Garland Attempts To Silence DOJ Whistleblowers After DOJ Hunter Biden Bias / Protection Exposed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...but Garland says his memo declaring DOJ personnel can not talk to Congress not MEANT to silence whistleblowers even though addressing whistleblowers & intended to stop damaging leaks to Congress about DOJ / FBI corruption and bias.

...but Garland says his memo declaring DOJ personnel can not talk to Congress not MEANT to silence whistleblowers even though addressing whistleblowers & intended to stop damaging leaks to Congress about DOJ / FBI corruption and bias.

Garland is a fucking disgrace.
'I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular ... although the more than 14 of you know who you are ... but you rat fink bastards ... um, I mean, let me remind you, DOJ personnel are not allowed to talk directly to members of Congress ... no matter what the Whistleblower Protection Act says.'


'So SILENCE...I kill you!'
...but Garland says his memo declaring DOJ personnel can not talk to Congress not MEANT to silence whistleblowers even though addressing whistleblowers & intended to stop damaging leaks to Congress about DOJ / FBI corruption and bias.

Here is what the memo says:

Attorney General Merrick Garland has issued a memo to Justice Department personnel reiterating the department’s policy of prohibiting communication with members of Congress.

Garland said all communication with Congress must be handled by the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA). Per DOJ policy, "no department employee may communicate with Senators, Representatives, congressional committees, or congressional staff without advance coordination, consultation, and approval by OLA."

Essentially it's the same policy that has been in place since we've had a DOJ.

It's a nothing-burger to go.
you can bet every single leftist moron on this site who just a couple of short years ago HALED WHISTLE BLOWERS AS HEROES will now all of a sudden think they are a terrible thing.
yo garland---go fuck yourself ....
garland is a corrupt piece of shit that needs to die----just to save AMERICA
isn't freedom of speech great!!!!!!
time for the next civil war----SCUM demonRATS need to be wiped out
start w/ beijing xiden, and then barrag-o, then PIG-lousy, then queer boy shumer, and hit-lery
and then take the rest of the SCUM demonRATS out
freedom of speech great!!!!!!

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