Gary Johnson is actually losing his mind on t.v....actually bites tongue and keeps talking...

Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
He seems like a straight shooter, and I like him. However, he is sucking votes from Clinton big time and there is no hope of him winning. Is your pristine conscience really worth the invevitable outcome of Trump stepping into the White House?
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
He seems like a straight shooter, and I like him. However, he is sucking votes from Clinton big time and there is no hope of him winning. Is your pristine conscience really worth the invevitable outcome of Trump stepping into the White House?
he seems like an extremely controlling man who never drinks or swears.
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
He seems like a straight shooter, and I like him. However, he is sucking votes from Clinton big time and there is no hope of him winning. Is your pristine conscience really worth the invevitable outcome of Trump stepping into the White House?
he seems like an extremely controlling man who never drinks or swears.
Johnson? In what way is he extremely controlling?
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
He seems like a straight shooter, and I like him. However, he is sucking votes from Clinton big time and there is no hope of him winning. Is your pristine conscience really worth the invevitable outcome of Trump stepping into the White House?

I'm sorry, we agree on quite a bit and I truly do appreciate your voice and your ideas here, but I can no longer, in any manner I can wiggle out of, support this power structure and vote from a place of fear or emotion; perhaps even go through the illusion of voting at all. The trend line of american society, I’m 61 now, has remained steadfast for more than a half century, regardless of which personalities or party prevails in elections.

The notion that these two political parties differ one from the other, in reality, is an illusion. The Republican party has never gone after abortion, they need it out there to roil the masses who follow them, just one example. The Democratic party has no real qualms about the economic rerigging of society beginning in the 1970s, they caught that train as well, but man, they can sure pretend it bothers them when they need to. Bill Clinton steered the Democratic party toward corporate/bankster control and then deregulated the FCC giving us the sorryassed excuse for a “free” press/media machine we “enjoy” today.

This entire political system is designed for the further concentration of wealth and power, all elections decide is the manner of the spin put on it. We will remain here as a society so long as all we can muster is coloring inside the lines the system allows us.
Never apologize for a differing viewpoint. I agree with you in spirit; I'm not sure if it's more fear or just distaste that motivates me to keep that man from being the face and voice of America for the next four years.
Never apologize for a differing viewpoint. I agree with you in spirit; I'm not sure if it's more fear or just distaste that motivates me to keep that man from being the face and voice of America for the next four years.

Oh I know, he's a true POS, undeniably so, and gives voice to some really sick and twisted segments of society. But we need to see these folks out in the light of day for who and what they are. I don't hold out much hope in the response of the public, we are far too submissive relative to what we face in confronting the power structure as a whole.
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

What is more insane, he did it to say he could win the debates without saying a word. I pegged him as a major flake when I saw his interview with Chris Wallace. Ya just never know what brain cells will do when saturated with THC.
Never apologize for a differing viewpoint. I agree with you in spirit; I'm not sure if it's more fear or just distaste that motivates me to keep that man from being the face and voice of America for the next four years.
Yeah.....I think this guy is done.....he is a whack job.....he was being interviewed by a female reporter, took his tongue in his teeth for some reason and kept talking like that........he is over....

The Gary Johnson Situation Just Got Weirder Than You Could Have Imagined

I am not sure you can declare him done since he really never got started. At least a stunt like that might get him some attention. Honestly, I'd still take him over the Bulldyke and the Orange clown.

As would I.
He seems like a straight shooter, and I like him. However, he is sucking votes from Clinton big time and there is no hope of him winning. Is your pristine conscience really worth the invevitable outcome of Trump stepping into the White House?

Pristine conscience? My conscience would be much clearer if Johnson were in as opposed to the bulldyke or orange clown.
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