gaza,” he said. “You can pass whatever you want to Gaza through normal channels.”

Curiel’s reasoning leaves much to be desired. Nobody seems entirely clear on what can enter Gaza through his “normal channels,” namely the Erez Crossing, and a large majority of its necessities continue to arrive at a high premium via tunnels from Egypt. And humanitarian opposition to the siege has always had more to do with its crippling effect on Gaza’s economy than its obstruction of aid. Due to the impossibility of legally importing most goods, or exporting nearly anything, unemployment now reaches 45%, and 300,000 people survive on a dollar a day.

Nevertheless, his conclusion is sound, if self-evident. The Freedom Flotilla is indeed “a political provocation.” Why shouldn’t it be? And when has it pretended to be anything else?

Like its predecessors, from the successful Free Gaza boats of 2008 to the Freedom Flotilla that suffered lethal violence by Israeli commandos in international waters last year, this Flotilla is an unabashed act of solidarity with a people fighting colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.

The Flotilla targets the denial of Palestinian self-determination, not a humanitarian crisis. It aims to break the siege, not only because the siege causes hardship for Palestinians, but also because it obstructs their inherent rights to determine their collective destiny, and that of their historic homeland. The goal is not a reliable flow of international charity, or even a functional economy, but rather Palestinians’ sovereignty over their own coasts and territory.

Efforts to obscure these obvious truths, by holding the Flotilla to some other standard that it has never aspired to meet, are part of a Zionist “big lie,” a myth that its tellers hope will carry the weight of truth because its listeners believe it.

Zionists would have us accept that any effort not loyal to their regime must be apolitical and rooted only in charitable impulses. In the narrative they hope to spread through their frequent observations of the obvious, theirs is the only acceptable side, and strict neutrality the only possible alternative. Nothing else may exist within the strict parameters of thought and action they seek to impose.

The article is continued here

Flotilla 2: preparing for the violence expected from Israel’s masked men | Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Israel is banning weapons shipments to Gaza. Anything else is allowed in. the only reason to ship direct and avoid Israeli inspection is to ship the weapons.
At one time activists concentrated on civil liberties in the USA, then on Apartheid South Africa, Now the focus is on Raciest Israel, who will you support?

Utter nonsense.

From chapter six of Berman's text, "Terror and Liberalism:"

Whatever declension of tropes were offered, they centered on some definition of Zionism that presented it as other than a program of national self-determination for Jews.

a. Zionism is racism, and held up in comparison with the white Republic of South Africa, both practitioners of apartheid. For this one, one must overlook the non-European Jews, and pretend that Israel’s European Jews were colonial settlers rather than refugees.

b. Yet, this trope fails to explain suicide terror in the trope, as even the worst white racism in South Africa, resistance never slipped into this lowest level of nihilism.

How about you write a post that I, at least, would find interesting: what is the real basis of your anti-Semitism?
At one time activists concentrated on civil liberties in the USA, then on Apartheid South Africa, Now the focus is on Raciest Israel, who will you support?

Utter nonsense.

From chapter six of Berman's text, "Terror and Liberalism:"

Whatever declension of tropes were offered, they centered on some definition of Zionism that presented it as other than a program of national self-determination for Jews.

a. Zionism is racism, and held up in comparison with the white Republic of South Africa, both practitioners of apartheid. For this one, one must overlook the non-European Jews, and pretend that Israel’s European Jews were colonial settlers rather than refugees.

b. Yet, this trope fails to explain suicide terror in the trope, as even the worst white racism in South Africa, resistance never slipped into this lowest level of nihilism.

How about you write a post that I, at least, would find interesting: what is the real basis of your anti-Semitism?

I don't recall any terrorist groups in South Africa either like Hamas or Islamic Jihad who praised people like Osama Bin Laden as heroes.

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