Gay PRIDE Parade Is Really a SHAME Parade

Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
Its lucky that you are in a minority then. I suggest that you close your curtains and create a safe space for yourself. You dont want to catch that gay.
You are allowed to be proud to be anything except white, male or christian
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?
Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
You should avoid Trump rallies then.
Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
Its lucky that you are in a minority then. I suggest that you close your curtains and create a safe space for yourself. You dont want to catch that gay.
You are allowed to be proud to be anything except white, male or christian
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?
I am the same like Tommy except that I am female. If you have been hurt somehow because you are white, heterosexual, and male, please name it and tell the story of how this occurred. BTW: as a white, heterosexual, female, I've been a fan of white (and other!), heterosexual male persons. Who are these morons who talk about American cities? If you are a white, heterosexual male who wishes to show off about this, your identity, then show us your talents.
As the buzzer sounds in the quiz shows when you speak a wrong, DUMB answer >>> AAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Islam is not a religion. And the Constitution DOES apply to Islam. It BANS it (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1)
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In St. Petersburg, FL today, gays from hundreds of miles away, will be converging here to engage in their annual St Pete Pride Parade & Festival. Tampa Bay area media is announcing the event will have 200,000 people. I rather doubt that it will have even 1/10 that many. In any case, this ghastly fiasco of gays showing off their perversion, is really nothing more than than a whitewash of shame, not pride.

It's an attempt by a small % of the population, ashamed (understandably) at how they live, attempting to legitimize their wacko lifestyle, and whitewash it into something they'd like the majority (sane) society to accept. They use the word PRIDE as a means of transforming shame into pride. Trouble is >> What is there to be proud of ?

EARTH TO GAYS: We don't accept it, no matter how many perverts cavort around, in parades and festivals, and whatever you do there.

Do we see plumbers PRIDE day ? No. Of course not. Do we see guitar players pride days ? Nope. Do we see chess players' pride day ? No. That's because these people aren't trying to deflect away shame, by pretending to be proud. Plumbers, guitar players, and chess players (just 3 examples) may really be proud of what they are skilled to do, but they don't feel a need to make a spectacle of it. Only folks with real hang-ups have a need for that.

By putting on this moronic festival of senseless perversion, St. Petersburg has made themselves the San Francisco of the South, and that is truly nothing to be proud of. :rolleyes:

The preacher preached hard against homosexuality that day in church. That was his sermon. I ain't mad at him. I say good on him.
"Most people around the world do not regard Islam as being a religion"? Substantiate this assertion. How do you know? How does anyone make a determination that the beliefs of another do not constitute a religion? Who decides? According to your reasoning, I would be correct in reasoning that the southern-baptist group of people is not a religion.
It's obvious how Islam came to be purported as a "religion". When the founders of it were espousing imperialist genocidal mass murder, extreme misogyny, rape, pedophilia, kidnapping/slavery, torture/mutilation, racial and sexist discrimination, animal cruelty/killing, and other vile things, and were looking for troops to join them in their conquests throughout Asia Minor, they needed something very powerful and extreme to offset and shield them from the severe condemnation they were sure to get.
The answer was religion. By pretending that the Koran, and all of its hatred and immorality was the word of God, they forced the people to accept it. After all, nobody wants to go against God do they ? As this grandiose con job spread, over time, it became deeper and deeper entrenched as a religion, and more and more difficult to abolish or reform.
And it spread only because the murderous Muslim marauders who spread it, killed 270 million people around the world to do that. Many, if not most, Muslims living today, trace their ancestry back to people who were non-Muslims and were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.

And here you were thinking I was the only one who considered Islam to not be a religion (besides all of Italy) HEE HEE!! >>>

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles
Fundie "Christians" and Catholics do the same damned thing, as their religious institutions and their "leaders" do. Go ask the Catholics why there are no female priests, bishops, cardinals, or popes. Go ask the the fundie protestants why they whine and complain at the thought of people having a vagina rather than a penis leading them in spiritual development and delivering their sermons. Why is this male piece of flesh so important? This has never been explained.
Not having women clergy is a drop in the bucket compared to the many suras in the Koran (ex. 4:34, wife-beating) which Islam is so notorious for. Do you really need to be woke up to this ? Here's your wake-up call >>>



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Considering that this entire thread was started by an utter moron of the right- who regularly spews forth his right wing moronic rants.....your post is rather ironic.
When you think you're capable of rising above childish insult, and debating with substance, come back again.
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?
If you were white, male in the USA, then yes, you would be oppressed/discriminated against in Affirmative Action, as well as some other aspects of Black Privilege.
If you have been hurt somehow because you are white, heterosexual, and male, please name it and tell the story of how this occurred.
I've done that 1000 times in this forum over the past 5 years. So many times I'm sick of talking about it. You never heard ? :rolleyes:
Fundie "Christians" and Catholics do the same damned thing, as their religious institutions and their "leaders" do. Go ask the Catholics why there are no female priests, bishops, cardinals, or popes. Go ask the the fundie protestants why they whine and complain at the thought of people having a vagina rather than a penis leading them in spiritual development and delivering their sermons. Why is this male piece of flesh so important? This has never been explained.
Not having women clergy is a drop in the bucket compared to the many suras in the Koran (ex. 4:34, wife-beating) which Islam is so notorious for. Do yu really need to be woke up to this ? Here's your wake-up call >>>

View attachment 201895


Here you go again. Deflection. Regardless of your pictures, the question is NOT what happens in the countries experiencing Islam. The question is what are people experiencing in Christianity. This isn't an issue of "either/or". As to women, each and every one must face the ill treatment of women in their respective spheres and religions. Don't run away, little boy. Go confront the Catholics and the fundie prots about their treatment of women. You are penis-worshipers. Why is it that only people with a penis can speak about the supreme being? One half of the human race have a vagina and not a penis. Care to explain?
Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
Its lucky that you are in a minority then. I suggest that you close your curtains and create a safe space for yourself. You dont want to catch that gay.
You are allowed to be proud to be anything except white, male or christian

So have your fucking parade then. What's stopping you? It should be a parade that celebrates and show-cases who you are as "white, male christians," not some sort of gathering that simply attacks other people. Go ahead and march down the street and show us your talents.

Try reading my post. Nowhere did I say I wanted a parade. Being a dick doesn't mean you contradicted what I said. You didn't. Go fuck yourself, bitch
Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
Its lucky that you are in a minority then. I suggest that you close your curtains and create a safe space for yourself. You dont want to catch that gay.
You are allowed to be proud to be anything except white, male or christian
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?

I think that I want equality of opportunity, not validation or handouts. That's what successful women, blacks, Hispanics, gays and other groups want too
Its a celebration of American culture.You should get out and enjoy it.
Are you nuts ? It's the farthest thing from American culture. It's nothing but the "culture" of a few lamebrain cities, led by lamebrain mayors and other politicians, responding to a voting sector of perverts who have moved there in significant numbers, to be with their own looney kind.

Also, I don't enjoy seeing people suffering from mental illness.
Its lucky that you are in a minority then. I suggest that you close your curtains and create a safe space for yourself. You dont want to catch that gay.
You are allowed to be proud to be anything except white, male or christian
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?
I am the same like Tommy except that I am female. If you have been hurt somehow because you are white, heterosexual, and male, please name it and tell the story of how this occurred. BTW: as a white, heterosexual, female, I've been a fan of white (and other!), heterosexual male persons. Who are these morons who talk about American cities? If you are a white, heterosexual male who wishes to show off about this, your identity, then show us your talents.

You're not anything like Tommy. You were a total bitch. He asked a polite question
OMG Don't mince words "protectionist" or should I say "projectionist"! I do admire that you are firm where you stand like a gunboat blazing attack, yet you are not convincing the masses in your extremism.
I am all of those things and none of them really impact on my self worth. But then I have never been oppressed and discriminated against since the dawn of time. Maybe if I had been I would want to celebrate the fact that I could walk the streets just being me ?

I dunno, what do you think ?
If you were white, male in the USA, then yes, you would be oppressed/discriminated against in Affirmative Action, as well as some other aspects of Black Privilege.

Poor, poor little snowflake.

Blaming all of your failings in life on "Affirmative Action"

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