Garland Terrorist Bought Gun Under Obama’s Fast And Furious Program


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
ya blame the nra. LOL

Garland Terrorist Bought Gun Under Obama’s Fast And Furious Program

Derek Hunter

10:22 AM 08/02/2015
Nadir Soofi, one of two Muslim terrorist killed attempting to slaughter attendees of a “Draw Mohammad” cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, in May, had previously legally purchased a handgun from a gun shop that he should not have been able to buy.

Soofi, with a record of drug and assault charges, was originally flagged when he applied to purchase the gun, but was quickly allowed to buy the weapon in February of 2010. He purchased the 9-millimeter from Lone Wolf Trading Co., a central participant in President Barack Obama and then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s “Fast and Furious” program.

Fast and Furious was supposed to mirror Operation Gunwalker, a program under President George W. Bush’s administration that allowed the sale of guns to Mexican drug cartels and, in coordination with the Mexican government, tracked the weapons to discover smuggling rings. The weapons were recovered under Operation Gunrunner, but under Fast and Furious, the Obama administration did not coordinate with the Mexican government, nor was it able to track the guns.

The Obama administration lost track of an estimated 1,400 guns in Fast and Furious.

The Chicago Tribune reports:

At the time, Lone Wolf Trading Co. was known among gun smugglers for selling illegal firearms. And with Soofi’s history of misdemeanor drug and assault charges, there was a chance his purchase might raise red flags in the federal screening process.

Inside the store, he fudged some facts on the form required of would-be gun buyers.

What Soofi could not have known was that Lone Wolf was at the center of a federal sting operation known as Fast and Furious, targeting Mexican drug lords and traffickers. The idea of the secret program was to allow Lone Wolf to sell illegal weapons to criminals and straw purchasers, and track the guns back to large smuggling networks and drug cartels.

Instead, federal agents lost track of the weapons and the operation became a fiasco, particularly after several of the missing guns were linked to shootings in Mexico and the 2010 killing of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona.

Soofi’s attempt to buy a gun caught the attention of authorities, who slapped a seven-day hold on the transaction, according to his Feb. 24, 2010, firearms transaction record, which was reviewed by the Los Angeles Times. Then, for reasons that remain unclear, the hold was lifted after 24 hours, and Soofi got the 9-millimeter.

It is currently unknown where the gun Soofi bought in 2010 is, or if the guns he and Elton Simpson, his roommate and accomplice in the attempted attack in Garland, were also part of Fast and Furious.

Officials at the Justice Department and the FBI declined to answer questions about whether the 9-millimeter pistol was one of the guns used in the Garland attack or seized at Soofi’s apartment.

Both Soofi and Simpson were killed by police outside the Garland event, only wounding a security guard in the process.

Tags: Barack Obama, Elton Simpson, Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, Garland Texas, Gun Walker, Nadir Soofi, Terrorism, terrorist attack
Tryin' to smooth over El Chapo havin' a Fast & Furious gun...

WH: 'We've Gone to Great Shut Down the Flow of Arms' Between US, Mexico
January 22, 2016 - "We've been quite concerned about the ease with which arms...tend to flow across the border between the United States and Mexico," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Thursday.
He said the Obama administration -- which deliberately allowed thousands of guns to flow to Mexico in a botched effort to trace them -- has "gone to great lengths" to shut down the arms trafficking. Earnest was asked to comment on a report that a .50-caliber rifle from the Obama administration's Fast and Furious program was found in the hideout of Mexican drug kingpin El Chapo. "Is the administration frustrated to again see weapons from this program show up at crime scenes?" a reporter asked. "I can tell you that I've seen those reports," Earnest replied. "I haven't actually been able to confirm them independently, so let me take a look at that. "You know, obviously, more generally, we've been quite concerned about the ease with which arms tends to -- arms tend to flow across the border between the United States and Mexico, and we've obviously worked -- we've gone to great lengths to work with the Mexico government to try to shut down the flow of arms back and forth between our two countries."

A new report from the Government Accountability Office says 73,684 firearms (about 70 percent) seized in Mexico and traced from 2009 to 2014 originated in the United States. The data comes from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

The GAO report concluded that although ATF and Immigration and Customs Enforcement signed an agreement with Mexico in 2009 to collaborate on firearms trafficking, those agencies have not set up a mechanism to monitor implementation of the agreement, something that would "allow them to identify and address information sharing and collaboration challenges."

WH: 'We've Gone to Great Shut Down the Flow of Arms' Between US, Mexico

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